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Prayer answered: “Catholic” Anthony Kennedy to Resign July 31 June 27, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, awesomeness, Basics, contraception, fightback, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Novenas, Restoration, Society, Spiritual Warfare, Victory.
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This has been a perpetual Novena of mine since about the first of the year: that the false Catholic Anthony Kennedy would resign from the Supreme Court this year.  And now he has done so:

So the man who single-handedly legalized sodomy, kept abortion legal, legally redefined the fundamental building block of all human societies, and declared all those who see that marriage can only be between a man and a woman unscrupulous bigots, among other atrocities, will not be around to torment us any longer.

Pray for an excellent, Catholic replacement.  How about Miguel Estrada, round two? He’s still only 56 years old.

I suppose Roberts will now be the weakest link, but he’s a fair bit stronger than Kennedy.  Nevertheless, I doubt he has the gumption to overturn Roe.  For that to happen a left of center justice will have to retire or pass away.  Which, if Trump wins another term, will be exceedingly likely.

But no I should have stood on principle and not voted for him.  That would have been the way to go.



Good Sermon on Sobriety and Drunkeness December 5, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Domestic Church, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Latin Mass, Liturgical Year, Novenas, priests, Restoration, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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A nice sermon from Padre Romo, who I guess I can identify since his website does the same.  As someone who has struggled with addiction to drink and drug, I always find the Catholic approach to the consumption of liquor and other intoxicating substances so wonderfully balanced and reasonable.  While I, due to my past excesses and the tendency, over many years, I developed to consume intoxicants to a sinful extent, can no longer partake of any drink or mind-altering drug, I appreciate the fact that the Church does not take the position of some protestants or the non-Christian Mormons, who excoriate all use of drink as sinful.  That is not the case.  How could it be, when our very Lord Himself confected wine out of water, when He uses wine as a means of transmitting His very being, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, in the Blessed Sacrament?

The issue, of course, is moderation.  Like all goods, they can be abused if consumed immoderately.  This may be basic for some, but I find in this sermon many helpful reminders, and a particularly timely one during this penitential season of Advent.  Speaking of, have you charted out a plan of penance for Advent?  Lenten penances get so much focus, but Advent as a penitential season is almost universally forgotten. I was particularly heartened and edified by the sermon a priest at out local parish gave this First Sunday of Advent on that very topic -what were we going to do for penance in this penitential season?  I’m particularly glad this year that my vacation schedule will start right before Christmas and then go through the 7th, meaning I am off work the entire 12 days of Christmas.  Thus, I hope to use Advent as the time of preparation for the joyous time to come, just as we should use this life as our time of preparation for our real life, or eternal life, which we pray will be in Heaven.

I also lacked the time yesterday to put up a post for the Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  That Novena should have started Sunday or yesterday.  At any rate, just in case, here it is:

Our Lady of Guadalupe, according to THY message in Mexico I venerate THEE as the Virgin Mother of the true God for whom we live, the Creator of all the world, Maker of heaven and earth. In spirit I kneel before thy most holy image which thou didst miraculously imprint upon the cloak of the Indian Juan Diego, and with the faith of the countless numbers of pilgrims who visit thy shrine, I beg thy for this favor:

[Mention your request].

Remember, O Immaculate Virgin, the words thou hast spoken to thy devout client: “I am a merciful mother to thee and to all thy people who love me and trust in me and invoke my help. I listen to their lamentations and solace all their sorrows and sufferings.” I beg thee to be a merciful mother to me, because I sincerely love thee and trust in thee and invoke thy help. I entreat thee, our Lady of Guadalupe, to grant my request, if this should be the will of God, in order that I may bear witness to thy love, thy compassion, thy help and protection. Do not forsake me in my needs.

Recite “Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us” and Hail Mary three times.

Start Novena to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Tomorrow! November 28, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Interior Life, Novenas, Our Lady, Saints, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, Virtue.
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That’s tomorrow, 11/29/17.  Or you can start on the 30th and finish on the Feast day itself, instead of the vigil.

Prayer of the Novena of the Immaculate ConceptionHeart of Mary, Refuge of Sinners, pray for us Bouasse Lebel

Immaculate Virgin Mary, you were pleasing in the sight of God from the first moment of your conception in the womb of your mother, St. Anne. You were chosen to be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I believe the teaching of holy Mother the Church, that in the first instant of your conception, by the singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, in virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race and beloved Son, you were preserved from all stain of original sin. I thank God for this wonderful privilege and grace he bestowed upon you as I honor your Immaculate Conception.

Look graciously upon me as I implore this special favor:(mention your request).

Virgin Immaculate, Mother of God and my Mother, from your throne in heaven turn your eyes of pity upon me. Filled with confidence in your goodness and power, I beg you to help me in this journey of life which is so full of dangers for my soul. I entrust myself entirely to you, that I may never be the slave of the devil through sin, but may always live a humble and pure life. I consecrate myself to you forever, for my only desire is to love your divine Son Jesus. Mary, since none of your devout servants has perished, May I too be saved. Amen.

Another version of the Novena is below, so that you may have your choice:

O most pure Virgin Mary conceived without sin, from the very  first instant, you were entirely immaculate. O glorious Mary full of grace, you  are the mother of my God – the Queen of Angels and of men. I humbly venerate you  as the chosen mother of my Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Prince of Peace and the Lord of Lords chose you for the  singular grace and honor of being His beloved mother. By the power of His Cross,  He preserved you from all sin. Therefore, by His power and love, I have hope and  bold confidence in your prayers for my holiness and salvation.

I pray first of all that you would make me worthy to call you  my mother and your Son, Jesus, my Lord.

I pray that your prayers will bring me to imitate your  holiness and submission to Jesus and the Divine Will.

Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are  you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother  of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.



Now, Queen of Heaven, I beg you to beg my Savior to grant me  these requests…

(Mention your  intentions)

My holy Mother, I know that you were obedient to the will of  God. In making this petition, I know that God’s will is more perfect than mine.  So, grant that I may receive God’s grace with humility like you.

As my final request, I ask that you pray for me to increase in  faith in our risen Lord; I ask that you pray for me to increase in hope in our  risen Lord; I ask that you pray for me to increase in love for the risen  Jesus!

Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are  you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother  of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.


Finally, the Saint Andrew 25 day Novena for Christmas also starts tomorrow 11/30.  The prayer is below, though I know you already know it:

The 25 day St. Andrew Novena starts today, Nov. 30.  The prayer is as follows, pray it 15 times a day through Christmas Eve:




I typically just make an en bloc petition for the day for all 15 recitations. If you say them all together, it only takes a few minutes.


Start Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Nov 18 2017 November 15, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Novenas, Our Lady, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.
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Here’s a Miraculous Medal Novena from EWTN that’s on the compact, one might say efficient, side.  If you want a much longer one, here is one with variable daily prayers from America Needs Fatima.

I know this reminder is a bit early but it’s been in my queue for a few days and I’m afraid I’ll forget if it goes much longer.  The Novena can start on Saturday the 18th or Sunday the 19th, the feast is on November 27.  Typically I try to finish Novenas on the vigil of a feast but you can go your own way, just like Lindsey Buckingham says in one of the great kiss off songs of all time:

O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of Our Lord Jesus and our Mother,
penetrated with the most lively confidence in your all-powerful and never-failing intercession, manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal,
we your loving and trustful children implore you to obtain for us the graces and favors we ask during this novena,
if they be beneficial to our immortal souls,
and the souls for whom we pray.
(Here form your petition)

You know, O Mary, how often our souls have been the sanctuaries of your Son who hates iniquity.
Obtain for us then a deep hatred of sin and that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone so that our every thought, word and deed may tend to His greater glory.
Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial that we may recover by penance what we have lost by sin and at length attain to that blessed abode where you are the Queen of angels and of men.

If you want even more variety, here is a third option from EWTN.

St. Louis Martin Novena for Anxiety, Depression, and Mental Disorders November 9, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Interior Life, Novenas, Saints, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Lordy I’ve been having my share of anxiety lately with a heart that goes bumpity bump, so this Novena is quite timely for me.  My wife found this and sent it in.

UPDATE:  Well, shame on me, I only read the first couple of days of the Novena before posting. Yikes, what a train wreck that turned out to be.  I don’t know who is responsible for crafting this Novena, but it had some seriously deranged material.  Rather than throw it all out, I edited out the objectionable content.  I don’t know where anyone would get the idea that St. Therese either lost her faith – she never even came close, but she did experience extreme spiritual dryness, which is something altogether different – or that she contemplated suicide. Please.  I read through it quick to edit it, if I find any more problems, I’ll scrap the whole thing.

Whatever problems one may have with the post-conciliar canonization process, especially John Paul II’s elimination of the office of devil’s advocate and requiring only a single miracle, I don’t think anyone can doubt the great sanctity of Monsieur Martin, patriarch of one of the holiest families in recent Church history.  I’ve long had a devotion to most members of the family.  I have great faith in his intercessory abilities.

The Novena is one of those lengthy ones with different prayers every day (and it’s really sad that Aleteia would turn this Novena into click bait, requiring hitting 9 different links (each one with an autoplay video and so many ads the page barely loads even in Chrome!) to get through it.  C’mon folks, are we Catholic, or are money grubbing worldlings? To save the effort and frustrate a morally dubious tactic,  I’m going to just post the whole thing).

This Novena is not tied to any particular feast; it can be prayed at any time.

Day 1

St. Louis, you knew great happiness and deep suffering, and in both you remained strong in faith. Help us to keep God in sight through our trials, even when we cry out with the Psalmist:

How long, O Lord?
Wilt thou forget me for ever?
How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?
How long must I bear pain in my soul,
and have sorrow in my heart all the day?
How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? (Psalm 13)

O Lord, through the intervention of St. Louis Martin, lift up those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental problems and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be


Day 2

St. Louis, along with Zelie you filled your household with such love that it produced saints, but even great piety does not spare us from loss and the sadness that accompanies it. With those who mourn and grieve, we say

My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word! (Psalm 119)

O Lord, through the intervention of St. Louis Martin, lift up those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental problems and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be


Day 3

St. Louis, you knew the challenge of a suffering soul. Carry our prayers to our Father in heaven that we may have peace in our hearts and in our lives.

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32)

O Lord, through the intervention of St. Louis Martin, lift up those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental problems and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be


Day 4

St. Louis, your daughter Therese suffered a period of deep suffering and loss of spiritual consolations, yet she remained stalwart in faith. May we be there for others even in our own trials.

Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. (Psalm 31)

O Lord, through the intervention of St. Louis Martin, lift up those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental problems and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be


Day 5

St. Louis, may those around us remember what your daughter St. Therese wrote: “A word or a smile is often enough to put fresh life in a despondent soul.” Give strength to the loved ones and caregivers of those who struggle with mental problems.

Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
my help and my God. (Psalm 42)

O Lord, through the intervention of St. Louis Martin, lift up those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental problems and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be


Day 6

St. Louis, like you, may we unite our suffering to that of Christ, and be close to Him as we carry our own crosses.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34)

O Lord, through the intervention of St. Louis Martin, lift up those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental problems and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be


Day 7

St. Louis, your family, fiends, and caretakers gave you support and loving kindness through your illness. Help those around us — strangers and friends — to open their eyes to those suffering mental anguish and reach out with the love of good Samaritan to bind their wounds and lift them up.

I am bowed and brought to my knees.
I go mourning all the day long.
Spent and utterly crushed,
I cry aloud in anguish of heart.
O Lord, do not forsake me!
My God, do not stay far off!
Make haste and come to help,
O Lord, my God, my savior! (Psalm 38)

O Lord, through the intervention of St. Louis Martin, lift up those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental problems and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day 8

St. Louis, you trusted in the Lord although it must have seemed at times that He was silent in the face of your trials. May we always trust that the God of love can never forget us, even when we feel most forgotten.

But I have trusted in thy steadfast love;
my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.
I will sing to the Lord,
because he has dealt bountifully with me. (Psalm 13)

O Lord, through the intervention of St. Louis Martin, lift up those who are suffering from depression and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day 9

St. Louis, pray for us, and for all those who suffer depression, mental illness, and anxiety, as well as for those who care for them.

I will heal my people and lead them;
I will give full comfort
To them and to those who mourn for them,
I, the Creator, who gave them life.
Peace, peace to the far and the near,
Says the Lord;
And I will heal them. (Isaiah 57)

O Lord, through the intervention of St. Louis Martin, lift up those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental problems and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Start Novena to Holy Guardian Angels Sept 23 September 22, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Novenas, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, Virtue.
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Via reader Tim, the following Novena was posted to angelqueen and I am re-posting it here.  Novena starts tomorrow Sat Sept 23 2017 and concludes on Oct 1:

O Holy Angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my spiritual welfare,
has charged with the care of my conduct,
and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions,
who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors,
I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee,
O most amiable Protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the
malignant attacks of all my enemies.
Keep me away from all occasions of sin.
Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully
putting them into practice.
In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena.

[Here mention your need(s).]

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life,
but more especially at the hour of my death,
and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the Divine Presence of my Creator
in the Mansions of everlasting happiness. Amen.

O most faithful companion, appointed by God to be my Guardian,
and who never leaves my side, how shall I thank you for your faithfulness
and love and for the benefits which you have obtained for me!

You watch over me when I sleep; you comfort me when I am sad;
you avert the dangers that threaten me and warn me of those to come;
you withdraw me from sin and inspire me to good; you exhort me to penance when I fall and reconcile me to God.
I beg you not to leave me.

Comfort me in adversity, restrain me in prosperity, defend me in danger, and assist me in temptations,
lest at any time I fall beneath them.
Offer up in the sight of the Divine Majesty my prayers and petitions,
and all my works of piety, and help me to persevere in grace until I come to everlasting life. Amen.


Late Notice: Novena to the Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 7, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Novenas, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, Virtue.
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Sorry this is late.  The Novena should have started on Tuesday.  But, perhaps better late than never.  You’ve probably already got the Novena well underway.

Short Novena below:

Jesus, Who because of Your burning love for us willed to be crucified and to shed Your Most Precious Blood for the redemption and salvation of our souls, look down upon us and grant the petition we ask for …(mention here)

We trust completely in Your Mercy.
Cleanse us from sin by Your Grace,
sanctify our work,
give us and all those who are dear to us our the grace of Thy Eucharistic Presence, lighten the burden of our sufferings,
bless our families,
and grant to the nations, so sorely afflicted,
Your Peace, which is the only true peace, so that by obeying Your Commandments we may come at last to the glory of Heaven.


Start Novena to Our Lady of Dolours Today 09/06 September 6, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, fun, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Novenas, Our Lady, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.
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The Solemnity of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary is on September 15.  Start Novena today or tomorrow.

Most holy and afflicted Virgin, Queen of Martyrs, you stood
beneath the cross, witnessing the agony of your dying Son.quito
Look with a mother’s tenderness and pity on me, who kneel
before you. I venerate your sorrows and I place my requests
with filial confidence in the sanctuary of your wounded heart


Present them, I beseech you, on my behalf to Jesus Christ,
through the merits of His own most sacred passion and death,
together with your sufferings at the foot of the cross. Through the united efficacy of both, obtain the granting of my petition.
To whom shall I have recourse in my wants and miseries if not
to you, Mother of Mercy? You have drunk so deeply of the
chalice of your Son, you can compassionate our sorrows.


Holy Mother, your soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow at
the sight of the passion of your divine Son. Intercede for me
and obtain for me from our Lord {mention your petition}, if
it be for His honor and glory, and for my good. Amen.


Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our
hearts; that, we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy
Son, was made known by the message of an Angel, may by
His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His
Resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.Virgin Showing the Man of Sorrows_MEMLING, Hans


Litany of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows


Lord, have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us
Christ hear us
Christ graciously hear us

God, the Father of heaven
Have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world
Have mercy on us
God the Holy Ghost
Have mercy on us

Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us
Holy Virgin of virgins pray for us
Mother of the Crucified pray for us
Sorrowful Mother pray for us
Mournful Mother pray for us
Sighing Mother pray for us
Afflicted Mother pray for us
Forsaken Mother pray for us
Desolate Mother pray for us
Mother most sad pray for us
Mother set around with anguish pray for us
Mother overwhelmed by grief pray for us
Mother transfixed by a sword pray for us
Mother crucified in thy heart pray for us
Mother bereaved of thy Son pray for us
Sighing Dove pray for us
Mother of Dolors pray for us
Fount of tears pray for us
Sea of bitterness pray for us
Field of tribulation pray for us
Mass of suffering pray for us
Mirror of patience pray for us
Rock of constancy pray for us
Remedy in perplexity pray for us
Joy of the afflicted pray for us
Ark of the desolate pray for us
Refuge of the abandoned pray for us
Shield of the oppressed pray for us
Conqueror of the incredulous pray for us
Solace of the wretched pray for us
Medicine of the sick pray for us
Help of the faint pray for us
Strength of the weak pray for usour_lady_of_sorrows
Protectress of those who fight pray for us
Haven of the shipwrecked pray for us
Calmer of tempests pray for us
Companion of the sorrowful pray for us
Retreat of those who groan pray for us
Terror of the treacherous pray for us
Standard-bearer of the Martyrs pray for us
Treasure of the Faithful pray for us
Light of Confessors pray for us
Pearl of Virgins pray for us
Comfort of Widows pray for us
Joy of all Saints pray for us
Queen of thy Servants pray for us
Holy Mary, who alone art unexampled pray for us.

Pray for us, most Sorrowful Virgin That we may be made
worthy of the promises of Christ

O God, in whose Passion, according to the prophecy of
Simeon, a sword of grief pierced through the most sweet
soul of Thy glorious Blessed Virgin Mother Mary, grant
that we, who celebrate the memory of her Seven Sorrows,
may obtain the happy effect of Thy Passion, Who lives
and reigns world without end. Amen

Start Novena for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 08/30/17 August 30, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Novenas, Our Lady, Restoration, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, Virtue.
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The Novena below is also for the intention of increased holiness in our marriages and families.  It is from marriage and the family that societies are built, or fall.  It is from the family that the sanctity or worldliness of the Church flows.  There are few things for which we could possibly have more cause to pray than for holy marriages and families, including, of course, our own. This Novena starts tomorrow 08/30 and ends on the Vigil of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Novena



Prayer for Marriage and Family

Jesus, I trust in You. Please grant through Your mother’s intercession that I may always bring Your hope into my family.

Jesus, I trust in You. Please grant through Your mother’s intercession that I may always bring Your love into my family.

Jesus, I trust in You. Please grant through Your mother’s intercession that I may always bring Your mercy into my family.

Our Lady, on this feast of your birth, please pray for stronger and holier marriages.


Day 1

Most lovable Mother Mary, our Father in Heaven created you with delight. You are His creature whom He made worthy to become the holy Mother of His Son. You were born into a family of Saints. Pray for me today that my joy in your Son will increase and that my family may become more holy.

Dearest Mother, please pray for me and for these my intentions…

(State your intentions)

Hail Mary…

Day 2

Oh most holy daughter of Adam, your precious Son chose you as the vessel for his entry to the world. Where our first mother, Eve, fell short, you fulfilled God’s call for a Mother’s holiness. Pray for me today that the feast of your birth may give great joy to my soul that I may be born to new life through your Son.

Dearest Mother, please pray for me and for these my intentions…

(State your intentions)

Hail Mary…

Day 3

Immaculate daughter of Saints Joachim and Anne, you are the door to the Eternal Word who made you the source of His Sacred Blood. You are a model for all Christian sons and daughters. Pray for me today that the feast of your birth may give great joy to my soul and that I may have a greater devotion to your Son’s Precious Blood.

Dearest Mother, please pray for me and for these my intentions…

(State your intentions)

Hail Mary…

Day 4

Oh most holy daughter of the line of King David, the Redeemer of the world loves you with the singular love of a Child for His mother. Pray for me today that the feast of your birth may give great joy to my soul that I may have a greater love and devotion to my Mother and Father.

Dearest Mother, please pray for me and for these my intentions…

(State your intentions)

Hail Mary…

Day 5

Most holy Mary, the Holy Spirit preserved you from sin so that our Lord would have a fitting vessel to enter the world. Pray for me today that the feast of your birth may give great joy to my soul that I may remain faithful to your Son until the end.

Dearest Mother, please pray for me and for these my intentions…

(State your intentions)

Hail Mary…

Day 6

Oh holy Mother, St. Joachim and St. Anne were delighted to love and care for so holy a child. Pray for me today that the feast of your birth may give great joy to my soul that I may show greater charity to my parents and grandparents in word, prayer and deed.

Dearest Mother, please pray for me and for these my intentions…

(State your intentions)

Hail Mary…

Day 7

Holy Mother, your birth caused great joy to the angels, because they saw your holiness caused by your Son’s resurrection. Pray for me today that the feast of your birth may give great joy to my soul that your graces may rain down on all married couples.

Dearest Mother, please pray for me and for these my intentions…

(State your intentions)

Hail Mary…

Day 8

Heavenly Mother, your birth gave great joy to all the world because it signaled the coming of Jesus Christ, who would save the whole world by His life, death and resurrection. Pray for me today that the feast of your birth may give great joy to my soul that I may be exceedingly patient with my family and loved ones.

Dearest Mother, please pray for me and for these my intentions…

(State your intentions)

Hail Mary…

Day 9

Mother Mary, you pray for me as your child. Thank you for welcoming me into the Holy Family. Pray for me today that the feast of your birth may give great joy to my soul that I may increase my devotion to the Holy Family.

Dearest Mother, please pray for me and for these my intentions…

(State your intentions)

Hail Mary……


Briefest Reminder Posts – Assumption and Kolbe Novenas August 7, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Novenas, Our Lady, Saints, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, Virtue.
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The Assumption Novena properly started yesterday, but you can start today and finish on the feast.  The Novena for Maximilian Kolbe started Saturday but better late than never.

Brief Assumption Novena below:

Mary, Queen Assumed into Heaven, I rejoice that after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, Thou hast at last been taken to the throne
prepared for Thee in heaven by the Holy Trinity.

Lift my heart with Thee in the glory of Thy Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity. Teach me how small earth becomes when viewed from heaven. Make me realize that death is the triumphant gate
through which I shall pass to Thy Son, and that someday my body shall rejoin my soul in the unending bliss of heaven.

From this earth, over which I tread as a pilgrim, I look to Thee for help. I ask for this favor:

(State your intention here…)

When my hour of death has come, lead me safely to the presence of Jesus to enjoy the vision of my God for all eternity together with Thee.

Novena to St. Maximilian Kolbe:

O St. Maximilian Kolbe,

faithful follower of St. Francis,

inflamed by the love of God

you dedicated your life to the practice of virtue

and to works of the apostolate.

Look down with favor upon us

who devoutly confide in your intercession, especially for:

(here mention your special requests)


Having consecrated yourself to the Immaculate Virgin Mary,

you inspired countless souls to a holy life

and various forms of the apostolate

in order to do good to others

and to spread the kingdom of God.

Obtain for us the grace by our lives and labors

to draw many souls to Christ.


In your close conformity to our Divine Savior

you reached such an intense degree of love

that you offered your life to save a fellow prisoner.

Implore God that we,

inflamed by such ardent charity,

may through our living faith and our apostolic works

witness Christ to others,

and thus merit to join you in the blessed vision of God.


Praying as a family has such enormous spiritual efficacy!  Perhaps you could have as an intention for your Novena the conversion of this nation and our fallen world – or maybe better yet the conversion of the leadership of the Church and the restoration of the Church’s human element.

Whatever your intention, Novenas as a beautiful aspect of Catholic Tradition!