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Swedish Report Confirms 3/4 of so-called Islamic Child Migrants Are Adults – Also Overwhelmingly Male May 31, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, cultural marxism, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, Immigration, It's all about the $$$, persecution, Revolution, scandals, secularism, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.

As Sargon notes, who knew there were so many racists in Sweden?  After all, we’ve been told that to do even a basic sociological study on the mass muslim invasion of Europe by military-age men constitutes racism, so apparently decades of socialist enervation and white liberal self-loathing have not quite driven the racism from the damnable Swedes (I can say that, being part Norwegian). Uff da.

Seriously, this only confirms what anyone with a brain, that is, anyone not consumed by cultural marxist dogma, has long known: the “child refugee crisis” in Europe is nothing of the sort.  They aren’t children, they aren’t refugees, and the crisis has been created by the political/economic elites in Europe (and, with a different immigrant population, in the US).  This is an invasion of military-age males from the muslim ummah into Europe primarily seeking economic and social benefits:

If the “18 females and 563 males” are representative of the overall muslim invasion population – and since this was a formal sociological studies we have no reason to think they are not – 97% of the so-called “child migrants” are actually adult muslim males, almost universally of military age.

Also note that when the muslims find things in Europe not to their liking, such as finding Finland too cold and the food too bland, they LEAVE!  These are not thus people desperately fleeing a war zone, they are economic migrants looking to take some long, slow pulls on the Euro-welfare teat.

The video also notes that at least 2/3 of so-called “child migrants” in Britain are also adults.  And also overwhelmingly male.

More on the whole Euro-migrant scam.  These migrants transit just a few miles off the coast of Libya where they have – it appears – pre-arranged pick-up points with leftist NGO ships or leftist-Euro-government navy ships.

The entire thing is a scam from beginning to end is entirely about turning Syracuse or Salerno into Beirut or Benghazi (I kid you not):

Just as leftists in the US are determined to remake the US body politic into something far more leftist-friendly through mass immigration, they are doing the same in Europe.  Will Europeans continue to allow this to happen? Will Americans?

Man I get so sick of the lies and false propaganda spewed forth by these self-anointed elites constantly.  It really has to do with classism, and apparently wealthy white graduate-degree-toting leftists hate the middle class so much they’re determined to make their lives hell throughout the West.


1. Canon212 Update: The Vatican’s Burning with the Holy FrancisSpirit – The Stumbling Block - June 1, 2017


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