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Your tax dollars at work – Planned ‘Parenthood’ reports record year March 7, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, Basics, Dallas Diocese, disaster, General Catholic, scandals, sickness, Society.
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Record year for abortions, that is.  Up 2.5% from ’08 to ’09.  They performed 332278 abortions in 2009, but they also referred a record high number of children for adoption – 3!  So don’t tell Planned Barrenhood supporters that they just a baby butcher shop!  They offer a FULL RANGE of pre-natal services!

Rarely seen at Planned Barrenhood

How to get the most out of the Traditional Latin Mass March 7, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Latin Mass.
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Seriously, via Colleen Hammond a free! e-book describing the Traditional Latin Mass and how to participate most fruitfully when assisting. 

From Barbara Schoenberger, Editor of the Una Voce Arkansas Ozarks Regional Newsletter: “The goal of this publication is to get newcomers acclimated to the TLM quickly and comfortably.”


  • 10 Tips for Getting the Most out of Mass
  • 7 Common Questions about the Traditional Latin Mass
  • Links and Resources


Voris on the contraceptive mentality March 7, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Dallas Diocese, disaster, General Catholic, sickness, Society.
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What can I say…………?  I agree with all.  98% of Catholics use contraception at some point in their lives, most through their entire years of fecundity except when they decide to try to conceive.  How many of those repent of that use?  I don’t think we can know in this life the impact the contraceptive mentality has on not only the world, but the Church.  I think we would be stunned, floored, to know how pervasive this mentality is and how corrosive its effects.

Good upcoming local conferences March 7, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Latin Mass, North Deanery.
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There are some upcoming conferences locally that I can recommend for your Lenten spiritual growth.  First, St. Anthony in Wylie will be hosting a conference by Fr. Angelus Shaughnessy, OFM Cap from Sunday March 27th to Wednesday March 30.  The conference starts at 7pm on Sunday, with a Mass – then, there will be separate talks with different content on each of the following 3 mornings and evenings.  You can see all the details in the flyer below.  I don’t know a whole lot about Fr. Shaughnessy, other than the fact that he is a Capuchin, he used to be on EWTN (which bodes pretty well), and the talks will cover a wide range of spiritual, apologetic, and general Faith topics.

Lenten Parish Mission Flyer

Another conference I’m highly anticipating is that being hosted at Mater Dei which will feature Father James Buckley,FSSP every night from March 14 to 18 at 7:30 pm.  Fr. Buckley has celebrated Mass at the Our Lady of Angels monastery which has been broadcast on EWTN, he has written about how Canon 915 should be applied to notorious public sinners, and he has hosted retreats across the country.  He’s also written a book on Purgatory, which is right up my alley.  No charge for the conference!  Confessions will be available throughout the conference.

Get your conference on this Lent!  Get some Grace and fire!

God bless!

Unbelievable, Mk. II March 7, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, Dallas Diocese, disaster, General Catholic, Latin Mass, North Deanery, sadness, scandals.
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I had the high pleasure, the honor, of being able to assist at Mass and Adoration at the Carmelite Chapel again this past First Friday. The sermon at Mass was simply amazing, coming as it did from a priest in this Diocese (though not ‘diocesan’).  The good priest talked about the recent book published in Italy and endorsed by Cardinals Burke and Canizares-Llovera, entitled How to go to Mass without Losing Your Faith. This book examines liturgical abuse and other problems in the celebration of Mass and shows how these problems lead to an undermining of the Faith and have contributed to the falling away from the Sacraments of many Catholics. 

And the priest remarked how utterly unbelievable this situation is.  How have we come to a place in the Church where the Mass of all time, the greatest miracle in the history of the world, the great gift that is the primary vehicle for Grace and the holiest act ever given man by God to perform, could have fallen into such a condition that not only could a book be written by a respected theologian with such a title, but that two Cardinals would see the situation as sufficiently dire to attach their names to its publication and release!?!   How have we come to this?  This is an unprecedented situation in the history of the Church – while there have been horribly widespread heresies in the past, there has not, to my (or the priest’s) knowledge ever been a time when the Mass was so widely abused and poorly celebrated. 

I think the answer must come down to a lack of faith.  A lack of faith in the Real Presence, in the Doctrine of the Church, in the timeless Truth Christ has revealed through His Church.  So many priests have been infected with a kind of protestant-secularism, which leads them to focus on secondary things like community and socializing the Mass rather than the Mass as Sacrifice.  And once one loses sight of the Mass as Sacrifice, as the unique collaboration with the once for all time and yet still ongoing Sacrifice of Calvary, it becomes too easy to think that man is the point of the Mass, that community trumps the mystical nature of the Mass, and that adhering to those rubrics written by ‘old men in Rome’ isn’t all that important.  As that filters down, people begin to think….why even bother, one church is as good as another…..?

And so, we had much to atone for in our penitential efforts Friday night, which I did not do much to support as I had already been at Adoration at a different parish and I was worn out by 10 pm.  I don’t know how those tiny little Carmelites do it – all night on their knees, praying.  They are amazing – I pray for such Grace.  I do have a goal, though, of trying to stay at least 15 minutes more each time I go.   Because it’s all about ME, SEE!  <muffled sounds of struggle as I try to force my ego back into it’s closet cave cavern>.

Unbelievable March 7, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, Dallas Diocese, foolishness, General Catholic, North Deanery, sadness.
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As Steve K says, this is why the USCCB is essentially irrelevant when it comes to moral guidance:

As Lent begins with Ash Wednesday March 9, Dan Misleh wants to remind Catholics that it is not just about giving up chocolate or ice cream for 40 days.

Instead, the executive director of the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change would like to see Catholic families and individuals make some permanent sacrificial changes that will also contribute to a more sustainable and more just world.

“The whole issue of climate change is about consumption and lifestyle,” said Misleh of the changes the Washington-based coalition would like to see implemented far beyond the Lenten period.

“Lent is the perfect time to examine our lifestyles,” he added. Even giving up a food item like chocolate or ice cream “reminds us that we do need to live more within our means, more in touch with people who don’t have any of these things,” Misleh said.

Why do we need a ‘Catholic Coalition on Climate Change’?  Talk about a solution begging for a problem. Why do we need to make people think the main reasons for penance and sacrifice during Lent is to ‘live within our means’ and stand in ‘solidarity’ with the poor, rather than as a means of atoning for sins (ours and others) and imitating the sufferings of Christ?   I see the same line from CRS – Lent is all about solidarity with the poor.  What I fail to understand is this: how, with a Church in crisis in terms of formation, adherence to the Faith, Mass attendance, donations, vocations – name virtually any measure you want, how is it that every single year we see these same tired old ‘reasons for Lent’ trotted out that are neither core to the Sacraments nor core to Salvation.  They’re ancillary, at best.  Why don’t we see Bishop So-n-so highlighting how AWESOME it is to offer something up in imitation of Christ this time of year?  Talking about how personal sacrifice is a necessary part of the call to holiness?  Relating the individual penances we do to the Mass and the Eucharist?  Instead, it’s always the same, tired, LEFTish drivel that undermines USCCB credibility and convinces many faithful Catholics that the conference is not much more than a left wing advocacy group. 

Am I being too harsh?  Or has anyone else noticed this and concluded the same?  How about we get more Faith, and less ‘justice’…..just for a while.  It would be a nice change of pace.