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Anti-Catholicism Rising: Even in “Catholic” Philippines May 23, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Abortion, Basics, contraception, disaster, episcopate, error, General Catholic, horror, persecution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society.

So the Filipinos have elected a new president, it seems, a man who has made numerous virulently anti-Catholic statements, and who promises to institute a “3 child policy” (I don’t believe he has specified what penalties will occur if families “violate” the policy), divorce on demand and government-funded contraception.

Apparently, his hostility to the Faith did not prevent a plurality of nominally Catholic Filipinos (where roughly 80% of the population today claims the name Catholic, down from over 95% about 20 years ago) from voting for him.  As in so many countries, so-called Catholics vote in their own persecutors – assuming, of course, these self-described Catholics even view these anti-Catholic policies and tirades as being opposed to the Faith, which, of course, they don’t (my emphasis and comments):

Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte said he will defy the Roman Catholic Church and seek to impose a three-child policy, putting him on a new collision course with the bishops a day after he called them “sons of whores”……..

……..Duterte’s often outrageous comments have won him huge support and his tirades about killing criminals and a joke about a murdered rape victim do not appear to have dented his popularity in the largely Catholic country.

“I only want three children for every family,” Duterte said on Sunday in Davao City. “I’m a Christian, but I’m a realist so we have to do something with our overpopulation. I will defy the opinion or the belief of the Church.”……[Not clear on if this “Christian” Duterte claims to be a Catholic or protestant.  Indications are that it is the latter, which, surprise!  A protestant advocating for draconian governmental interference into the most intimate of spheres, the size of family and relations between husband and wife]

…….On Saturday, he criticized the Church as the “most hypocritical institution”, meddling in government policies and said some bishops were enriching themselves at the expense of the poor. [So, opposition to your evil policies = “meddling in government policies?”  How many other tyrants have said similarly over the years?]

“You sons of whores, aren’t you ashamed? You ask so many favors, even from me,” Duterte said in an interview broadcast by TV station GMA.

Monsignor Oliver Mendoza, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Lingayen, whose head is the president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, said the Church respected Duterte’s opinion [is that how you respond when someone calls your mother a whore?  You “respect their opinion?”  That’s not an opinion but an insult, and unworthy of respect.  This is a major problem, an indication of leadership far too willing to bow to the secular authority, and its certainly not limited to the Philippines] but that it would continue to speak against government policies that are contrary to Church teaching. [But even after you have done your duty, say, we are unprofitable servants, for we have only done what was required of us]

…..Political analysts said they were not surprised at Duterte’s statements because some bishops spoke out against him during the election campaign. [Only some.  Shocking, I know.  And thus his successful election?  So where does uber-progressive and Francis confidante Cardinal Tagle stand on this?]

“Like most liberal, secular politicians, Duterte is a deist,” said Joselito Zulueta of the University of Santo Tomas. “This in itself is a self-serving position conceived out of human conceit. He will do as he pleases except when he’s stopped by public criticism.” [Well, someone knows the truth!  And a Catholic university professor, of all people!  I need my fainting couch!]

He said Duterte’s government was expected to clash more with the Catholic Church not only on population issues, but on the restoration of death penalty, legalization of divorce and planned distribution of contraceptives[Which, if it occurs, means legalizing abortion within a few years, to deal with the “problem” of contraceptive failure (which failures are guaranteed and frequent).  Legalized abortion is also necessary to insure a “3 child policy.”  You can see where this diabolical plot is headed]

And once again we see bishops expending their limited and dwindling political capital on matters like the death penalty, on which the Church has spoken clearly until the last 40 years or so.  The state has always had the right of the sword, according to the Church, and while there may be prudential reasons to oppose the application of the death penalty in a given country either generally or on specific occasions, proclaiming it to be an intrinsic evil, as is generally done by Church leadership today, is simply not reconcilable with the Doctrine of the Faith.

That may sound like picking nits, but it’s not.  For as many people as a particular bishop, or even Francis, may turn on by making prudential matters into dogmatic ones, or elevating the progressive political platform into a pretended doctrine, they turn at least that many more off.  Even more, the confusion this causes undermines the Church’s moral authority in ALL spheres and can be a precipitating factor in souls falling away.



Which gets down to the root question: is this a feature or bug of the post-conciliar paradigm?


1. Anti-Catholicism Rising: Even in “Catholic” Philippines — A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics – rcgentlemanscholar - May 24, 2016

[…] via Anti-Catholicism Rising: Even in “Catholic” Philippines — A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics […]

2. cenlacatholic - May 25, 2016

He is listed as a “lapsed Catholic” on his wiki page, with his current religion being listed as Deist. I suppose then he is more like a Unitarian.

3. Joseph D'Hippolito - May 25, 2016

Sorry but this man is right in a couple of areas. First, the bishops are sons of whores. How else can you explain the hierarchy’s propensity to sacrifice their Petrine patrimony on the altar of wealth, power, political influence, secular prestige and institutional arrogance? The hierarchy has been doing that for centuries, long before Vatican II, the Reformation, the Enlightenment or even the Great Schism. Second, the Catholic Church is the most hypocritical organization on the planet. We discussed that in an earlier post concerning Francis and Vatican employees who barely make a living wage, if that. For the bishops — Philippine, American or otherwise — to criticize capitalism yet ask for money themselves from secular governments is beyond hypocrisy. Just look at American bishops who make the same criticism yet want Federal funding for Catholic Charities.

Instead of complaining about “anti-Catholicism,” people in the Church should work to clean up the mess their bishops have made. If anybody thinks that a holy, righteous God is going to tolerate such shenanigans from people who claim authority in His Name, then I have some beachfront property in North Dakota I would like to sell them.

Tantumblogo - May 25, 2016

I wouldn’t be so disrespectful to their mothers. They may be good women whose sons have tragically sold out.

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