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Soylent Green is People – Low Countries Murdering Mentally Ill for Organ Harvesting September 15, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, Basics, catachesis, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.

This actually dates from a few  years ago, but the practice has only grown and spread since then. At least two countries routinely kill people and  then harvest their organs, supposedly according to advance directives but who really knows in many cases?  This is shades of the really bad movie The Island (2005), and the much better movie Soylent Green.  In both cases, societal elites start harvesting other humans to prolong and enhance their own lives.  Given how rapidly this nation has descended into a moral dumpster fire, how long before this becomes openly accepted practice here (because it’s already occurring on a mass scale but rather secretly and under the table):

The idea of coupling euthanasia with organ harvesting and medical experimentation was promoted years ago by the late Jack Kevorkian, but it is now becoming mainstream. Last year, the Oxford bioethicist Julian Savulescu coauthored a paper in Bioethics arguing that some could be euthanized, “at least partly to ensure that their organs could be donated.” Belgian doctors, in particular, are openly discussing the nexus between euthanasia and organ harvesting. A June 10 press release from Pabst Science Publishers cited four lung transplants in Leuven from donors who died by euthanasia……..

……..Coupling organ donation with euthanasia turns a new and dangerous corner by giving the larger society an explicit stake in the deaths of people with seriously disabling or terminal conditions. Moreover, since such patients are often the most expensive for whom to care, and given the acute medical resource shortages we face, one need not be a prophet to see the potential such advocacy has for creating a perfect utilitarian storm.

Some might ask, if these patients want euthanasia, why not get some good out of their deaths? After all, they are going to die anyway.

But coupling organ harvesting with mercy killing creates a strong emotional inducement to suicide, particularly for people who are culturally devalued and depressed and, indeed, who might worry that they are a burden on loved ones and society. People in such an anguished mental state could easily come to believe (or be persuaded) that asking for euthanasia and organ donation would give a meaning to their deaths that their lives could never have……. [And there is evidence this is already happening, where rates of euthanasia coupled with organ harvesting have skyrocketed in nations where such is legal.  There are a lot of people around who would have no compunction killing to extend their own life.  Coupled with a societal movement towards using human beings as replacement parts for other human beings, and this can, and almost certainly will, lead to horrific abuses and people being killed simply because someone else wants/needs their organs.]

……….People with serious disabilities should be alarmed. The message that is being broadcast with increasing brazenness out of Belgium is that their deaths are worth more than their lives.

Ummm, culture of death?  What else would one expect from a culture that slaughters millions of babies a year, and thinks nothing of it?  If their parts were bigger/more suitable, why not put all those murdered babies to productive use?

None of this is surprising.  It’s just what happens when a people, nation, society, whatever, decide to forget about God and elevate themselves to the role.  It’s the oldest temptation of them all, the original temptation.  But hell has always followed in its wake.  The Nazis thought some people simply didn’t have the right to live, and could be experimented on and harvested for whatever they saw fit.

But we’re so much different and better than them.


1. aroamingcatholicny - September 15, 2016

If ever there was a Prophetic Movie, “Soylent Green” was it. It was also Edward G. Robinson’s Last Movie.
Euthanasia was used to create Food.
Now in Benelux, it’s “The Great Organ Harvest.”

2. Baseballmom - September 15, 2016

Absolutely we are better than the Nazis. GEESH TB, we harvest loads more organs and other parts from nice, fresh babies. They just used a bunch of old people and useless eaters….

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