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Homosexuals test Texas’ constitutional amendment defining marriage October 30, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, contraception, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, sadness, scandals, self-serving, sexual depravity, shocking, sickness, Society.

Texans, by an overwhelming margin, passed a constitutional amendment that at one time would have seemed utterly oxymoronic – it defined marriage as being strictly between one man and one woman.  But fresh from their recent victories in many states, where marriage has been redefined and, in essence, destroyed by legislative action, and of course their Supreme Court victory where any opposition to the destruction of marriage was seen as being nothing but bigotry and hatred, homosexuals are now going after a big kahuna.  Two couples are suing the state, claiming its constitution is, uh…….unconstitutional:

Two gay couples have filed a federal lawsuit for the right to marry in Texas–one of 29 states with a constitutional amendment to prevent same-sex marriage……

……The two couples listed as plaintiffs in the case—Marc Pharriss and Vic Holmes and Cleopatra De Leon and Nicole Dimetman—are suing the state for violating the the right to marry under the U.S. Constitution, which they argue trumps state law.  [It’s amazing all these “rights” that eminate from the penumbras…….now there is a “right” to marry?  Statistically speaking, given the “divorce” rate among homosexuals, it is highly likely neither couple will still be pretend married in 10 years.  Then there is also the sham “monogamy,” which really means the very opposite.]

“We’ve talked numerous times of getting married and going to one of the states that allows gay marriage,” Pharriss told the San Antonio Express-News. “The problem with that is we have no legal rights when we return.”

…..The lawsuit goes on to state, “There is no rational basis, much less a compelling government purpose, for Texas to deny plaintiffs the same right to marry enjoyed by the majority of society.”

Only someone decoupled from God and His Law could make such a statement.  Marriage between man and woman, oriented always towards procreation of children (something biologically impossible for homosexual couples), has been the bedrock of society for thousands of years. Once the protestants embraced contraception, the wheels of society flew off until we now have a world where most people really cannot understand why two people of the same sex with depraved lusts for who love each other cannot be married.

Almost all protestants (who make up the large majority of what remains of Christians in this nation) have great difficulty putting together an argument against homosexual simulation of marriage, because they themselves support contraceptive use and liberal divorce laws, the factors that led to the collapse in the practice of heterosexual marriage and the family.  As Fr. Rodriguez and others have said, and as I have always agreed, we will see homosexual marriage recognized by hook or crook in all 50 states within a few years.  It will be done by popular will, judicial fiat, or executive mandate, but it will happen.  Then will come the trying times, as folks like you and me are faced with either biting our tongues off, callously giving in, or suffering harsh persecution for our “hateful bigotry and intolerance.”

I advise strong bouts of prayer and periods of fasting in preparation.  Pray for each other, that we all may not flee for the wolves.


1. maggycast - October 30, 2013

People who promote and practice homosexual behavior are not “couples” or “spouses” or “partners” they are merely people who are acting out perverse sexual stimulation. There is no “love” in this behavior…for same sex behavior is evil…and love wills the good of the other. Nobody has the “right” to commit an evil act…let alone have it recognized as “good.” Until we start calling out what is truly going on here…that “gay” people are promoting and practicing evil…then the war is lost. Yes, we will be accused of “bigotry, hate and bashing” but I for one will be proud to be accused of hating and bashing evil. It’s time to stop the insanity fueled by emotionalism, relativism, and personalism…and call out evil regardless of the hissy and crying fits. People with same sex attraction deserve healing and wholeness, not perversity, destruction, narcissism, self hatred, and hell. God bless~

2. Hannah - October 31, 2013

They are nothing more than humans behaving like depraved animals.

3. Digger - October 31, 2013

Beyond the obvious moral issue here, it’s astonishing that the courts cannot see a rational basis.

Here’s one: when more people get married, more people collect SSI survivor benefits.; that costs extra money. Money is the epitome of rational basis.

4. DiscipleoftheDumbOx - October 31, 2013

“The problem with that is we have no legal rights when we return.”

A very interesting statement and it is very revealing. If they truly wanted to simulate marraige for the purposes of being ‘in love’ with each other then one would think that the particular couple would move to where they could do so freely and without fear of restriction…and stay there. No. Instead, they want to impose their views on those of us living in this fair state. And I thought that Christians were suppose to be the intolerant ones. Such hypocrisy. This is a tenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution issue. As such, this is not a federal concern. But, as with abortion, I suspect that they will try to make it one. If that happens, I would encourage all Texans to tell the federal government exactly where it can stick its unconstitutional ruling. Something we should have done as Texans back in 1973 when Roe v. Wade imposed a so-called right of privacy on us. For my part, I have joined up with the Texas Nationalist Movement in the hopes to one day bring about a Texas, truly independent, God-fearing and free.

5. maggycast - October 31, 2013

If Texas goes independent, I’m moving there…as will countless others who are Godly, sober and sane. Can you imagine? No more abortion, no more “gay” insanity, no more spending addiction/enabling people to stay poor, no more illegal aliens, no more Godless schools, no more hedonism/materialism, no more Pelosi, Biden, Obama, Demoncrats, Repulsivcans, or atheists. Bliss. The constitution will have to call Jesus Christ God though…and the Protestants will probably balk at us insisting that His Church be noted as the One, Holy, Apostolic and Catholic Church:+) Although if the Institutional Church of Nice/Lies still runs the show, I’d rather keep them out of things. Just place Christ back on His throne…and Texas will thrive:+) God bless~

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