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Awesome sermon – we know not the day, nor the hour August 4, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, error, Four Last Things, General Catholic, Grace, Interior Life, Latin Mass, priests, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.

We never know when God will call us to our particular judgment.  Many souls in this lost and terribly confused time live their lives as if they will never die, or at least, never be judged. Increasing numbers of people are either so completely convinced their is no God, or that at least no one goes to hell, that they opt for suicide over facing a potentially long and difficult illness.  More and more souls pray for a quick and painless death, a sudden death, without recourse to the last Sacraments.  And that is certainly the right mentality, if you are worldly and have no thought of God, judgment, Heaven, or hell.

But Catholics are blessed to know better. We know that we will face a Judge, and that we may have to face Him at any time, day or night. Or, at least, we should know that. Sadly, Catholics are among the most confused around on these critical topics.  So many priests and theologians have convinced Catholics that even if hell exists, God certainly would never condemn anyone but a Hitler or Stalin there, and certainly not YOU.  And so we have mass indifference even within the Church, even against all the evidence from Scripture and Tradition, regarding the four last things.  In so believing, these priests, theologians, and lay people make Our Blessed Lord to be a liar, for He Himself spoke more of hell, judgment, and damnation than all the law and prophets combined.

You could say, it was rather an important topic to the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.  He seemed to stress it quite a bit.  And woe to those blind guides and whitewashed sepulchers that tell people differently!

A very good sermon from a traditional priest below.  At least in traditional parishes, the reality of death, judgment, Heaven, and hell, is something that is clearly highlighted, as it very much should be.  And as it was for the first 1932 years (1965-33) of the Church’s existence.



1. Mike Aiello - August 6, 2014

I have a lot of problems with this sermon. In scripture, jesus exorts us to forgive 70 x 70. FORGIVE FOREVER. yet this priest states God forgives only a certain number of sins. I am sorry. This is private revelation. and the hound of heaven will pursue us until we die because that is God’s nature. Now, we can refuse his mercy and forgiveness and graces but that is on us.

Tantumblogo - August 6, 2014

That is straight from the greatest moral theologian the Church has ever produced, Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguori. It is also the belief of the greatest doctrinal theologian, Saint Thomas Aquinas. And Bellarmine and Duns Scotus.

There has to be a certain number of sins beyond which God will not forgive, and make such forgiveness happen in Confession, or no one would go to hell. That latter belief is a condemned error. That is what the Saints are saying. God will only forgive those sins to a point, and we have no idea what the point is. Thus we must avoid sin at all cost. We never know which sin might send us into heresy/apostasy, denial of the Faith, rejection of the Sacraments, etc. No one thinks this next sin will do that, but then, it does happen. That’s all the Saints are saying.

2. Mike Aiello - August 7, 2014

It is against God’s nature if He doesn’t offer us forgiveness.

But it is upon us to ask for it.
We send oursellves to hell because we love our sins and reject God.

We must be Christ like. Jesus told us to forgive 70 times 70, meaning perpetual forgiveness.

Perhaps after a certain sin is committed, we will turn away from God forever but, again, that is on us, not God.

Tantumblogo - August 7, 2014

I think your last paragraph is really the point. We don’t know when sin #15,987,495 is going to be the one from which we cannot express true contrition and receive forgiveness. Or maybe it’s number 11,783?

The point is not to sin!

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