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This sham of a Synod takes a deadly turn October 13, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Basics, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, shocking, Society, SOD, the return.

First, I have been quietly trying to brace people that this Synod would go well beyond mere “pastoral” approaches and into redefinitions of Doctrine.  I felt that clearly the case because, for starters, it is impossible to separate Doctrine – law – from practice.  Saying otherwise is like saying we can continue to hold the common definition of murder in criminal courts while excusing all those who commit murder out of a false sense of charity.  And what we have going on right now is attempted soul-murder in the first degree.   In addition, in reading the tea leaves with the dim eyes of faith possessed by this manifest sinner, it seemed obvious to me the progressives, advanced in age and with 50 years of history showing the utter folly, the evil, of their errors, would go for broke, attempting to finish what they started in the 60s.  This is their last, best chance to inflict as much destruction as possible.

Secondly, I say this Synod is a sham because if it does, for whatever reason (the true disposition of the majority of the bishops, or the heavy influence of the Bishop of Rome moving men to unprecedented disassociation with the Gospel and the Inspiration of the Blessed Trinity) try to foist a new “gospel” on the Church, that in and of itself will be……well, I think we know it will be very, very bad, but as the Voice of the Family has apparently already declared, it could also mean this Synod is some false body that does not merit obedience to its declarations.  We are entering most frightening and terrible times.  I do not know what to counsel but this is just unbelievably bad.  You can know how bad it is by observing how the leftists pretending to be Catholics are just wetting themselves with excitement.

For those who do not know what I am talking about, an interim report of the Synod was released this morning, and it was every bit as bad as many feared, going beyond nebulous or poorly worded “pastoral” statements and coming very close to straight up redefinitions of Doctrine.  Some excerpts from the “Relatio post disceptationem,” the official name of the interim report, first from Rorate and then from CMR (emphasis in both cases via the respective blogs, my comments):

Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community: are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities? Often they wish to encounter a Church that offers them a welcoming home. Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?  [This is so utterly contrary to the Gospel and ALL the Fathers that it is simply staggering]
The question of homosexuality leads to a serious reflection on how to elaborate realistic paths of affective growth and human and evangelical maturity integrating the sexual dimension: it appears therefore as an important educative challenge.  [Yes, but the Church has utterly failed at catechesis at ALL levels going back decades.  Now it’s suddenly going to get better?]  The Church furthermore affirms that unions between people of the same sex cannot be considered on the same footing as matrimony between man and woman. Nor is it acceptable that pressure be brought to bear on pastors or that international bodies make financial aid dependent on the introduction of regulations inspired by gender ideology.
Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners.Furthermore, the Church pays special attention to the children who live with couples of the same sex, emphasizing that the needs and rights of the little ones must always be given priority.

Please.  Whited sepulchers, you speak out of both sides of your mouths!  How can the children be given “special attention” and “priority” when they are raised in such a profoundly disordered and perverse environment?!  What is this?  Do the Synod “fathers” not know, or do they just not care, that a child raised in this environment is several times more likely to suffer sex abuse and orders of magnitude more likely to become lost in this sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance themselves?

As Rorate notes, throughout almost the entire Relatio there is a paucity of references to Scripture and/or Tradition, because support for these novelties are utterly lacking in both.

Via CMR, much of the text seems to be nothing but Kasper’s heretical rantings presented at the pre-Synodal meeting early this year transferred into “draft” form for the Synod itself:

In the same way the situation of the divorced who have remarried demands a careful discernment and an accompaniment full of respect, avoiding any language or behavior that might make them feel discriminated against.  [Many sinners feel discriminated against. It is a fundamental aspect of our fallen natures to seek justification for our sin, and it appears these men mean to provide adulterer’s with manifold justifications]  For the Christian community looking after them is not a weakening of its faith and its testimony to the indissolubility of marriage, but rather it expresses precisely its charity in its caring.  [Nothing but a naked assertion, completely unsupported by Scripture, Tradition, or even reason.  In other words, whoever wrote this is saying “it is so because I say it is so,” and nothing else.]

As regards the possibility of partaking of the sacraments of Penance  [THIS IS BULL!  There is nothing, at all, that stops anyone at anytime from partaking of the Sacrament of Penance.  That doesn’t mean absolution is guaranteed, you have to show contrition and amendment, but the Sacrament is always available to anyone at anytime – provided they can find a parish that offers it more than one half hour a week.]  and the Eucharist, some argued in favor of the present regulations because of their theological foundation, others were in favor of a greater opening on very precise conditions when dealing with situations that cannot be resolved without creating new injustices and suffering. For some, partaking of the sacraments might occur were it preceded by a penitential path – under the responsibility of the diocesan bishop –, and with a clear undertaking in favor of the children. This would not be a general possibility, but the fruit of a discernment applied on a case-by-case basis, according to a law of gradualness, that takes into consideration the distinction between state of sin, state of grace and the attenuating circumstances. [It is impossible to be penitent while the sin is still ongoing, unrepentant-like.  See that – unrepentant and “penitent” do not go together!]

It will be most interesting to see how many in the Catholic media will respond as this Synod develops.  Should this “relatio” be a firm indication of what comes forth as a final document, I think there will be a very quick and clear division made evident.

Not that that matters in the least, save for how it relates to the salvation of the souls involved.  And that is my great concern here, no matter what this Synod says, sin will remain sin and evil will remain evil.  All the “tolerant” and “non-discriminatory” language will do is lead more souls to perdition by convincing them that their grave sin really isn’t a sin after all.  There could be some exculpatory avenues opened up for a few souls, who convince themselves that because “the Church” says their adultery is not, they can now receive the Blessed Sacrament. But the natural law remains and there are more than a few Bibles laying around.  I think trusting that because some Synod says adulterers or sodomites can receive the Blessed Sacrament, that will wipe out the blasphemy and sacrilege of those few lured back to the Blessed Sacrament in the eyes of God, is a very far reach.

As with so much the left does, the stated motives and the true motivations are at 180 degrees from each other.  The stated motive is “charity” for those in “irregular” situations, but encouraging those lost in grave sin to add sin upon sin by receiving the Blessed Sacrament is no charity, it is in fact an intolerable cruelty.  One does the addict no favors by covering for them, giving them money, making excuses, and permitting them to continue to maintain their habit.  Addiction is the sin of intemperance taken to the Nth degree…..but the same reasoning applies to all sins. Simply because a sin has become so popular it is now a veritable cultural monument doesn’t change its ugly, satanic reality.  But the German bishops, who apparently still run the entire Church in spite of the collapse of the Faith in their own country, need money, no matter how many souls have to be damned for eternity.

Which brings me to the last point – if you have any question who is driving this Synod and in which direction, I think this report from over the weekend by Rorate makes the matter clear.  When it appeared the orthodox elements at the Synod might gain control of many of the national committees who will revise this disaster of a Relatio and turn it into the final report, Pope Francis proceeded to name another committee of 6 reliably progressive cardinals who will now oversee the overseers!

So now bishops and cardinals will know what it is like to have a boss, and a straw boss:

The only thing that can affect the matter now is prayer and penance.


1. RemnantoftheFaith - October 13, 2014

A schism is at hand, and a major one at that.

What you see unfolded has been foretold in prophecy. I suggest praying to St. Michael the Archangel to root out this false church of darkness and the wicked sect responsible for what is going on, Freemasonry.

One can no longer sit on the fence and do nothing, when the natural law, the moral law, Sacred Scripture and the Holy Catholic Church are being attacked and profaned. It’s time to stand up and do battle against evil. It’s time to stand up and be the new knights for the Church.

Our Lady of Good Success, ora pro nobis!

2. Kathleen - October 13, 2014

Thank you, Tantumblogo, for being a clear voice opposing this attack upon Holy Mother Church. I have some little understanding of the cost paid by good traditional Catholic bloggers dealing with this day in and day out. I find I can only handle small doses at a time given the spiritual and emotional pain it causes me, so wading in it constantly has serious cost. I appreciate that and that’s why I keep you and others like you in my prayers.

But I do respectfully differ on your conclusion. Not that it’s wrong, but I believe there is more to it.

Ultimately I believe all this is meant to teach us that our only hope is God — because it is just so bad that only He can get us out at this time.

And for many of us, prayer, penance, and sacrifice is all we can do and we must put every ounce of our effort into that.

But God also needs active servants to do His work. Specifically men willing to stand up and work together and lead.

There must be an active response to this.

Tantumblogo - October 13, 2014

That’s a fair point. The reason why I said the matter comes down to prayer is that I fear the Syond fathers are beyond worldly influence. They are so determined to take this direction they will do so at any worldly cost. I could be wrong, however. What I fear is that the adulation and acclaim from the heterodox and lost will drown out any active response from the faithful, anyway. But, again, I could be wrong. I certainly don’t oppose any active response. In fact, I would be very happy to help propagate and support any such effort.

I am beginning to believe more and more, however, that this may well be part of God’s positive will and that we are heading into the end times, when a “great apostasy” has been forecast by Saint John, Our Blessed Mother, and others. I certainly cannot state that is the case with great certainty, but it seems more and more difficult to escape this conclusion. Caritas conspiring with communists? A synod of bishops preparing – from all available evidence, I pray Our Blessed Lord intervenes – to obliterate the moral Doctrine of the Faith? These things are unheard of. But I cannot say, and would certainly not communicate to my children, that we should just wait around for the apocalypse. First, I am far from sure, and second, what good would waiting do, anyway?

So if you have some positive, active response in mind, share it, my brain is too confused and tormented right now to come up with any kind of effective response.

Michael - October 13, 2014

Suddenly, the Church’s black sheep don’t seem so black. 🙂

Kathleen - October 13, 2014

Tantumblogo, I am the last person to claim clear thinking, I have been in tears all day. I have been begging God in tears about all this since before it started. But as far as my small clues, feeble as they are, here goes.

A strong, traditionally Catholic, intellectual, **masculine** response is critical on this.

That is why the enemy has worked so hard on the poisons of feminism and emasculating men and emasculating the priesthood.

I think Pope Benedict XVI was given to us as a break to build up enough strength to face this. And yes, I also can’t help think we may be facing the end.

Good traditional Catholic men are going have accept the burden and set aside differences and work together on responding to this.

This must be analyzed clearly and openly and heresies must be clearly identified as such.

ALL the parties responsible, even if it includes the pope, must be identified.

The bishops must be made to take a position. Priests must also.

There will be heavy costs involved.

As just one start, it seems to me that it might be good if men such as you and other strong traditional bloggers would start communicating directly to each other, putting yourselves specifically under the Mantle of Our Lady, about coordinating efforts in the face of this. There are significant assets among you as far as talent and visibility that grew under the brief break we had under Benedict XVI that could conceivably be strengthened through unified effort.

I hope for instance also that the SSPX takes a leadership role and that they are welcomed and worked with by other traditionalist orders and organizations.

In essence a unified resistance must be formed.

More than that I can’t say.

The start is prayer — intensely devout prayer.

But good men who feel called by God to ACT must start pulling together to lead in the face of this.

The Church has always depended upon good MEN leading in crisis.

3. cg - October 13, 2014

Reblogged this on Catholic Glasses.

4. cg - October 13, 2014

Our Pope is in need of conversion from the sin of lying. It’s so sad to see the twisted Synod on the Family being a source of scandal rather than a source of truth and healing. God help us!

Tantumblogo - October 13, 2014

I will let God and his confessor be the judge of that, but I will say that we have much to pray for. I do very much fear the direction the Holy Father seems intent on taking the Church.

Michael - October 13, 2014

This could be a blessing in disguise. It is possible that God may draw good out of the Synod.

It may result in waking up huge swaths of Catholics who are still unaware that their Faith in under siege.

Denny Keane - October 13, 2014

Under siege by our Holy Father?!

cg - October 13, 2014

God will have to apologize to the two cities He destroyed long ago: namely, Sodom and Gomorra; if this keeps up. Yes, I will join your prayers with mine. This Pope must be manic depressive or something. He is not balanced IMHO.

Denny Keane - October 13, 2014

Contrary to what conservatives apparently believe, the holy father was elected by the Holy Spirit. If the holy father is leading the church “heretically”, We must agree that it is the Holy Spirit who is heretical.

Mitchell H. - October 13, 2014

Denny, the Holy Spirit did not elect the Pope. As Benedict XVI himself said once, the Spirit acts as an adviser. “I would not say so, in the sense that the Holy Spirit picks out the Pope. … I would say that the Spirit does not exactly take control of the affair, but rather like a good educator, as it were, leaves us much space, much freedom, without entirely abandoning us. Thus the Spirit’s role should be understood in a much more elastic sense, not that he dictates the candidate for whom one must vote. Probably the only assurance he offers is that the thing cannot be totally ruined. There are too many contrary instances of popes the Holy Spirit obviously would not have picked!”

So please, for the sake of clarity in this discussion, do not fall back on this trope, which so many have mistakenly passed along. To suggest that the Holy Spirit, independent of the free will of the Cardinals in Conclave, chooses the Pope, is to deny that free will that is so dear to God. The Spirit advises, but it was most assuredly those men in Conclave who made the final choice.

Julianne Wiley - October 13, 2014

This is foolish. In themselves, popes aren’t any different than any other Catholic. They are neither divinely inspired nor divinely controlled in their every thought-word-and-deed, they are not all-purpose Soothsayer of Truth, even in matters of faith and morals.

Pope Benedict XVI once said, “The Pope is not an oracle; he is infallible in very rare situations, as we know.” Reportedly when speaking at the Greek College in Rome 50 year ago, Pope John XXIII once remarked: “I am only infallible if I speak infallibly but I shall never do that, so I am not infallible.”

So, yeah. The pope is not God’s radio-controlled android. He’s as free to be stupid, confused, or sinful as anybody else.

You said, “the holy father was elected by the Holy Spirit. ”

No, popes are not Holy-Spirit-specially-selected in a predestined or dispositive sense as you seem to think. Naturally much ardent prayer goes into the election by the College of Cardinals. One hopes the whole Church is deep in prayer for a good, Holy-Spirit-blessed election. But it’s an election; and the Cardinals (flawed as you and me) are still free to vote as they choose. Over the centuries, many of the choices were surprisingly good; some were mediocre; some of the choices have left a lot to be desired, and a few were nothing sort of disastrous.

Yet the Church somehow reeled and careened but did not collapse despite this one— and that one — and the other one!! Myself, I think the survival of the Church itself, despite historic instances of hierarchical malpractice starting in the Acts of the Apostles, is pretty sound proof of Divine protection.

John C. - October 13, 2014

The Holy Ghost might not always be involved at a conclave. Pope Benedict XVI indicated that the HG is not always involved in choosing the successor of St. Peter.
There have been times in the Church’s history where we have ended up with Antipopes… Times even when multiple popes where chosen.
Unfortunately, many of our current cardinals are aging liberals since they are leftovers from the 1960s and 70s
The jury is still out of this most recent conclave. Canonically speaking, there are “issues” about Bergilios election and pope Benedicts abdication and some are even stating that Benedict is (-although now in seeming exile) is still the pope.
I don’t know if if go that far, but this is just a reminder that the free-will of sinners in red (cardinals) sometimes choose contrary to the holy spirit in a conclave… although, listening to Catholic establishment media will ALWAYS say everything vis hunkydorie in the Church—nothing to see here. .no crisis here

Tantumblogo - October 13, 2014

A little bit of history would seem to indicate that if the Holy Spirit always does choose the pope, the Holy Spirit has made some exceedingly strange and even counterproductive choices in the past. Many of the late 1st millenial popes were selected by a Roman rabble stoked up by leading elites who desired their candidate to hold the office. Many of these men were among the most deplorably amoral popes the Church has ever suffered under, but few of those were of a mind to meddle with Doctrine.

We also have the experience of the Great Schism wherein basically the same conclave elected both pope and antipope.

The answer is what has already been given – we certainly hope and pray that the Holy Ghost drives the men of a conclave to cooperate with Grace and respond to the impetus of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, but free will must always remain. The Holy Ghost does not turn souls into automatons, not even cardinals in conclave, forcing cooperation with Grace. Men, due to our fallen natures, always have the power and opportunity to reject Grace – and I think the history of some of the less fortunate popes has born that out.

c matt - October 13, 2014

Of course, even assuming it were true that the Holy Spirit chose the Pope, that does not answer WHY the particular pope was chosen – as the saint said, God inflicts some popes upon us.

TLM - October 14, 2014

Something strange went on in the conclave of 2013. It had to have. The Holy Spirit would never condone the election of a Pope that publicly promotes ‘the celebration of sodomy’. (I don’t think)

TG - October 14, 2014

Give me a break. Yeah the Holy Spriit elected all the bad popes in history.

5. AquinasMan (@AquinasMan) - October 13, 2014

97 years out from Fatima. “Souls falling like snowflakes…”

Michael - October 13, 2014

It’s as though the Mystical Body is living without a visible head — metaphorically speaking.

Where are our leaders?

Denny Keane - October 13, 2014

Oh where leader is the Holy Father!

Michael - October 13, 2014

October 13th. Today is the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun.

6. Christopher - October 13, 2014

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

7. Magdalene - October 13, 2014

Unless I misunderstood, I think the bishops voted for those to write the conclusions but the pope overstepped them and appointed his own cadre of progressives such that the more faithful ones would not be able to influence as they might have.

Very serious stuff. I listened to the holy Cardinal Burke’s interview on EWTN and he was marvelous. Naturally he is smacked down. So are other faithful bishops at this time as well as those who were not in sync with Cardinal Bergoglio and even holy Fr. Stefano Manelli of the FFI….but then these are the trials of saints.

I must keep my blinders on in a way and pray and work hard in my own little sphere. These progressives are leading souls down the wide road.

Mercy on the adulterers? What about abandoned spouses and children? Have not most of us seen the incredible pain they live with for the rest of their lives? What about mercy for them?

Denny Keane - October 13, 2014

The holy father is leading us down the wide road?if there is a schism, be assured that it will be the conservatives who are responsible for it.

John C. - October 13, 2014

It’s clear that you may be suffering from a bit of ultramontism.
Please take a look at how radical and fast the changes have come on since.the.1970s and please explain how “conservatives” are schismatic in light of tradition?

TLM - October 14, 2014

‘Conservatives’? I think you call those people ‘Catholics’.

8. Deacon Richard - October 13, 2014

“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.” -Athanasius

How little has really changed since Arius.

9. Cuff of Coppee - October 13, 2014

This synod is beneficial for a few reasons one of which is to wake up the conservative Catholic media and get them off the fence. We need their media resources put to good use. I think Raymond Arroyo’s interview w/ Cardinal Burke was a huge milestone in the fact that Raymond publicly acknowledged the Pope’s affirmation of Cardinal Kasper’s wild ideas before the synod took place. This is monumental in my opinion. We need more of this from the mainstream. Fingers need to point. Now if only Voris would step in. It will be so pathetically sad if he sits there and condemns all of the synod Bishops who have promoted their nonsensical ideas while neglecting to call out the Pope.

This synod is also beneficial to me personally and perhaps a lot of others who weren’t born until after V2 because we are getting to see first hand what “pastoral” means. With this new definition of “pastoral” we can now retroactively plug it in to V2 and see just what it means to say Vatican 2 was a “pastoral” council. This is an eye opener.

Denny Keane - October 13, 2014

You conservatives talk like it should be named the conservative church, not the Catholic Church.I think you should pray more and talk less.

John C. - October 13, 2014

Please explain what you mean by “conservative”?
I’m confused because these political terms have no bearing.

Do you mean apostate vs orthodoxy? The former being like “National Catholic Reporter” orJoe Biden/ Nancy Pelosi/teddy Kennedy andnd the latter being Catholic.

c matt - October 13, 2014

Voris may be trying to emulate St. Thomas More as long as he can – St. Thomas kept silent about Henry’s errors until forced to speak. Voris may just let the transitive property of mathematics do the criticizing for him.

Baseballmom - October 13, 2014

Amen. Yes, Mr. Voris needs to acknowledge the source of the problem.

10. Michael - October 13, 2014

Let us not despair.

Ebola may fix many of the problems in the Church.

AquinasMan (@AquinasMan) - October 13, 2014

That’s not funny.

John C. - October 13, 2014

Agreed… too soon and not funny to hope “ebola” will take care of the worldwide apostasy…
We should hope and pray for the conversion of sinners… not their death

Denny Keane - October 13, 2014

I wonder why conservatives always resolve to murder when they don’t get their way?

AquinasMan (@AquinasMan) - October 13, 2014

I’m conservative.

Mitchell H. - October 13, 2014

Denny, I’m sorry, but that’s just a ridiculous assertion. One can question the good taste of the comment to which you replied (and certainly the question of Ebola as some kind of chastisement is a fascinating discussion, albeit for another day), but to make a sweeping, blanket statement like yours is not only ridiculous, it’s reckless. I can think of no greater barrier to sensible, literate discussion and debate than to make comments like that. If that’s the best you can do, I suggest you sharpen up your debate skills before you decide to talk with the adults in the room.

And now I think I’ll stop feeding the troll.

John C. - October 13, 2014

Denny. What’s with your hatred of “conservatives”?
More importantly, what does this clear hatred have to go with Catholicism?
This is an apostate vs faithful Catholic argument.
Interesting how just a year ago your type was whining and moaning about the “hirearchy” and now you are starting anybody who dares to speak about problems coming from Rome is “schismatic”.

This is so typical of apostate heretical-leaning “progressive” (progressing to sodom and gemmorah) cultural Catholics.

TG - October 14, 2014

There you go again with “conservative”. Conservative is a political term.

11. AquinasMan (@AquinasMan) - October 13, 2014

“Gradualism” is the ultimate wildcard. Where does it begin and end?

What saddens me is that these particular bishops seem to be saying, “Men and women no longer have the capacity to choose right from wrong.” Christ went to the cross. We’re going to the church hall for doughnuts, coffee, and some gradualism.

12. steve - October 13, 2014

Why is there an obsession among more than a Churchmen to portray sodomites in positive fashion to the Faithful and, for that matter, non-Catholics?

I believe that the following answer is logical:

The primary reason is that more than a few Churchmen are homosexuals.

They employ their power to push the Church to the limits of heresy in regard to sodomy.

Homosexuals among our Churchmen realize that they are unable to “regularize” sodomy and sodomite “marriage” as orthodox Catholics would revolt against such heresy.

Therefore, sodomites within the Church maintain the wink-wink appearance of Church teaching in regard to sodomy.

However, our Churchmen do everything possible to erode adherence to said teaching.

We have reached the point at which certain Churchmen are determined to force Catholics to accept the notion that sodomy generates gifts and values that benefit Holy Mother Church and the world.

Will Pope Francis allow such horrific destruction of the Faith to stand?

c matt - October 13, 2014

Well, they do have some mean flower arranging skills.

Fed up with all the fighting! - October 13, 2014

Let’s not forget banner design skills.

John C. - October 13, 2014

Exactly! You got it right on the nose my friend.
There is clear indication that, since the second Vatican council many men “hid-out” in the priesthood.
Unfortunately, many of these perverts where the pederasts that raped teenageboys.
Pope Benedict began making statements about the necessity to rid the priesthood of these perverts. And.I believe this was.a major reason he was forced to abdicate.
I think it may be awhile for the biological solution to rid Rome of these men, the ones who took the reign from Bernadine/Mahoney/Weakland but God willing it will happen soon.
Tbd “pastoral” approach to things of late might boost their numbers a bit.

13. Kathleen - October 13, 2014

Cardinal Burke has asked for the Chaplet of the Holy Face of Jesus to be prayed by the faithful for the synod (as passed along here)

Please note, the Chaplet of the Holy Face is prayed to implore God for the Triumph of His Holy Church, and the downfall of the enemies of Holy Mother Church.

As a practical tip, given there is little time for shopping, a rosary can be converted for this purpose by tying bits of ribbon or yarn between the 6th and 7th beads as a temporary markers as the two sets of beads are essentially the same except one uses sets of 10 beads and the other sets of 6 beads. That’s what I did so I could start praying it immediately.


Chaplet of The Holy Face Instruction

The Holy Face Chaplet uses a set of beads that is exactly like a 5 decade rosary except instead of 5 decades (10 beads) there are 5 sextets (6 beads).

The order of using the beads is altered also in that you pray the loop first and the short string of beads last.

As with a rosary, each sextet begins with a large bead. The first sextet is started with the large bead closest to the medal.

The Large “Our Father” beads are “Glory Be” beads.

The Small “Hail Mary” beads are “Arise, O Lord” beads.

Holy Face Chaplet


Make the Sign of the Cross with the Cross, and say:

V. “O God, incline unto my aid.”

R. “O Lord, make haste to help me.”

Then start the first sextet with the large bead closest to the medal.


One “Glory Be”

Then the invocation: “My Jesus, mercy.”

REFLECTION: On each sextet reflect in turn on each of the senses offended in Christ’s Holy Face during the passion as follows: TOUCH, HEARING, SIGHT, SMELL, TASTE

Then go to the loop of beads.


V. “Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered”

R. “And let them that hate Thee fly before Thy Face!”

Repeat for each of the remaining sextets.


Treat this set as a trio, beginning and ending with the two large “Glory Be” beads.

REFLECTION: Honor all the wounds inflicted upon His adorable Face!

1. Pray the 1st large “Glory be” bead (closest to the medal) as above.

2. Pray the last 3 small “Arise O Lord” beads as above.

3. On the last “Glory be” bead (closest to the Cross) pray the “Glory be” 7 times, in honor of the last 7 Words that Jesus spoke on the Cross, and the 7 Dolors of the Immaculate Virgin.


V. “O God, our Protector, look down upon us”

R. “And cast Thine eyes upon the Face of Thy Christ!”

Lynne - October 14, 2014

Kathleen, what a wonderful (and practical) idea!

14. c matt - October 13, 2014

This is their last, best chance to inflict as much destruction as possible.

I respectfully disagree. Progressives are largely still in charge of all organs of formation (seminaries, “catholic schools”, many chanceries, etc.). They have a western culture strongly behind them. The few Popes we have had with any inclination toward Tradition treated progressives with velvet gloves (if that) and even promoted them in the interest of dialogue and fairness, whereas progressives/modernists are completely ruthless toward their ideological enemies. I don’t see where that changes. No, I am afraid much like the secular counterpart of the US of A (and western civ for that matter), it will not change until catastrophic collapse.

15. Michael - October 13, 2014

Important video on the Society’s response to the chaos we see around us.


16. Michael - October 13, 2014

Michael Voris has just released a commentary on the latest Synod news. Here’s the link:

DB - October 13, 2014

Since Michael refuses to criticize the Pope even in a most respectful and limited way in order to fully defend the Church, he simply fails to diagnose a key cause of the problem that also needs to be remedied. How much confusion, etc., would be sown if not for the failed leadership of the Pope in correcting such things? Even worse, Pope Francis has, alas, added to the confusion in the making of many pronouncements that echo and even duplicate statements made by Cardinals and Bishops that Michael rakes over the coals for saying such things.

Lynne - October 14, 2014


17. steve - October 13, 2014

I just checked some of the major conservative Catholic blogs.

As usual, certain conservative Catholics have resorted to the “bad translation”…the news media have misreported…the document said “X” but really meant to say “Y”…to explain the horrific nonsense that has engulfed the Church.

— Ummm….do not fret about the Synod’s Relatio as we have received simply a “poor translation” of the official document in question.

— Ummm….the big, bad news media have misrepresented the report.

— Ummm….Traditionalists have overreacted to and misrepresented the Synod’s Relatio.

— Ummm…everything’s fine.

Tantumblogo - October 13, 2014

So I guess it was a bad translation that caused the Polish bishop’s conference to call the Relatio unacceptable?

Mitchell H. - October 13, 2014

At the risk of being uncharitable (let’s call it a sharp satirical wit instead), I wonder if the bad translation is that of the bloggers at Patheos being called “Catholic.” Surely “Ecumenical” would have been more appropriate, no? 🙂

18. steve - October 13, 2014

During the past 40+ years, I have heard day after day, week after week that “this is last, best chance” for the Church’s enemies, within and without the Church, to destroy the Faith.

Sorry, but modernists are entrenched firmly within the Church…wield great authority…enjoy widespread control dioceses and parishes…and are far from finished from damaging the Faith.

wegzumhimmel - October 13, 2014

Steve, I couldn´t agree with you more.

I came across the following in “Firstthings”:

It was at a conference in the mid–eighties that I listened to Hans Küng hold forth in triumphalist tones on the victory of the progressives. “We” control, he announced, the seminaries, the academic departments of theology, the catechetical and liturgical institutions, the publishing houses, the magazines that matter, and the chanceries. Most of the bishops, he said, are now on “our” side, and those who aren’t have been neutralized. Anyone who wants a future in the hierarchy or the Catholic academy has no choice but to cooperate, he observed. It was a clean sweep; all that was left were a few details; the disgruntled band of risibly reactionary dissidents from the new order didn’t understand what had happened and couldn’t do much about it.

It was an impressive speech. Almost nobody on the left is talking that way today. They are still largely in control of major institutions, notably the academy and some religious orders, but the more astute among them know that they are increasingly on the defensive.

(My comment: This was before they made Francis Pope)

Their most reliable allies today, as in 1962, are people in the media who continue to see the Catholic Church as a reactionary and threatening institution, the great and not–to–be–tolerated dissenter from the gospel of liberal progress. For such people, the only good Catholic is a bad Catholic. The anti–Catholic media need the discontinuant left, and it needs them. Without this alliance of mutual need, the master template is shattered.

19. Kathleen - October 13, 2014

Send Your Concerns Immediately to the U.S. Apostolic Delegate

WRITE TO United States Nuncio to demand NO CHANGE WHATSOVER on the Catholic teaching and practice on marriage, family life and perverse lifestyles, and to demand absolute fidelity to the received teaching of the Church, as found in Pius XI’s Casti Cannubii.

Please let the Nuncio know you will not accept any alteration of Catholic Morals or Catholic practice related to morals.

– John Vennari, Catholic Family News


His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Vicano
Apostolic Nuncio
3339 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20008

Email: nuntiususa AT nuntiususa DOT org
Please send copy of your email to Catholic Family News: cfnjjv AT gmail DOT com
To help us keep track of how many emails the Nunciate receives

Telephone: 202-333-7121
Fax: 202-337-4036

20. Fed up with all the fighting! - October 13, 2014

All this condemnation of the hierarchy of the Church that I find on blogs everywhere makes me wonder if this attitude/spirit is the same one that drove the protestant reformation. As Catholics we should not be separating our selves from the hierarchy. You can’t be more Catholic than the Pope! Whatever happened to trusting the Holy Spirit. Also, see Matthew 18:18

c matt - October 13, 2014

OK Arius.

John C. - October 13, 2014

Actually, there is nothing anywhere that states one can’t “be more Catholic than the pope”… especially when the pope isn’t behaving in a Catholic manner

DB - October 14, 2014

Spot on, John C.

Fed up with all the fighting! - October 14, 2014

So where is the “True Church” since every schism started with the idea that this or that pope wasn’t acting or believing rightly? How can you and others claim to KNOW what the Holy Spirit is or is not prompting?

Tantumblogo - October 14, 2014

So, then, what, Fed? Just roll along with whatever comes out of the Synod, no matter how utterly novel, destructive, or disconnected from the constant belief and practice of the Church it is?

I think people are just trying to process and understand what is going on. I would not take any statements too seriously at this point. Not that people are not being forthright, it’s just this is a very difficult time. We don’t know what’s going to develop. I tend to try to cut a lot of slack right now.

What has developed in the past 18 months is just unprecedented. A papal abdication under extreme duress, a radical shift in emphasis in the new pontificate, truly extreme ideas coming out of the woodwork in a torrent, the resurrection of many errors previously refuted in detail and repeatedly, and on top of it all, a pope who seems at least somewhat warm to the mass novelties. This is something that has never occurred before, certainly not in the past 1000 years, anyways. We’ve had anti-popes, mass heresy, the episcopate falling away, etc at different times, but never ALL at the same time.

We must understand that the Church is larger than the Pope. The papacy is utterly critical but the Church has only rarely, and in the distant past, faced the problem of a pope who was not faithful. I don’t know how this is going to play out. I don’t know where things are headed. No one does. The bishops and cardinals at the Synod don’t know. But I would not start casting aspersions and labeling people and organizations protestant because they see things being presented that are simply unacceptable. For one, a Synod is not dogmatic, the concept is a novelty produced at Vatican II. It has no authority to define any new doctrine. And, frankly, neither is the pope outside very narrow constraints. We have legions of Saints, Fathers, Tradition, and Scripture that tell us never to accept a Faith other than that that was handed on to us. And yet that seems to be, by the preponderance of the evidence, where the Synod is headed – not, necessarily, because that is what the majority of bishops want, but because that is what a small cabal associated with the pope want. I would not be calling organizations like Human Life International or Voice of the Family protestant because they look at declarations and say “No. This cannot be.”

And that last bit HAS happened in the Church in the past. There HAVE been times when almost the entire hierarchy (bishops) embraced error (Arianism). There HAVE been times when even the reigning pontiff gave the appearance of having embraced error (Arianism). There are dangerous parallels between that time and what is going on now. I am not saying schism is certain, I definitely do not want one, but I am saying that what is going on is something that hasn’t happened in 1500+ years and that was a very different time and place. We don’t know enough now to react definitively, but we may in a few days, God willing. If in the mean time some folks get a bit apoplectic I am tending to be understanding. I have felt that way myself. But I also know that many Saints and Fathers have said “where there is Peter, there is the Church,” so I don’t know what on earth we’ll do. This is exactly the kind of situation satan loves. It is a tragedy that it has been foisted on the Church.

DB - October 14, 2014

The Protestant Reformation was based in large part on rejecting and watering down traditional Church Doctrine. Now, who are the modern day “reformers,” and what modern day reformation are they driving by way of various statements set forth in the Relatio that reject and/or water down traditional Church Doctrine?

Also, see Galatians 1: 6-10, and 2: 11-14.

TG - October 14, 2014

Where’s St. Nicholas when you need him?

21. steve - October 13, 2014

This just in from Conservative Catholic Central:

The Polish Bishops’ response to the “mistranslated” Relatio is a “mistranslation”.

Michael - October 13, 2014

“There’s been a little complication with the complication.”
—Brazil (1985)

Fed up with all the fighting! - October 14, 2014

Perhaps Relatio should be Felatio?

22. steve - October 13, 2014

Catholic ecumenists would say that the “Reformation” was the proper response to the state of the then-Catholic hierarchy.

Catholic “ecumenical theology” has blamed Church schisms upon the sins and failings of the hierarchy.

By the way, various Cardinals and bishops have attacked the pro-sodomite, Holy Communion for divorced-remarried Catholics agendas that have been floated at the 2014 A.D. Extraordinary Synod.

Have said Cardinals and bishops entered into schism?

During the past few hours, Polish bishops have attacked the Relatio.

Are Poland’s bishops separated today from the Church?

23. Joe - October 13, 2014

Document–Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?
You– [This is so utterly contrary to the Gospel and ALL the Fathers that it is simply staggering]

Me– The thing about Catholic documents is you have to read everything every mark This is not a statement but a question You have to ask the question to make your point

Me–Paragraph 51 answers the question but look at this line

Document–The question of homosexuality leads to a serious reflection on how to elaborate realistic paths of affective growth and human and evangelical maturity integrating the sexual dimension: it appears therefore as an important educative challenge.

ME–They are stating that Homosexuality can not be ignored and there needs to be serious thought and evangilization needs to occur with the knowledge that homosexuality is present

 You–[Yes, but the Church has utterly failed at catechesis at ALL levels going back decades.  Now it’s suddenly going to get better?] 

Me–Does this mean we give up? Church is made up of sinners we try we make mistakes but the priest are becoming better. Decades is nothing for a 2000 year old church the church is turning,church is going through a purification how long will it take I do not know I trust in the Holy Spirit to guide her also not this is most likely a translation and the words may not be correct

Me–There is nothing wrong with this statement

Document–Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners.Furthermore, the Church pays special attention to the children who live with couples of the same sex, emphasizing that the needs and rights of the little ones must always be given priority

Me–The Church is not denying the moral problem but are stating that even immortal people can do good. Life is precious to the Catholic church no mater if the person is a sinner or a saint the church wishes all people to be save. If someone does good for someone that good could change that person

You–Please.  Whited sepulchers, you speak out of both sides of your mouths!  How can the children be given “special attention” and “priority” when they are raised in such a profoundly disordered and perverse environment?!  What is this?  Do the Synod “fathers” not know, or do they just not care, that a child raised in this environment is several times more likely to suffer sex abuse and orders of magnitude more likely to become lost in this sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance themselves?

Me–The Church recognizes they are in an immoral environment “Without denying the moral problems”
and because of this you have to be careful how you approach the children you go up to the Children and say your daddy’s or mommies are going to hell you will turn them off and loose them. Also The children have the right to choose what they want to believe. The children have the right to accept or reject the church. The Church will not force itself on anyone.

Kevin Swartz - October 14, 2014

Inane. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.” If a man will not do this it is impossible to fulfill the second commandment. All the ‘good’ he does will be vain and useless-without merit. “If you love me you will obey my commandments.”

24. Michael - October 13, 2014
25. Mike - October 13, 2014

The problem with the hierarchy is that they have been leading the Modernist revolution since before Vatican II. They have been silent on homosexuality, abortion, premarital sex, pornography and birth control, allowing Catholics and society to be evangelized by the Culture of Death. No wonder society is going down the toilet. The Catholic Church, the gaurdian of morals has been silent and Satan has aggressively moved in.

Every heresy was begun by the clergy. This heresy of Modernism is no different.

I hope someday, someone does a chronology of Modernism from its orgins to the present. Who kept it alive during and after Pope St. Pius X. It was flourishing during World War 2 and afterwords.

My question: If the seminaries are controlled by Modernists and the Modernists are in charge of teaching priests morals, then who is this heresy going to stop?

26. steve - October 13, 2014

Thanks to the Synod’s Relation, at this very second, the Church and news media (by extension, that means hundreds of millions of persons throughout the world) are fixated upon the attempts by various Churchmen to play wink-wink-wink with the Church’s teachings on sodomy and the distribution of Holy Communion to divorced and remarried Catholic.

The news media are not responsible to today’s chaos and controversy that have flowed from Rome.

Traditional Catholics are not responsible for said chaos and controversy.

Bishops today have denounced the Relation as having been at odds with Holy Tradition.

It is amazing that from the beginning of Pope Francis’ Pontificate, the unrelenting themes that have flowed from many Churchmen have been related to “changing the tone” in regard to sodomites and divorced and remarried Catholics.

Today, the Synod’s Relatio has finally brought those two topics to front and center on the worldwide Catholic stage…that is, Rome.

This very second in various parts of the world, Islam has hundreds of thousands of Catholics on the run.

Islam is conquering “Christian” Europe.

The Catholic Mass (Latin Church) is in a state of utter collapse.

The Faith is on the verge of extinction in various parts of the world.

So, this very second, what does Rome have Catholics focused upon…what has Rome spurred the news media to focus upon in regard to Catholicism…?

…a “change the tone” in regard to sodomites and divorced/remarried Catholics.

Is that unbelievable or what?

Can you imagine that an extraordinary synod on the FAMILY has focused the light upon sodomites?…upon Catholics who defied the Church in regard to divorce and remarriage?

What is going on in Rome?

Oh, 200,000 Catholics on the run in Iraq…sleeping on floors and dirt…and tens upon tens of persecuted Catholics in Syria, Africa, and soon-to-be-persecuted in Lebanon, may have a question or two for Rome in regard to priorities related to the truly great issues of today.

By the way, did I mention that the Roman Mass is in shambles and the Church has collapsed almost everywhere on earth?

Do those realities concern Rome?

Nah…let’s remain obsessed with attempting to promote a “change in tone” in regard to sodomites and Holy Communion for divorced/remarried Catholics.

27. steve - October 13, 2014

I have encountered studies time and again that have reported that only about two percent of the world’s population is homosexual.

More than a few Churchmen have time and again expressed disinterest in the Traditional Roman Mass as only about one/two percent of Catholics are interested in said Mass.

Therefore, the TLM “issue” isn’t worth spending time and energy upon, according to more than a few Churchmen.

However, the move to cast a more positive light upon sodomites (two percent of the population) is worth the time and energy of more than a few Churchmen.

Tantumblogo - October 13, 2014

Well, the sodomites have a massive and well funded lobby. And I don’t know if the TLM really appeals to even 1% of the Church – it might be 1/10th that.

But, your comment is of course spot on. It’s not the numbers, it’s being seen as slavish followers of the latest liberal fashion that those attacking the Faith crave.

28. steve - October 13, 2014

I believe that the obsession among many Churchmen to promote homosexuality in positive fashion goes beyond the homosexual lobby (not that you said that otherwise).

I believe that the simple reason that various Cardinals, bishops and priests are obsessed with the above is that more than a few embrace homosexuality.

Baseballmom - October 14, 2014


TLM - October 14, 2014

Yes indeed PRECISELY. Interesting is the ‘report’ that Pope Benedict left for the incoming Pope. It was in fact a report on the ‘gay cabal’ within the Vatican. This story has fallen completely off the radar. Hmmm…….wonder why this is?

TG - October 14, 2014

Speaking of Benedict, why did he have to come down from the cross? (I remember reading that Pope John Paul II said when asked to step down that Christ didn’t come down from the cross. )

TG - October 14, 2014


29. Catholic Legate Condemns Synod Document on the Family | The Catholic Legate - October 14, 2014

[…] This blog post reflects my thinking on the matter. […]

30. TG - October 14, 2014

I finally saw Cardinal Burke’s interview last night on EWTN. He seems to be in spriitual pain over this. I’m praying the Chaplet of the Holy Face. We all should. That’s about all we can do. I ask the Lord every day how much longer is he going to put up with this.

31. Maria Faustina - October 14, 2014

“As regards the possibility of partaking of the sacraments of Penance [THIS IS BULL! There is nothing, at all, that stops anyone at anytime from partaking of the Sacrament of Penance. That doesn’t mean absolution is guaranteed, you have to show contrition and amendment, but the Sacrament is always available to anyone at anytime – provided they can find a parish that offers it more than one half hour a week.”
Actually, if you have remarried or are in a situation such as same sex “marriage” you are forbidden from the sacrament of penace. If you are still going to live in your sinful state then you haven’t repented therefore you are not entiitled to go to confession.

Other than that error your article was spot on.

Tantumblogo - October 14, 2014

No, I disagree. You are confusing attempting the Sacrament and its completion. Anyone can attempt the Sacrament of Penance at any time – even those in manifest states of ongoing grave sin. The priest may not complete the Sacrament – he may deny absolution because you show no repentance – but that’s a bit different than saying someone is “denied” the Sacrament, which I think makes many people think the priest will simply slam the confessional door in their face and throw them out. It may be a subtle difference, but it’s an important one.

At least, that’s my understanding. I await the judgment of a competent theologian – if there are any left. Heh.

32. discipleofthedumbox - October 15, 2014

Folks, I would highly encourage you to give this homily a listen:


Listen, pray and don’t worry.

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