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Help support a new movie on the true nature of the French Revolution – UPDATED April 29, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Christendom, Ecumenism, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, history, Holy suffering, persecution, sadness, Saints, secularism, Tradition, Virtue.

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know how I feel about the French Revolution.  That epic was one of satan’s masterstrokes, wherein he foisted a demonic sexularist pagan government – the first, the prototype for all the rest! – upon the eldest daughter of the Church.  All the diabolical elements of leftist politics that have carried through to the present day were present in the French Revolution.  The repression, the enforced atheism, the economic collectivization, the rhetoric of “freedom” and “liberty” which turned out to be an utter sham, enjoyed only by a very few at the top of the power structure, and, of course, rabid, insane hatred for God and His Church.

But the true nature of the French Revolution is not well known outside traditional/faithful Catholic circles. Most secular educators present the French Revolution as basically akin to an American Revolution that got slightly out of hand.  While there is an extremely strong corollary between the two – the American being a “conservative” liberal revolution, the French one a left liberal revolution – they were in practice radically different.  The French Revolution was violent, repressive, savage, and cruel.  Disaffected, even insane individuals, were given massive power and unleashed that power on their fellow citizens, especially committed Catholics, with grim determination.

To help make the nature of the French Revolution known, there is an effort underway to tell the story of the heroic sufferings of the people of the Vendee in France.  This new film is a something of a collaboration between Jim Morlino of Navis Pictures, who previously produced the great War of the Vendee movie, and Daniel Rabourdin, formerly of EWTN.  I say something of a collaboration, because I spoke with Jim Morlino at Navis Pictures and he informed me he performed the cinematography on this upcoming movie.  I am told it will be tradition-friendly.

As far as I’m concerned, Jim Morlino is a genius when it comes to getting movies made for virtually no money.

The film has already been shot on location in France, but they need more funding to complete the editing and printing process. There is a crowd-funding site for donations.  You can donate at varying levels, up to and including getting an executive producer credit on the film with numerous perks (private dinner with the producer, being on production conference calls, etc).

This campaign has a goal and they are a long way from reaching it.  I know there are so many very upright, valuable causes out there to support, but perhaps this is one worth praying about and considering. I had saved some money via my mortifications over Lent, and was thinking of supporting a certain priest but I used it to help this effort out, instead.  Movies are very powerful, emotionally, and can be great tools of evangelization.  But so few good movies are made.

If we want to see more and better Catholic entertainment, supporting efforts like this out of our own pocket is probably going to be necessary for the foreseeable future.  The culture is turning increasingly hostile.  We shall have a hard time preserving what we have, let alone reaching out to other souls.  But movies like this have the potential to touch hardened hearts.  Since Hollywood is pretty much dead to the Faith, if we’re going to see Catholic movies made, we’re going to have to do it ourselves, which is what this effort is really about.

Consider helping see this movie to completion.

Much more on the film below:

Key point made above: all the horrors of Nazism and communism were simply exercises in repeating the horrors of the French Revolution on a modern scale.  Nazism and communism are belief systems that take the errors of the French Revolution to their logical conclusion.  And both Lenin and Stalin deliberately modeled their systems of terror on those established in the French Revolution.

And the film will stress the truth of the genocide carried out by the French revolutionary government against the people of the Vendee, which pre-figured the Holodomor, Holocaust, and other genocides.

A trailer for the film:

Jim Morlino on the movie:

The parallels between the War in the Vendee and the Cristero rebellion are many.  Same revolutionary hatred of the Church, same effort to keep knowledge of the evil repression covered up.

I would be remiss if I did not mention that Navis Pictures has their own new development underway, a movie called The Sanctuary, which will feature a professional cast and many professional film people in the production. It’s going to be a fully professional feature film designed to compete at film festivals.  So please keep Jim Morlino and Navis Pictures in your prayers as they work to complete this new movie.

UPDATE: Dumb me, I forgot to include the movie website.  It’s here.  I should add that Bishop Dominic Rey of Toulouse has granted his apostolic blessing to all that participate in the movie, including those who help fund it.  So, if you send in even $10, you get an apostolic blessing!!


1. Maggie - April 29, 2014

A story on the Vendee may be had for free for Kindle from Amazon.

2. Jim Morlino - April 30, 2014

I love free stuff as much as the next guy, but I think Larry’s point is about good Catholics helping to support the artistic efforts of other good Catholics who are trying to influence the culture of death with the beauty and truth of the one true faith.

tantamergo - April 30, 2014

Yes. Thank you.

3. Observer - May 3, 2014

Let’s not forget all the leaders of the French Revolution were Freemasons. Even today Masonry boasts of their involvement in the destruction of France. However, the identity of the directory, the hidden power behind those men, is still largely hidden from our eyes.

tantamergo - May 5, 2014

I have not forgotten. I just don’t always mention that aspect in every post. But I have written about that connection extensively in the past. Search for Liberty the god that failed and you should find posts exploring that aspect in some depth.

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