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Some Mercy! Papal Critics Threatened with Excommunication December 7, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Basics, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, Papa, persecution, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, self-serving, SOD, the struggle for the Church, unbelievable BS.

You know liberal “mercy” only runs one way – towards the furtherance of their progressive, modernist agenda.  They have been, and will continue to be, most savage in their treatment of their ideological opponents, perceived and real.  So I am not surprised – in fact I quite suspected – to see from an official Vatican source very close to Pope Francis some kind of riposte regarding the opposition his pontificate has found among some Catholics, mostly those attached to the traditional practice of the Faith (IOW, Catholics).  Progressives never forget or forgive their enemies, and I figured that even the relatively slight opposition – official and otherwise – this pontificate has received has probably left a good number of its insiders boiling mad.

Well, the first little bit of steam escaped from that pressure cooker of ideology and power politics, and Archbishop Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, has implied very strongly that those who criticize this papacy may be, or already are, excommicated latae sententiae:

Archbishop Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization, has stirred controversy by suggesting that some criticisms of Pope Francis might result in automatic excommunication.

Archbishop Fisichella made his remarks while explaining how Pope Francis’s new “Missionaries of Mercy” will operate. The 800 “missionaries” will have the power to absolve from penalties previously reserved to the Holy See.

In reference to Canon 1370, which imposes automatic excommunication for “physical violence” against the Roman Pontiff, Archbishop Fisichella said:

“I would say that we need to understand well ‘physical violence,’ because sometimes words, too, are rocks and stones, and therefore I believe some of these sins, too, are far more widespread than we might think.” [Canon Law is not written to be interpreted so broadly.  Or it has not been heretofore.  This certainly has some sinister overtones. I almost hear the hissing of the serpent in the background.  I think it safe to say, the progressives are quite peeved at the opposition that has been mounted to their agenda.]

Archbishop Fisichella’s comments will be interpreted by many as an attempt to silence faithful Catholics who are deeply concerned by the direction currently being taken by those who hold offices at the highest levels of the Church…….

Follows a long list of only the most recent/severe scandals of the Franciscan pontificate.

In the face of these and other scandals Catholics have not only the right but also the duty to offer respectful, but forceful, criticism. This grave duty is outlined in Canons 211 and 212 of the Code of Canon Law…..

h/t reader BBM

As I said at the top, I’m not surprised by this in the least.  I will not be surprised to find many occasions for bitter irony in the upcoming “year of mercy,” as the heterodox and least likely to convert are showered with favors and praise, while the most faithful are scorned and excoriated.

Even more, this pontiff has made very clear on too many occasions to list the nature of those he views as his opponents, or “bad Catholics.”  They are Catholics who pray the Rosary “excessively,” who stand outside abortion mills, who adhere to outmoded ecclesiastical models (meaning, the pre-conciliar Church), who adhere to a certain liturgical “fashion,” who are “unmerciful,” “close-minded,” “promethean,” “neo-Pelagian,” etc., etc.  You get the point.  In short, YOU.

Progressives in the Church have long been vindictive, judging it quite right to take exceedingly harsh action against those they view as being opposed to the post-conciliar zeitgeist.  This dates back all the way back to the late 60s and early 70s, when those who raised the alarm over the new liturgy and theological chaos were brushed aside as unreconstructed obstructionists who simply would not get on the programme nouvelle.  I’m sure you can think of many numerous instances of how this played out.  These guys, they are nothing if not vindictive.

So…..the next year may be very rough. All manner of gestures for the unchurched and unfaithful, and the cold, hard hand of discipline for the most devout.  It’s the inversion that has taken place in the Church in these past decades reduced to crystalline purity.  I’ve been praying a great deal for faith, for steadfastness, because I have feared a this kind of persecution from within for some time.  This year might be the time of the greatest test, I don’t know.


1. Mrs. Maureen Avila - December 7, 2015

Related Canon Law Blog Article:

Most words are not crimes

2. Mark D - December 7, 2015

“All manner of gestures for the unchurched and unfaithful, and the cold, hard hand of discipline for the most devout. It’s the inversion that has taken place in the Church in these past decades reduced to crystalline purity.”

Can’t say it any better than this.

3. guy Mcclung - December 7, 2015

Sounds Fisichi to me. Heretically Fisichi. What if in real Catholics Internal Forums they believe all they say is OK? Or does not God’s attribute of mercy apply to this.? Mark D, you do know hypocrisy whrn you see it. Guy McClung, San Antonio, Texas

4. Peter - December 7, 2015

Even assuming “physical violence” in this and other Canons includes words (which I do not concede), it can’t possibly mean that criticisms of the Pope get you excommunicated. It could at most only include the guy yelling “hit him again” as he eggs on an actual physical assailant, or maybe include even the heckler who yells insults directly at the Pope. If it includes merely criticizing the Pope, these missionaries of mercy will need way more than a year to get through all the confessions.

5. glmcreations - December 8, 2015

forgot to mention-always look on the bright side of life! looking back at all the schismatics, dissenters, liberals, and heretics who were laetae sententiae excommunicated for harsh criticism of JPII and Benedict-perhaps this new doctrine ain’t so bad. unless of course they retroactively and posthumously get some of that mercy. needs clarification: does the doctrine apply only to criticism of a Jesuit pope? Guy McClung

6. Guest - December 8, 2015

You can’t resist this pope. Either he is not a pope or you have to shut up and watch him destroy the faith and the world.

Mrs. Maureen Avila - December 8, 2015

Here is the latest effort to do something other than ‘pray and look the other way’:
Urgent Appeal to Pope Francis to either Change His Course or Renounce the Petrine Office:

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