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FSSP Given Indult to Offer Pre-“Reform” Easter Rites February 28, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Dallas Diocese, Francis, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, history, Latin Mass, Liturgy, Restoration, sanctity, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.

I am happy about this permission given to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, to offer the Holy Week and Easter rites according to the 1945 Missal, thus not including the revolutionary changes to the Mass introduced by Pius XII. Even though many traditional Catholics have relatively little problem with the changes Pius performed, it must be made clear that it was these “relatively innocuous” changes that established a precedent for what before had always been seen as out of bounds – making inorganic changes to the structure of the Mass.  Without the Holy Week, or “Easter Rite” changes, there would have been no Novus Ordo, no mutilation of the ancient canon, probably in use since apostolic times or shortly thereafter, and its replacement by modernist fabrications, to paraphrase Pope Benedict.

So Francis of Rome has given permission to go back to the old rite before the revolution against the Liturgy began, but not, it seems, to the SSPX.  Which is actually kind of revealing – the fact that they have not been given this permission argues that they are an organic part of the Church, and being governed similar to other organizations, while not being given this permission may have much to do with internal SSPX politics, where there has long existed some division over whether Archbishop Lefebvre made the right call in settling on the 1962 Missal as the standard for the Society, rather than an earlier, unadulterated version.  I have no real opinion on these matters, save that I very much prefer the 1945 Missal and personally use one.  I also like to hear the Good Friday prayer that calls the Jews, even the perfidious ones, to conversion.

More from Angel Queen, via reader TT:

The Priestly Fraternity of St Peter has been granted an indult by the Vatican Commission Ecclesia Dei to use the liturgical books for Holy Week as they were until the [failed] reform of Pius XII (+1958). The indult is granted ad experimentum for three years. [Isn’t it interesting how the revolutionary changes are always unleashed full force and forever, while any kind of return to tradition must always be furtive, experimental, and non-committal?]

The information was published in several of the Fraternity’s US-parish bulletins. Each church of the Fraternity has to request permission from the superiors before taking advantage of the indult. According to rumours, 25 parishes have been granted permission so far.

However, on Good Friday, the prayer for the Jews published by Pope Benedict XVI must be used.

So it’s not an entire return to the ancient order – Benedict’s highly unfortunate capitulation to worldly opinion will still be used.  So, I’ll just have to read the old style prayer myself again.

I do not know if the local FSSP parish has requested permission to use the pre-1958 Mass.



1. Annie - March 1, 2018

I’ve assisted at the pre-1955 Holy Week liturgy several times. It is very beautiful, and I definitely prefer the pre-1962. Some of the changes made in 1960 and after really infuriate me. But I try not to focus on it too much.

2. DM - March 1, 2018

This is great news. I know the ICKSP has had a similar indult for a long time. Extremely unfortunate that they will continue to use the liberalized Good Friday prayer however.
I will have to ask our SSPX priests about this also. I’d have to count myself as one who thinks the good Archbishop Lefebvre made a significant mistake sticking with the 1962 missal.

Richard Malcolm - March 1, 2018

“Extremely unfortunate that they will continue to use the liberalized Good Friday prayer however.”

Actually, that is an express requirement of this indult ad experimentum. Those granted this permission can use the entire traditional (pre-1955) Holy Week, but they must use Benedict XVI’s revised 2008 Good Friday Prayer for the Jews.

DM - March 1, 2018

To clarify, that’s what I was referring to as unfortunate.

Richard Malcolm - March 2, 2018

Sure, I get that.

The only reason I chimed in was because I wanted to make it clear this was a stipulation of PCED if these parishes want to take advantage – in short, it’s not by their choice.

But to step back…I also prefer the pre-1955 prayer and rubric; it has the tradition, a very ancient, tradition behind it, it stood the test of time. That said, I cannot say that I can object doctrinally to Benedict XVI’s 2008 prayer; it does, at least, clearly call for conversion to Christ – which is certainly not something you can say about the Good Friday prayer in the Novus Ordo. All of which is no doubt why some grumpy progressive British bishops were demanding last year that Benedict’s prayer be ditched in the EF/TLM as well, to be replaced with the meaningless treacle of the 1970 prayer.

3. Tim - March 1, 2018

I hope you get them Tantum. We won’t, the FSSP was driven out of Indianapolis 5 years ago by the modernists, hence the SSPX is my place of refuge now. If you get them for three years let me know, maybe we’ll come to Dallas for Holy Week.

4. Sobieski - March 1, 2018

Fr. Hesse”s interpretation was that Abp. Lefebvre used the 1962 misssl out of self-defense, taking the least drastic course of action in the Society’s situation. It makes sense since he only went against the changes made by Paul VI and not Pius XII or John XXIII.

Richard Malcolm - March 1, 2018

And I think Fr Hesse’s theory has a lot of explanatory value (noteworthy, too, because Fr Hesse was not a fan of Pius XII’s changes). I don’t think the archbishop had any strong commitment to the 1962 missal per se.

Nonetheless, when he imposed it, there was certainly no lack of fireworks about it in some places.

It will be interesting to see if the Society decides to soften its decision on this, if the PCED permission becomes a general one – going pre-1955, at least on some things, will no longer be perceived as a threat to any reconciliation deal, which was key to what seems to have been ++Lefebvre’s thinking in the early 80’s.

Tantumblogo - March 1, 2018

“Nonetheless, when he imposed it, there was certainly no lack of fireworks about it in some places.”

Yes, that was my point, not to comment on whether Archbishop Lefebvre was right or wrong, but rather to just point out, it caused quite a bit of animosity and played a part in some groups breaking off from the SSPX.

5. Richard Malcolm - March 1, 2018

This is, to me, a very welcome development. It is difficult to call “traditional” a rite (Holy Week) which was in effect for all of only 9 years before being revised (again). I don’t say that the Pian Holy week contains error, but the changes made are arbitrary and often chaotic. I do hope that this three year experiment evolves into a permanent option available to any celebration of the traditional Roman Rite in Holy week…and that it could include other aspects of the pre-1955 missal as well (Vigil of Pentecost, old octaves, etc.).

As to which places are doing it: The rumor does say 25 FSSP parishes/missions applied for it; I have only been able to identify four so far: 1) St Stan’s in South Bend; 2) Sacred Heart in Fort Wayne; Our 3) Lady of Mount Carmel in Littleton; 4) St Joan’s in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. I think, by the way, that the FSSP at Sts. Trinita in Rome will be doing so as well. In addition, Dom Alcuin Reid has confirmed that Monastere Saint Benoit, the traditionalist Benedictine monastery in Frejus-Toulon, has been given permission to use the pre-1955 Holy Week both for Mass and the Breviary – they have published the schedule on their Facebook page. (Alas, none of the FSSP parishes within four hours drive of me seem to be among them!)

6. Magdalene P - March 1, 2018

I should be able to attend some of the Holy Week offerings at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Littleton and stay with relatives and am looking forward to it. At Mass lately I have been praying with the “Blessed Be God” missal which I really like very much. It is from the late 1950s and the pocket sized leather binding makes it very easy to carry and should last a long time.

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