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The Ultimate Homeschooling Sales Video May 16, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Abortion, asshatery, Basics, catachesis, contraception, cultural marxism, Dallas Diocese, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, horror, paganism, persecution, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.

I know this video from Michael Matt came out about a week and a half ago, but perhaps some haven’t seen it.  The opening segment in particular makes a good a advertisement for homeschooling as I can imagine – or, at least, an advertisement against the vast majority of public and private schools.

As you can see (and you are warned that the content, featuring a school principal shouting profanities and insults at children because they are pro-life, is definitely not family fare), the inmates have taken over the asylum.  Not that we didn’t already have ample evidence of that going back decades, but if anyone is wavering in their commitment to homeschooling, if anyone is unsure whether they want to go to the great effort of teaching their own kids, this video is something that should be watched.  Yes, this is something of an extreme example.  No, not every school has creatures like this.  But the vast majority of them do, and while those may not be as unhinged and confrontational as the man in the video below (who makes the connection between hatred of God, sins of the flesh, and hatred for one’s fellow man quite clear), they may be all the more pernicious and destructive for being more subtle in their approach.  The hard left has taken over the schools in every part of the country, and while many good individual teachers remain and some school districts have maintained some semblance of sanity, more and more, this is the norm, as is indoctrination, subtle and gross, into the Christ-hating philosophy of sexular pagan leftism:

That’s not to say that everyone is able to homeschool, or that it’s a cure all for dangers in raising children.  It’s not.  But I will reiterate what the formal parochial vicar at Mater Dei said repeatedly:  there is a hierarchy in the preference of children’s education, and it goes like this:

  1. Homeschooling
  2. Solidly devout non-Catholic parochial schools, typically evangelical protestant
  3. Public schools
  4. Catholic schools

This is by and large, big picture, broad sweeps analysis, but he had extensive argumentation to back this up, and I agree with his conclusions.  There are exceedingly rare exceptions to the above, especially regarding Catholic schools.  There are perhaps 2 or 3 in this diocese that I would rate as not posing a positive danger to children’s faith.  Public schools are charnel houses but knowing that it is possible to inoculate kids against danger, as it is possible to inoculate them against the errors pushed by protestants in their schools.  Catholic schools come out worst because decades of experience (and noted advice from such spiritual leaders as Archbishop Fulton Sheen) have shown kids from Catholic schools have the worst outcomes with regard to the Faith than any other option.  There seems to be something insidiously pernicious in being taught heinous errors from a supposedly trusted authority figure in an official Church-setting.

As I noted, there are exceptions, not everyone can homeschool, some are in particularly difficult financial or other situations that preclude it, nothing is perfect, etc., etc.  If you are not able to homeschool I’m sure you’ll do the next best thing and are doing your utmost within your means.  But I think I would be remiss in not exhorting those with young children who are contemplating schooling options not to very prayerfully, honestly search their souls as to whether homeschooling is possible for them.

I know the vast majority of trads already homeschool or are very favorable to it, but some folks still find the concept alien or intimidating.  It’s not as hard as you think, and there are myriad resources out there that help you out.  Even more, there are countless options for homeschooling, including solidly Catholic courseware and instruction from online sources like Seton or Regina Caeli Academy, which take most of the burden of instruction off mom or dad (but do carry a fairly substantial cost).  That’s not to say homeschooling is ever easy, but loads of people not inordinately blessed with intelligence, motivation, and education have done it and done it well.

But, like most things in life, this challenge of raising happy faithful Catholic children into Catholic adults can be done more than one way.  I happen to think homeschooling by far the best, but it is not necessarily the only way.  I had to put that caveat in so I don’t get lumped in with the mean ‘ol judgy McJudge Judge trad crowd*.

There’s a lot more in Matt’s video concerning the collapse of Christian civilization and the Church’s role in bringing that about through her own process of self-demolition, so watch the whole thing if you haven’t already.

*- a bit of an inside joke for locals who heard the same sermon I did a week or two ago.  The basic point was well taken, laity can go to excess easily in correcting/demanding certain standards of others.  But there’s a world of difference between advocating for a recommended course of action or practice, and condemning those who follow a different course.  Sometimes in a world of easily bruised feelings that distinction can be lost.  But people can also turn their preferences into totems and demand others do the same, perhaps to make them more assured of their own choices.  This is a difficult distinction and where to draw the line is very much a matter of prudence, not hard and fast rules.

Anyway, I’m obviously a hard-hearted jerk, this is how we treat bad babies at our house:

That’s right, puppy/baby jail.  That’s what happens when you’re not potty trained.  You both stay in there until you learn!  Nothing but dog food and water for the both of you!


1. Aimee - May 16, 2017

This is a really interesting article. It is really scary. We’re a family that is moving to the north Dallas area (working in Irving), and were planning to send our kids to Catholic schools. Would you say POP, Mary Immaculate, JPII and/or Jesuit fall into the category of faithful Catholic formation? Or would you recommend other Catholic MS/HS that would help our kids grow in their faith?

Tim - May 17, 2017

If you can do it, go to the TLM exclusively and homeschool. Those are the 2 things you can do to best help your children to grow in the Faith. We are at the end of our homeschooling as my kids are going to college. We haven’t been to a Novus Ordo Mass since 2010 and that was a funeral. God bless you in your efforts. Look into what Bishop Sheen said about the dangers of Catholic schools in our times. Michael Matt is spot on in this video. Tantum’s priority list on education options is spot on as well.

Camper - May 17, 2017

Avoid Jesuit. The Jesuits have been heretical for at least about twenty to thirty years, maybe more like seventy. Don’t send them to any parochial school. Mater Dei has a coop. Try it.

Judy - May 17, 2017

No way to JPII. It’s all about status and materialism, not about the Faith. Why spend $50,000 to achieve the same level of apathy and sinfulness that the public schools give you for free?

Rose - May 18, 2017

Be very aware of the schools in this diocese before you make your decision. In elementary, ask about any sexual education they might do, and look at it. In the high schools, look at all of the book lists very carefully. Are the Religion books richly Catholic? Do they read through and learn the catechism and apologetics? Do the world history books teach true world history or are they more of a world religions(with an all religions are great attitude)? In English, are the books classics that teach beauty, valor, and honor, or do they include popular modern novels with inappropriate/vulgar content…I know BL has their 15 year olds read the very mature book “The Kite Runner”…look it up on Common Sense Media and see what it in it…VERY disturbing content. Why do they think kids need this in their heads???
As St. John Bosco said,”Never read books you aren’t sure about . . . even supposing that these bad books are very well written from a literary point of view. Let me ask you this: Would you drink something you knew was poisoned just because it was offered to you in a golden cup? ”
St. John Bosco
I think all of these things(and more…don’t get me started) give clues as to just how serious a school is about their Catholic identity and forming saints. No school/homeschool is perfect, but they all should strive to serve the students’ souls, and not the lies of this world.
If you can’t homeschool or do the coop at Mater Dei, I would look at Faustina Academy or maybe Regina Caeli Academy or the Highlands.
We are blessed to have these options in our area. You and your family will be in my prayers.

2. Tim - May 16, 2017

Typical “hater” in Catholic tradland! You got animal and child “abuse” in one shot! Wait till the SPLC finds out about you and your promotion of already well known “hater” Michael Matt!

Camper - May 21, 2017

Ha! Nice.

3. Ami - May 16, 2017

This is a really interesting article. It is really scary. We’re a family that is moving to the north Dallas area (working in Irving), and were planning to send our kids to Catholic schools. Would you say POP, Mary Immaculate, JPII and/or Jesuit fall into the category of faithful Catholic formation? Or would you recommend other Catholic MS/HS that would help our kids grow in their faith?


4. Baseballmomof8 - May 17, 2017

You’re a nice guy…. you let that babe see out…. we always made sure to have plenty of closet space if ya know what I mean…. 😉 I helped start a solid NAPCIS school that is now diocesan because of great support from the Bishop – and yes, we were escaping a parochial school. That’s said, because I (silly me) and my younger kids followed the hubs to another state (a new job he really wanted) we went the solid evangelical Christian school route… too old to start another school. 😉 Worked out fairly well.

5. Brian E. Breslin - May 17, 2017

Tantum, I said it before and I will say it again, you are a trip, man.
And we all know the pup will outsnooze the baby any day of the week.

6. The Lord's Blog - May 17, 2017

Reblogged this on Jean'sBistro2010's Blog and commented:
Homeschooling vs. public…….

7. David - May 17, 2017

While I am not a parent, if I was I would investigate and ask around about the parochial schools. Some are pretty good, but others really don’t have much difference than public schools, with the exception of tuition, uniforms, and theology class. I say this because even if I made a substantial six figures, I would hesitate to spend $18K a year to send my son or daughter to a Catholic High School that was basically a “high end prep school. ”

I went to public school the majority of my life, but I graduated high school in the 1980s, and public schools have had many changes since then. I will say that I wish I would have been in a smaller high school – since my graduation class of 800 I was just a number, and looking back I would have preferred a smaller environment (my nephew is doing okay in a public high school where he lives and his graduating class is close to 400).

One thing I do think is an option for high schoolers…..if you have a son or daughter who is academically inclined, they might be able to get into an honors program at a public high school, or at one of the magnet schools. Some of these programs nowadays offer some college credit, and my recollection from my youth is most of the kids (no, not all) were a positive influence, since they studied, their parents were supportive, and quite a few really didn’t care what Mr. and Miss Popular were doing.

From experience in public high school, I was normally the slower kid in the honors class, but I preferred to be there because I was more challenged, and subjects like math, English, and history were not repeats like in the regular class. While I could just show up for a regular class and get by doing the homework, the honors class did more project work, and I learned more from that – honors science required the science fair – and there was much less goofing off in the honors class. The students also knew that there would be trouble at home for bringing bad grades too – which was one reason honors students behaved.

8. David - May 17, 2017

About homeschooling, I know families who do it, and I think it works. I know parents keep track of what’s been taught for recordkeeping, diplomas, college admission, etc. One thing I like about homeschooling is kids aren’t doing busy work over and over again – the story of my academia in junior high before Texas passed HB 72.

I do think it would be hard to do homeschooling for high schoolers though.

Judy - May 17, 2017

Regarding homeschooling for high schoolers: co-ops, self-teaching curricula, online classes, private tutors, and dual credit courses at the community college. All of which can be had for far less than the tens of thousands of dollars at a parochial high school.

David - May 17, 2017


About cost, that was the option for a public high school or magnet school with an honors program – much lower cost than prep school.

public school grad - May 18, 2017

So by high school it’s not really necessarily homeschooling anymore ? For example, to me a co-op sounds like a small private school.

Also from the article —
“Even more, there are countless options for homeschooling, including solidly Catholic courseware and instruction from online sources like Seton or Regina Caeli Academy, which take most of the burden of instruction off mom or dad…” I’m a little confused. I thought the point of homeschooling was that the parents taught the children so as to be a good influence on them. So it’s really “hand the student the lesson and let the teacher (homeschool person who wrote the curriculum) teach them” ?

Also I’m a little surprised to hear the priest recommend an evangelical school so highly. Maybe because I like David graduated from public high school in the ’80’s (small town Texas around here). My school had probably less than one percent Catholic and was itself sort of like an evangelical / Southern Baptist school based on the general beliefs of the students and families, with other protestant denominations thrown in. They were good people but of course Catholicism was not exactly the most highly regarded religion. We all know that “ex-Catholic” is the biggest faith denomination in this country, and unlike Catholic clergy, leaders of other churches have no qualms about sheep-stealing — in fact it seems to be their raison-d’etre. I’ve seen it happen over and over and over… here in the Bible Belt (DFW area). Has broken my heart my entire life, to have most of my friends not Catholic and not interested in Catholicism, and those who are Catholic, leave. And later in life to find out that some people you never knew were Catholic, used to be or had a Catholic background (not surprisingly).

If a family can be relied upon to counteract the inaccurate theology when a Catholic student attends an evangelical school, why isn’t family influence enough to counteract a public or Catholic school ? If parents aren’t the strongest influence on a student, the biggest problem IMHO isn’t with the school, it’s with the family.

Judy - May 18, 2017

Even in a co-op situation, the parents are still taking the lead in their child’s education. The co-ops do not meet every day of the school week. There is nothing wrong with finding experts in a field whose values align closely with those of your own family. That is something you will not find in a public school setting. I understand that not every parent has the academic background to teach a complete high school curriculum without help. Also, some students may choose a foreign language not spoken by the parents, in which case it is beneficial to have the input of a native speaker. In our family we did not use tutors, online classes, or co-ops for high school. We handled all the usual subjects, plus Latin, Ancient Greek, and logic. But we did find a math curriculum that was designed for the student to work through the materials on their own, with parents helping when they got stuck. Our oldest child sailed through the college boards and earned scholarships. But honestly, for the rest of my children, I will probably choose to use a dual-credit community college course for chemistry, to have the complete lab experience.
I think part of the problem with public schools and evangelical schools is that the anti-Catholic indoctrination can be very subtle, not to mention that history is always covered from the protestant viewpoint. And the evangelicals definitely want to try to convert your children.

9. Gary - May 18, 2017

The problem with Catholic schools here is probably a reflection of the Left leaning Bishops and priests we’ve had for decades; God bless our pastors who do whole heartedly love the faith and the flock.

10. Gary - May 18, 2017

Oh and if you really want to get me started: let’s talk about the ‘family that prays together stays together’ but how parish schools keep the kids busy in sports to the point there is no time to eat supper together as a family.

11. skeinster - May 22, 2017

About Fr.’s sermon (which is up on his site now):

There is a tendency for us to think that if we do all the “right” things, then we will get the desired result- holy kids, a happy family life, etc.
And we do them for the best of reasons, so not criticiaing anyone there.

BUT, sometimes we forget that people are not automatons. They are individuals with free will, which they can exercise in ways that hurt them and the people that love them.

And when we see a Trad family that has moral problems, it spooks us b/c we think that shouldn’t happen, if we’re following the blueprint.. And we might blame them for not doing the right things or not enough of them, etc. without stopping to consider their specific situation.
That’s the main point I think Fr. was making.

Not that we’re mean- just that we can be a little short-sighted. And anxious to get it right.

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