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At this point, shouldn’t the Jesuits be supressed? July 16, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Basics, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, priests, religious, sadness, scandals, self-serving.

Perhaps I should say, suppressed, again?  They were once, in 1773, for controversial reasons. But I see little controversy today.  The Jesuits are so completely, totally far gone, I have to wonder, can they be reformed under their present constitution, and with their present membership? Or must they go away for several decades, perhaps a lifetime, and then, possibly, be reconstituted in saner times, under saner conditions?

I could easily write a book on the depradations of the Jesuits against the Faith (indeed, Malachi Martin did write such a book).  The Jesuits are probably the group more responsible, collectively, for souls leaving the Faith, than any other.  Teilhard de Chardin was hardly an outlier- his mentor George Tyrell was extremely popular in the Jesuits, and was possibly even more devastating in his modernism than de Chardin. And Tyrell was removed from the order almost 100 years ago, at papal insistence. That is how long the Jesuits have been lost, and I’m sure it goes back well before that.

I think it reasonable to ask: have the Jesuits, over time, made an idol of learning and reason?  Such have always been foundational aspects of the Jesuit charism, but as time went on that foundation has, seemingly, consumed the order, to where reason and study, now almost wholly subsumed in condemned modernism, have become the sole focus of the Jesuits existence, even when that “reason” leads so many Jesuits to reject Dogma.  The Jesuits have thus long been in the vanguard of the explosion of modernism in the Church, and played key roles in the revolution unleashed on the Church several decades ago, because their learning led them to accept so many “scientific” principles like evolution.  Modernism was, in essence, an attempt to reconcile the Catholic Faith with evolutionary theory.  The devastating results of this effort speak for themselves: there is no quicker path out of the Faith than accepting modernist presuppositions.  Jesuits baneful influence was perhaps most felt in women’s religious orders, where it is now almost a cliche to attribute the fall of this or that order of nuns to some Jesuit influence.

Of course, there have remained a few good Jesuits slogging away, but they have had no influence at all over the general direction of the order. Men like Fr. John Hardon and a few others were simply not numerous enough to affect the order overall.

A couple of minor recent examples. An 80 year old Jesuit has left the order and renounced the priesthood, laicizing himself, over the Church’s unwillingness to accept the sexular pagan zietgeist by ordaining women and condoning homosexual simulation of marriage. I guess we should not be surprised, that even though this man has long held heretical views, he has been teaching impressionable young minds at ostensibly Catholic Creighton University for the past 14 years. I wonder how many souls he’s driven from the Faith?  His neo-paganism is evident from his parting screed:

In his letter, he strongly argues that the Church should place a much greater focus on environmental concerns, even stating that the Church should turn its attention “from saving souls to saving the planet.”  [For the committed leftist/modernist, there are no personal sins, only collective, “structural” ones.  Like gerbal worming, and non-socialist economic systems.  I fear he will have a terrible shock at his personal judgment]  He goes so far as to write, “Biocide is even more devastating than genocide, because it also kills future inhabitants of our precious Earth.”

In 2011, he served his last mass as pastor of St. John’s parish on Creighton’s campus, according to the Creighton Jesuit Community website. He is still listed as a “faculty ally” of the Gender and Sexuality Alliance on the university’s website.

Another anecdote from Rod Dreher (amazing, I’ve quoted him now twice in the last month!), is indicative of the destructive influence Jesuits at large have had on young minds:

During my years as a Catholic, more than a few times I would meet someone who had left the faith, and would credit their Jesuit education for having opened their eyes. Just now, I heard the Muslim scholar Reza Aslan on Fresh Air, talking about his new book. Terry Gross mentioned that he (Aslan) had been born into Islam, but his parents fled with him from Iranian Revolution. In America, his father became atheist, but Aslan became an Evangelical Christian. His mother followed him into Christianity. But then, studying at the Jesuit-run Santa Clara University, Aslan encountered Jesuit priests who encouraged him to go deeper into Islam, the religion of his forefathers.

Aslan did, and subsequently renounced Christianity to return to Islam.

Now, this man was always far from the Faith, but perhaps he was on a path that could have seen him enter the Church, before he ran into this Jesuit.

I myself have seen how Jesuits frequently drive young souls from the Church.  A couple of years ago, I did a post on a young Catholic girl who couldn’t be bothered to offer much penance for Lent, but her Jesuit-run school thought she was a hero for joining in the Ramadan fast of a Muslim classmate.  It all too often seems that, for the Jesuit, any religion is acceptable, save for the Catholic religion.

I stand in awe of the immense works of suffering, piety, and conversion so many Jesuits engaged in when that order was young and vibrant. Men like Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavier, Aloysius Gonzaga, Isaac Jogues, and so many others brought millions of souls into the Faith and were hugely responsible for the conversion of many countries.  It is beyond tragic – it is an incalculable loss – that the spiritual sons of these Saints have so abandoned not only the mission their founder intended, but the very faith of the Church.

So I reiterate my wonder: is it time for the Jesuits to be supressed?  Would a Jesuit Pope perhaps be the ideal man to do so?



1. Karl - July 17, 2013

Could we please start, immediately, with the current Pope?

2. Magdalene - July 17, 2013

The Jesuits will not be suppressed under a Jesuit pope. Sorry. I wish it would be otherwise for indeed this order has caused great devastation to the faith and the loss of many souls.

3. David L. Gray - July 17, 2013

Let us start a global Petition for this cause and have the great Jesuit Saints as our Patrons! Email me – I’d love to help! I’ll start a website!

4. Dismas - July 17, 2013

Excellent post.

5. lisag - July 17, 2013

So has the Holy Spirit left these Jesuits? Is that why they are incapable of loving the Church of Jesus Christ. Is the cross rejected and so they accept all things non Catholic. Pray for hearts to change.

6. John - July 17, 2013

I believe the Vincentians are also part of dismantaling of Holy Mother Church.

tantamergo - July 17, 2013

And the Christian Brothers, and the Trappists, etc. But the Jesuits have, to many minds, been the most destructive.

7. David - July 17, 2013

John, like you I haven’t been too impressed with the Vincentians. One priest who had been a Vincentian was incardinated into the Dallas Diocese in 1981. This priest (now deceased) was a member of Call to Action. In addition, I know at least a dozen Catholics who had been parishioners at Holy Trinity (downtown Dallas), and within a year, migrated to other parishes due to the lack of orthodoxy at Holy Trinity.

The Society of Mary (SM, also called the Marianists) and Maryknoll (MM) have also gone through a period of watering down. I attended a college run by the Marianists in the 1980’s. Crucifixes were removed from dorm rooms, Mass attendance was about 15% (even on Holy Days when the 11:00 am class period was cancelled so there could be an all-school Mass), we stood during the consecration, and very few priests wore their collars on campus. It’s really a no-brainer why the Marianists are a dying breed.

The Jesuits staffed my parish at one time. My parish became a diocesan parish in 2003. The Jesuits from the New Orleans Province vacated it because of the lack of vocations. I still recall Fr. Paul Schott (who IMHO was a good pastor and a stronger Jesuit than some of the other Jesuits I have been exposed to) mentioning that in 2003, there were 250 Jesuits in the New Orleans Province. Out of the 250, 103 were 70 or older.

Tantamergo, I do agree that the Jesuits for the most part lost their way. Good Jesuits like Fr. Mitch Pacwa have had to find their own assignments. I know the Province near San Francisco had more than it’s share of trouble, including homosexuality. Fr. Robert Drinnan unfortunately did a lot of damage by educating Nancy Pelosi and a few other Catholyc politicians.

Recently, I heard a talk where a Dominican priest (who attended seminary in Berkeley, California in the late 1960’s/early 1970’s) called the Jesuit School of Theology the “Jesuit School of Berzerkly” because of the nonsense he was taught there. I’m glad I did not attend Georgetown, Boston College, St. Josephs in Philadelphia (I had a cousin attend there circa 2000 and “rainbow week” is big there, along with Sunday Masses that are 35 minutes long with liturgical abuses). or Marquette University (I considered attending engineering graduate school there in the late 1990’s).

About ten years ago, I ordered and recall listening to two cassettes from Human Life International. One was titled “The Decline of the Jesuit Order”, and the other was titled “The Decline of Jesuit Higher Education”. This was put together in the late 1990’s, and most of it centered around the decline of Georgetown since the 1960’s.

I’m wondering if within the next 20 years the Jesuits will become a stronger order and uphold the Church, like their founders intended. Should the Jesuits suppress themselves, that could give them time to do some restoration, better formation, and even doing some clean-out among certain members of the Order.

Here’s something promising……..I’ve also heard that many of the younger Jesuits coming in are more orthodox than their older colleagues, which is promising. The Jesuits also elected a new Superior in 2008, which I believe Pope Benedict XVI had to approve.

Russell Shaw penned an article years ago in Crisis Magazine (around 2005 or 2006) titled “The Future of the Jesuits” where he ponders whether or not the Jesuits will make a comeback.

Thanks for bringing this up – my Tide box is about to collapse.

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