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“Angel” priest visits Missouri accident scene, disappears August 9, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, priests, Saints, sanctity, Society, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, Virtue.
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A miracle?  An angelic visitation?  What do you think?

Emergency workers and community members in eastern Missouri are not sure what to make of a mystery priest who showed up at a critical accident scene Sunday morning and whose prayer seemed to change life-threatening events for the positive.

Even odder, the black-garbed priest does not appear in any of the nearly 70 photos of the scene of the accident in which a 19-year-old girl almost died. No one knows the priest and he vanished without a word, said Raymond Reed, fire chief of New London, Mo.asdfsadf

“I think it’s a miracle,” Reed said. “I would say whether it was an angel that was sent to us in the form of a priest or a priest that became our angel, I don’t know. Either way, I’m good with it.”

Carla Churchill Lentz, mother of the teen who was critically injured, said emergency workers have told her there is no way her daughter should have lived inside such a mangled car. Of the priest, she said, “I do believe he certainly could have been an angel dressed in priest’s attire because the Bible tells us there are angels among us.”

The scene unfolded Sunday morning. Katie Lentz, a sophomore at Tulane University, was driving from her parents’ home in Quincy, Ill., to Jefferson City, Mo., where she has a summer internship and planned to attend church with friends. The Mercedes she was driving collided with another vehicle on a highway near Center, Mo. The accident crushed Lentz’s vehicle into a ball of sheet metal that lay on the driver’s side, Reed said.

Reed’s team and emergency workers from several other jurisdictions tried for at least 45 minutes to remove the twisted metal from around Lentz. Various pieces of equipment broke and the team was running out of choices. A helicopter waited to carry Lentz to the nearest trauma center. Though Lentz appeared calm, talking about her church and her studies toward a dentistry degree, her vital signs were beginning to fail, Reed said.

“I was pulled off to the side by one of the members of the” helicopter evacuation team, Reed said. “He expressed to me that we were out of time. Her condition looked grim for her coming out of that vehicle alive. She was facing major problems.”12345

At that point, Reed’s team agreed to take the life-threatening chance of sitting the vehicle upright so that Lentz could be removed from it. This is dangerous because a sudden change in pressure to the body can be critical, he said.

That’s when Lentz asked if someone would pray with her and a voice said, “I will.”

The silver-haired priest in his 50s or 60s in black pants, black shirt and black collar with visible white insert stepped forward from nowhere. It struck Reed as odd because the street was blocked off 2 miles from the scene and no one from the nearby communities recognized him.

“We’re all local people from four different towns,” Reed said. “We’ve only got one Catholic church out of three towns and it wasn’t their priest.”

Reed and the other emergency workers were on their knees. The priest of about medium build, maybe 6-feet-tall, stood above them.

“This priest approached Katie and began to pray openly with her,” Reed said. “He had a bottle of anointing oil with him and he used that.”

Another firefighter who had been watching said it appeared as if the priest also sprinkled Reed and two other emergency workers nearby with oil.

Everything happened quickly after that. Twenty emergency workers pulled together and sat the car upright, Churchill Lentz said. Katie Lentz’s vital signs improved and a rescue team from a neighboring community suddenly appeared with fresh equipment and tools. Lentz was removed and rushed to the hospital.

With Lentz gone, the rescue team prepared to clean up, Reed said.

“We all go back to thank this priest and he’s gone,” he said.

Initially, they assumed he had to get to his home church to lead Sunday services. But then they looked at their photos of the scene.

“I have 69 photographs that were taken from minutes after that accident happened — bystanders, the extrication, our final cleanup — and he’s not in them,” Reed said. “All we want to do is thank him.”

——————End Quote———————

I’ve already read some suggestions – Fr. John Hardon, SJ, for one.  Don’t read the comments, they are largely unedifying or worse. The worshippers of Locke and sexular paganism are out in force on this one – there can never be even a hint of something supernatural, or their world collapses! Pretty funny the ignorance and emotionalism displayed by the “reality-based” crowd.

Dominus vobiscum!

The young lady is gravely injured, but expected to survive.

Letter to a priest movie August 9, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, blogfoolery, family, General Catholic, Sacraments, Society.
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I had seen some PR out about this movie a month or two ago, but didn’t pay much attention to it. However, Boniface at Unam Sanctam Catholicam has vouched for the producer, so perhaps there will be quite a bit of there, there.  The trailer doesn’t show just a great deal – or maybe, it does:

Apparently, this short movie was screened at World Youth Day.  Here is how Boniface describes the story:

Letter to a Priest is a twelve minute film that tells the story of a young woman struggling to come to terms with the Church, particularly its teaching on a very sticky point: the validity (or invalidity) of marriage. The protagonist begins in a spirit of outright hostility to the Church’s teaching but through a chance encounter with a priest, comes to a humble recognition of the spiritual riches hidden within the bosom of Mater Ecclesia. One strong point about this film is that the protagonist does not come to accept the Church in an intellectual, dogmatic fashion; rather, her conversion is presented in mystical terms, in context of an undeniable encounter with a supernatural reality – not in any miraculous sense, but in the simple weekly Benediction of a parish Church. This highlights the ordinary working of grace, which is often lost in modern apologetical approaches to the Faith that can place an undue emphasis on the work of the intellect at the expense of grace or mystical elements.
When I wrote about the Jesuits, and their impact on the Church,  this is what I really meant – that many souls are touched not by intellectual argument but by Grace or some supernatural experience.  Such was a factor in my conversion.  All one has to do is to read this blog regularly to know the emphasis I place on study, reason, and argument.  But at the same time, I try to keep the Mass as the focus of my faith-life and an openness to the supernatural.  There is much out there in the realm of the spirit that is beyond our ability to comprehend, and many souls are moved by such experiences.
The Catholic Faith is the “both-and” religion – it is reason AND experience, natural AND supernatural, action AND mysticism.  It is when an individual or group skews too far to one side or the other – to the extent of even setting up a false dichotomy, pretending Catholicism is an “either-or” religion, that things go astray.

Good Catholic Art/Bad Catholic Art August 9, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in Art and Architecture, awesomeness, Basics, Christendom, disaster, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, martyrdom, persecution, sanctity, scandals, secularism, Tradition, Virtue.
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And all of it from the 20th century, so you can’t say, well, the times have simply changed.  The good I think comes from Fr. Saenz, and the bad via JP Sonnen (not that he likes it).  A little story before I give you the bad.  These are doors that are presently hanging in the Vatican. They were commissioned, by the Vatican under Paul VI, after VII.  The artist entrusted with casting these heavy metal doors was an Italian communist.  To me, much of the art looks about the equal of what my 13 y/o could do on an average day.  The doors are called “Porta del Bene e del Male” – the doors of the good and the bad.  As JP Sonnen says, what beautiful baroque or gothic beauties were removed to accomodate these nightmares? What do you think?

st peters entrance xxi

st peters entrance xxiii

st peters entrance i

Now, some good:


logocristeroChristero, that.


Photos can be art, too:


Our Church has been so much at war with itself for 50 years!

How to practice exterior recollection from St. Peter Julian Eymard August 9, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, religious, Saints, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.
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0802Eymard-thumb-244x351.jpgExterior recollection is that practice of virtue that allows us to exist in the world, without falling into vice or losing our focus on the interior life. It means, rejecting all the attractions and seductions the world, the flesh, and the devil present in order to distract us from the life of Grace.

St. Peter Julian Eymard counsels that exterior recollection consists in love of solitude, of silence, and of modesty of body.  From  The Eymard Library Vol. 3 Eucharistic Retreats:

Solitude: God does not love excitement, He does not let His voice be heard in the tumult of the world.  God wants peace and tranquility. That is why He said: “I will lead the soul I love into the wilderness and I will speak to her heart.”  In silence and peaceful solitude a devout soul advances in virtue, and learns to understand the hidden things of the Scriptures………in order that she may be the more familiar with her Creator, the farther removed she lives from worldly tumult. For God with His holy angels will draw near unto him who withdraws himself from all his friends and kindred. It is more profitable to lead a retired life and to attend to one’s salvation, than to neglect one’s self and work miracles.

Therefore, O’ my soul, avoid the world as much as you can. The time you pass in its midst is wasted. There the soul is dissipated, the heart attached, or sullied, piety withers away, and virtue is weakened. Oh, use your time well, for it is short! Guard your Grace closely, for it is in a most fragile vessel! Live as though disregarded, unknown by the world, and Jesus will give you His sweet and holy company.  Whoever wishes to lead an interior life and to become spiritual, must with Jesus keep aloof from the crowd.

Silence: Silence is the guardian of peace of heart and of purity of soul.  “In the multitude of words there shall not want sin” (Prov 10:19), says the Holy Spirit. The soul is dissipated by idle words; it is sullied by words against charity and humility; and it si so easy to forget oneself in the midst of the world!

Let your words, O my soul, always pay homage to truth and glorify charity! Let them be a sacrifice of humility and mildness, a defense of virtue and justice!

Modesty:  In order to preserve inner recollection, exterior modesty is necessary. It shows itself:

  1. In watchfulness over the senses, that they be not carried away by curiosity, led into too great activity, and receive too vivid impressions of external objects. [Given that our culture has just about descended to an endless carnival where barkers constantly assail souls to abandon their chastity and enter into dens of the worst iniquity, this is a most critical practice]
  2. In an unobtrusive guard over the eyes, a guard neither prudish nor timid but unconstrained, which allows one to look without fixing one’s glance, to see without retaining a vivid impression [I have lamented immodesty in dress, particularly in female dress. At the same time, all people, but especially men, need to practice much better custody of the eyes, in spite of what the Westian TOBers think]
  3. In movement, gesture, and posture: a modesty grave and unconstrained; active without agitation, granting repose without voluptuosness to the body; decorous without familiarity, good without affectation; a modesty that is the flower of purity of soul.

Jesus is the model of the life of this beautiful virtue. How great was the modesty of His glance!

———————-End Quote———————–

All these actions require much practice, and much mortification.  If these virtues above seem alien to  you, start small, with a few changes every day or two.  Turn off the TV.  Read holy books. If you see that immodestly dressed woman, fight the urge to ogle and look at something else.  Pray more. Spend some quiet time alone, if possible.  Etc.  Transitioning into a life of exterior recollection will take time.  But if you keep applying yourseld, you will soon reap dividends and great changes in your life.

Christ Light of the World_pius picture

If an ordinary picture speaks 1000 words……. August 9, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, episcopate, fun, General Catholic, Liturgy, Tradition.
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……this one, courtesy Rorate Caeli, speaks about 1.5 million!

KoC convention

So, Cardinal Burke in choir, in traditional vestments, unlike the ugly post-VII chasubles his brother cardinals are wearing.  Perhaps he’s apart because he no longer has a US see. I am told it is not too unusual for a cardinal to be in choir at a Mass offered by a non-cardinal, but, then again, there are a half-dozen other cardinals conclebrating.

From what I gathered from the USCCB Facebook page, from which this photo originates, this photo was taken at Mass at the annual KoC convention.  Cardinal Burke has also spoken out against what he feels is the overuse and abuse of concelebration.  Whether that belief figured in his not concelebrating this Mass, or not, I do not know.

Could it be that Cardinal Burke is offering the TLM exclusively?  I searched for 2013 pics of Cardinal Burke offering the Novus Orod but did not find any.  But, I didn’t search very hard, and just because there is no pic doesn’t mean a whole lot.  I also read that Cardinal Burke sees “perfect continuity” between the liturgical styles of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.

Nevertheless, I don’t think the TLM has any better supporter in the Curia or among the College of Cardinals.  God bless Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke!


Building Catholic Culture – take a priest on your father-son outing! August 9, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Latin Mass, Society, Tradition, Virtue.
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I have found the blog “Traditional Catholic Priest” more and more edifying.  The priest in question is Fr. Alonso Saenz of Phoenix, who has taken to offering the TLM at his diocesan parish.  Fr. Saenz has an interesting post up about being invited to a father/son camping trip held by a men’s bible study group in the Diocese of Phoenix.  It sounds as if many of these men, and their sons, had not had a previous experience with the TLM.  From the report given by Fr. Saenz, he may have just interested many more souls in the venerable Roman Rite.

I think this is really a brilliant idea. I know our priests are generally just slammed with regard to their schedules, but I also believe they would probably try to take part in an event like this if they at all could.  I think having a priest take part in such an outing or retreat would be very beneficial for all manner of groups, whether they already assist at the TLM predominately or not.  In so many cases today, in so many of our parishes, young people don’t have much contact with priests. And with all the abuse scandals, in far too many cases, priests are treated as a strange “other,” possibly dangerous.  That is one of the most horrifying effects of the priest abuse scandal: that sacred relationship between priest and soul has, far too often, been severed.  It is also one of the fallouts from the changes that have occurred in the Church in the past 50 years, with lay people taking over more and more roles in the Church, so that most souls only interact with priests on rare occasions.  All of these factors have helped contribute to the lack of vocations.

If you’re part of a men’s group, or if you ever lead or take part in father-son outings in some capacity related to the Church (like Kepha), consider inviting a good, holy priest to go with you.  I know some FSSP priests do take part in retreats like this.  I especially recommend inviting a priest that can expose young men to the traditional Mass and other traditional aspects of the Faith.  A small act like an invitation to a camping trip could lead to immense spiritual rewards.

