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No, You Cannot “Partially Confess” Mortal Sins……. September 28, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, different religion, disaster, Domestic Church, error, General Catholic, horror, Interior Life, paganism, Revolution, Sacraments, sadness, scandals, sickness, Society.
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…….and the matter addressed in this post raises major issues with Novus Ordo Church.

I initially used the Youtuber’s name in the post, but went through and removed it, since it’s not really the point.

There is a particular Youtube channel with a particular female “host.” This woman formerly lived in Seattle and now lives in the Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, area.  She’s what’s called a “based” or “red-pilled” Youtuber, which means she strongly rejects leftist social justice warrior ideology and adheres much more to conservative viewpoints.  In fact, she plays at being attracted to fascist ideologies at times.  I’m not sure how serious that attraction is, most of my viewership of her material comes through the weekly livecasts she does with another Youtuber.

In many respects she’s great.  She’s very conservative and we align on a number of points.  In spite of these many points of agreement, however, like Michael Knowles, there is a serious problem with her attitude regarding the Church and the moral law Christ has given to guide us in this life, be pleasing to Him, and enable us to spend eternity worshipping Him in Heaven..  Like so many of us, this fair haired woman has a lot of baggage.  Lord knows, I do, too.  I’ve been pretty open about that over the years.  One thing I have striven most mightily to do is to conform myself to the mind of the Church in all aspects of my life of which I am aware.  This does not mean I have succeeded in all fronts, but I continue to try.

In this day and age, however, that can be a difficult thing to do.  What should be the simplest, most straightforward thing in the world – for Catholics to know the moral law and live in accord with it (I didn’t say easiest) – has become a labyrinthe of difficulty, due to the error and outright heresy rife in the Church of the past 100 years or so, extending in recent times right to the highest level.  While the Doctrine of the Faith is still out there to be found by souls who are willing to put forth the effort – in books, on website, at traditional parishes, etc – there is a huge mass of error to lead poeple astray, and especially to tempt them in the most trying (marriage, chastity, procreation) aspects of their lives to find the wide, easy road to destruction, instead of the hard, narrow way our Blessed Lord told us would be our lot if we chose to take up our cross and follow Him.

All I say below has been publicly revealed by this Youtube personality herself, so I am not revealing any confidences. This woman is married to a non-Catholic.  She was married outside the Church.  As she became much more conservative over the past several years, she began to feel an attraction towards the Church again.  From what she has said, her initial return to the Church was to the SSPX. I am guessing this is the Immaculate Conception priory the SSPX has near the Washington/Idaho border. Upon approaching the priests there regarding regularzing her marriage and being able to receive the Sacraments, as she terms it, she was told that she would have to wait 6 months in order to have her marriage reviewed and the process of investigation completed.  During that time, she would have to remain chaste with her husband, living as brother and sister.  Now, this Youtuber is in her early 30s and is attempting to conceive her first child.  She has been married for at least a few years.

This was undoubtedly a huge cross to bear. I asked some local priests about this period of continence, and they indicated that it seemed rather longer than their experience indicated but that each case was different, and not knowing the particulars it was difficult to comment.  They absolutely agreed that this woman and her husband would need to live as brother and sister until the marriage was made right in the eyes of God and Holy Mother Church, and that she could not receive Communion during this waiting period, either.  It should be noted that, prior to the 1950s, getting a sacramentally invalid marriage to a non-Catholic validated was all but impossible. Whether such marriages should even be available for validation is a huge question, one which I won’t go into at this time.

The Youtuber was not amenable to this direction, done for the good of her soul, and that of her husband’s, I’m sure.  She sought out a Novus Ordo parish, my guess would be St. Thomas the Apostle because she described this as a relatively conservative and orthodox parish.  There are only two or three Novus Ordo parishes in the area, and this one is definitely the most orthodox by all appearances.  Apparently, from what she has said, this parish somehow regularized her marital situation, or gave her some kind of leave to continue to live as husband and wife while the matter was being resolved (and allowing her to receive the Sacraments). After discussing this situation on their Youtube livestream, I reached out directly to this woman and I suggested she seek out the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter parish in the area, because I feared that she may have been getting some worldly, feel-good kind of direction that is all too common in the Novus Ordo world.  I do not know if she contacted good Father Gordon up there, but she did say she was going to Mass and receiving Sacraments and seemed satisfied.

Now, I have no knowledge of the details, so perhaps this resolution of her non-sacramental marriage was perfectly legitimate.  But I was concerned that this could be evidence of the kind of extremely lackadiasical attitude towards the Sacraments and their right administration that is all too common in essentially all Novus Ordo parishes.  Subsequent events gave strong evidence of this.  The Youtubing woman related that as she had been away from the Church for years, she had accumulated numerous sins, including a number of mortal ones, and that confessing these was difficult.  She stated that the priest of this parish had advised that she could just confess one or two as she felt moved to do at each Confession, and then continue to receive Communion as she gradually went through her history of sins.  She indicated this was the course she was following.

This is obviously a grave offense against God and His Church, and is an absolutely disastrous pastoral practice.  Objectively speaking, every one of these Confessions has been invalid, devoid of the Grace of reconciliation with God, and each subsequent reception of the Blessed Sacrament has been unspeakably sacrilegious.  Now, the Youtuber received absolutely disastrous direction from her priest, so I’m not certain how much guilt accrues to her, and how much to him, but the entire situation is a catastrophe.  If she becomes aware of this grave offense against God, she would have to go re-confess all these sacrilegious confessions and all the other, original mortal sins, besides. What a nightmare.

And this brings me to the point of this post.  If I am right about the parish in question, by all external appearances it looks like a quite faithful, orthodox parish.  There is frequent public Rosary and Confession most days.  It could be she attends the other parish in Coeur d’Alene, St. Pius X (please don’t harrass either parish since I/we don’t know with certainty).  But either way, this situation highlights something I have learned at great cost over the past decade or so – that, one priest aside, there are virtually no Novus Ordo priests in this country who can be relied upon in every situation, no matter how difficult, to adhere to the Doctrine of the Faith and guide souls along these ancient, constant lines. Even in seemingly conservative/faithful Novus Ordo parishes/chapels, I have universally encountered error to one degree or another, with the exception of one priest, Father Paul Weinberger.  He is a rock.  But even in Hanceville, when Mother Angelica was still alive, I got some very unfortunate direction in the confessional, which fortunately I knew better than to follow.  There are other priests in the Novus Ordo church that I believe are also quite solid, like Father Ryan Erlenbush, but I do not have enough direct personal knowledge to confirm.  If you have such a priest, thank God, for you are truly fortunate.

The seemingly very quick and convenient, with little or no moral consequence, regularization of the sacramentally invalid marriage was frankly a huge warning sign.  But this matter of the advice given with regard to Confession is beyond the pale, and puts the woman’s soul in the gravest of jeopardy.  I have spoken with several priests on this matter – confidentially, of course  – and all were utterly aghast at this hideous direction.

It is a tragedy, but is one of the strongest reasons why I now pretty much advocate exclusively for souls to avail themselves of priests of traditional priestly societies if at all possible (up to an including driving an hour or so each way if possible), or of priests offering the TLM in the next case.  If absolutely no TLM is available, especially from a society of men deliberately formed according to the constant belief and practice of the Faith, search out the best priest you can find, but I think in such a case you have a particular duty to exert great effort to form yourself in the Faith to the degree that you will not be influenced by poor catechesis and destructive direction.

It just reinforces my growing opinion that the future of the Church is entirely in her past.  She must return to herself in all ways, most especially those related to the moral virtues and the Liturgy.  That’s not just about saving souls.  It’s about giving God the glory He deserves.


Culture War Keeps Hottin’ Up – Baby Murder Supporter Assaults, Batters Pro-Lifer Outside Mill (UPDATED) September 6, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, asshatery, contraception, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, persecution, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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[UPDATE] Sorry folks I’ve been away from the blog so long I forgot about the horrific formatting issues blogspot brings into WordPress.  Another curse from Google. Should be fixed.

And the apparent violent felon also appears to be in senior management at the most vile and despicable company on earth, Google.  A quick note to Google, when you have to remind yourself in your stupid masthead not to be evil, you already are.  That’s the inevitable consequence of being staffed with narcissistic leftists:

So what do you think triggered our little skinny soi boi leftist on this particular day?  Did he cause a baby or two to be murdered, or is it simply like a demon encountering someone, anyone, with a grace-filled soul?  These are rhetorical questions, of course.  But this jerk Quinn Chasan should not have a job as of this evening.  Knowing Google, he’ll probably get promoted.

I suppose I should not be shocked that the political elite in Britain has determined to tell the hoi polloi that their vote no longer matters. The best and probably final shot at Brexit is being blocked by parliamentary action, after a group of Tories split from their Prime Minister (he subsequently kicked them out of the party) and voted in favor of a bill that will block Boris Johnson from pursuing a no-deal Brexit.  This is the British elite telling the public they are nothing but farm animals producing taxes for the elite to decide what to do this.  I thought it was the most breathtakingly anti-democratic act I had seen in memory……………until I saw a former Chair of the corrupt and destructive Federal Reserve basically calling for the Fed to do all in its power to block a democratically elected president and bring him down in 2020:

“There’s even an argument that the election itself falls within the Fed’s purview,” Mr. Dudley writes. “After all, Trump’s reelection arguably presents a threat to the U.S. and global economy, to the Fed’s independence and its ability to achieve its employment and inflation objectives. If the goal of monetary policy is to achieve the best long-term economic outcome, then Fed officials should consider how their decisions will affect the political outcome in 2020.”

Wow. Talk about stripping the veil. These columns wondered if Mr. Dudley was politically motivated while he was at the Fed, favoring bond buying to finance Barack Obama ’s deficit spending, urging the Fed to intervene in markets to boost housing, and keeping interest rates low for as long as possible. And now here Mr. Dudley is confirming that he views the Fed as an agent of the Democratic Party.

Which is just one branch of the bi-coastal (and that’s not all they’re bi- about) elite’s beloved and all-powerful uniparty. We have seen abundant anti-democratic, screw the little people action here in the US over the past few years.

I agree totally with Glenn Reynolds on this one:

A key lesson of the Trump era is that every single allegedly neutral, nonpartisan, super-professional institution has turned out to be, in fact, a bunch of partisan hacks shilling for the permanent political party. Voters can be forgiven for adopting a “burn it all down” attitude in response.

Dang right.  I’ve never cottoned to that before, but increasingly, I think just about all of it needs to be torched.  “Democracy” is a sham pulled over the eyes of suckers.

Objective Unlocked – Proportion of White Christians Declines over 50% in 40 Years September 5, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, demographics, disaster, error, General Catholic, horror, Immigration, sadness, scandals, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.
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This is what several decades of deliberate attack and undermining of the Christian faith was aimed at, making what was formerly the most religiously active developed country in the world areligious and ripe for conversion to social and economic leftism.  That, and the massive, unrestrained influx of peoples from cultures often hostile towards the mores and beliefs of the former majority of this nation. The US that I knew as a child no longer exists.  From a country that was 81% white and Christian, by at least one measure, in 1976, the country by 2016 had become only 43% so.  And polls show the percentage has declined steeply in the past 3 years, to around 38-40%.  Being from Texas, I have seen this happen with my own eyes.

Unfortunately, it must be said that white Christians – or perhaps I should say “Christians” – played their own massive role in this unprecedented demographic change. Abortion and, even more so, contraception, have driven white Christian fertility down below the replacement rate.  Given that, it was almost inevitable that the vacuum thus created would create economic pressures to attract huge numbers of (economic) migrants.  It was also almost inevitable that the proportion of white Christians, not even bothering to replace themselves, would decrease.  Of course, the political-economic elites have driven immigration rates far above what was needed simply to insure a relatively healthy and stable population.  They have pursued their own selfish interest in this matter.  But the white “Christians” have done much to bring about this decline, and among those Catholics are some of the most guilty, since they should and most, even with the collapse of the teaching authority of the Church (by design), indeed do know the Truth Christ has revealed on this most vital matter – that contraception is always and everywhere sinful, and that being fruitful and multiplying is a great blessing from God.

Some of the most energetic opponents of immigration and demographic change should be looking in the mirror when they search for whom to blame.

The data:

According to PPRI, self-described ‘White Christians’ made up 81% of the population in 1976, but only 43% in 2016.

They wrote, “White Christians are a declining proportion of the U.S. population: 81% in 1976”, adding “43% in 2016”.

Illegal immigration, in particular, has been a contentious hot topic for several years.

Crime and excessive welfare participation have both been called into question.

One America News Network Political Correspondent Ryan James Girdusky wrote, “In 1998, non-citizens made up 36.9 percent of federal arrests”, adding “In 2018, non-citizens made up 63.9 percent of federal arrests.”

In a second tweet, he added specifics about non-citizens from Mexico and Central America as a whole.

“In 1998, non-citizens from Mexico made up 27.9% of arrests”, he added, “In 2018 non-citizens from Mexico made up 39.9% of arrests.”

On Central America, Girdusky notes “In 1998, non-citizens from Central America made up 1.2% of arrests,” and, “In 2018, non-citizens from Central America made up 20.4% of arrests.”

I do not mean to sound defeatist, but even if Trump is able to build a continuous wall, and that wall massively reduces illegal immigration, it will almost certainly be too late.  Trump’s administration is bragging about permitting more legal immigration than ever before.  If so, he has significantly misread the intention of those who elected him, the large majority of who want all immigration, legal and otherwise, drastically curtailed for some time, at least several decades, to give this nation time to absorb and assimilate the unprecedented numbers who have entered over the past 50 years or so.  Right now, whatever progress he is making seems to be much too little, and too late.

A final thought his how much the churches themselves have done to bring about this collapse.  From the gimmicks of the “hardcore” evangelical type groups to the utter collapse of the mainline protestant sects, to the continuing self-demolition of the Catholic Church, modern American Christianity has for 30 years or more had practically no success in keeping its own, let alone rolling back the constant advance of the leftist juggernaut.  Our beloved Holy Mother Church will become much, much, much smaller – smaller than I think many can envision – before she is fully healed (barring, of course, some dramatic Divine intervention).  But that is a topic for another time.


How in the heck?!? Scumbag sodomite McCarrick somehow winds up 60 miles from my family farm? November 5, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, error, Francis, General Catholic, horror, scandals, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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More than just 60 miles away – I’ve been to St. Fidelis several times.  The church is as beautiful as the Masses offered there by these Capuchins are as bland Novus Ordo as they come.  In fact, the church is just about half a mile south of I-70 in Victoria, KS, about 10 minutes east of the medium sized town of Hays.  So I will have to drive past this son of a gun every time I go to my farm.

The townspeople and people of the Diocese of Salina are none too pleased at this development.  McCarrick will also be within a few dozen yards of the local school.  And no, those facilities are not sequestered at all, they all share the same lot and there is no fencing or any substantive barriers in between – at least there were not as little as 6 months ago.  Typically, local Church officials in Kansas did not bother to inform either the school or local residents before placing this disgraced monster in their midst.

So while this may seem like a banishment to the outer hinterlands and a real sequestration of McCarrick, I wouldn’t be so sure.  If he is allowed to roam, he can be in Denver in 7 hours or Kansas City in 5.  From there, the world.  We’ve certainly learned of the escapades of other priests and prelates who were supposedly “banished” to a life of prayer and penance, and yet they kept le bon temps roulez, no?


 A school official in the small town of Victoria, Kansas says Church leaders did not inform them that the disgraced former cardinal, Theodore McCarrick, would be moving in next door to an elementary school.

The Archdiocese of Washington announced Friday that McCarrick, 88, had moved into St. Fidelis Friary in Victoria, with the permission of the local bishop, Gerald L. Vincke of the Diocese of Salina.

The friary is attached to the Basilica of St. Fidelis, which is right next door to Victoria Elementary School and only five blocks from Victoria High School.

“I was never made aware of it until I found out through social media today,” Kent Michel, the elementary school’s principal, told the Kansas City Star on Friday.

The Star says they asked Michel if the school had told parents of McCarrick’s new living arrangements, and he replied, “I’ll be getting with my board. I really don’t have a comment on it right now.”

McCarrick, the former Archbishop of Washington, DC, and a prominent liberal, lost his cardinal’s hat and was told to withdraw from public ministry in July after a credible accusation that he sexually abused a teenager.

Pope Francis named Vincke as bishop of Salina in June. He was consecrated and installed as bishop on August 22.

Vincke told the Star: “I am not aware that the school was notified, but I need to double check with the friary.”

In a letter to the faithful yesterday, Bishop Vincke explained why he welcomed McCarrick into the diocese.

“I realize this decision will be offensive and hurtful to many people,” he said. “Please know that I agreed to this arrangement with the understanding that Archbishop McCarrick is excluded from any public appearances and ministry. Our diocese is not incurring any cost in this arrangement.”

“In saying ‘yes,’ I had to reconcile my own feelings of disappointment, anger and even resentment toward Archbishop McCarrick,” said the bishop.  “I had to turn to Christ for guidance.”

Because Christ was all about total forgiveness for the utterly unrepentant.  Even more, Christ always spoke about how wise it was to expose the most vulnerable of sheep to the most ravening of wolves.

300 Page “Gay Dossier” Starts to Leak; Farrell, Francis Deeply Implicated September 14, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in Dallas Diocese, disaster, episcopate, Francis, General Catholic, horror, persecution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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The notorious 300 page dossier of perversion and financial corruption that was delivered to Benedict in December 2012 has apparently started to leak.  An Italian publication has seen the document and is now reporting in some vague tones regarding it.  A few specifics have come out, however, and it seems Kevin Farrell and Francis figure prominently in it.  It seems reports reached the Vatican prior to Farrell being elevated to auxiliary bishop in 2002 (shortly after McCarrick, his sponsor and roommate, was made cardinal over the objections of a number of faithful Catholics) of evidence of moral corruption.

What many have strongly suspected for a long time is being confirmed:

The Vatican is reeling from news that the 300-page dossier containing names of members of the gay lobby — a dossier some believe led to Pope Benedict’s resignation in 2013 — has been leaked to the media.

Il Fatto Quotidiano, an Italian journal read by Vatican officials, is confirming it has seen the 300-page dossier. “The report contains a detailed and disturbing picture of the moral and material corruption of the clergy, with names, surnames and circumstances,” writes Francesca Fagnani.

We are … able to view a document on papal letterhead included in the investigation, and here we publish an excerpt: It is a list of prelates and laymen who belong to the so-called gay lobby, which through blackmail and secrets could affect, or have conditioned, positions and careers (theirs, like those of others).

We will not reveal the names shown in the list, but we can confirm that among the names there are people removed by the Pope, others moved from office, others who still hold important positions in strategic organs for the Vatican, such as Propaganda Fide and even the Secretariat of State.

Among those implicated in the dossier is none other than Cdl. Kevin Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, who has repeatedly claimed he knew nothing of former housemate Abp. Theodore McCarrick’s homosexual predation, although they lived together on the same floor of the same house for six years in Washington, D.C.

“Farrell was appointed auxiliary bishop of Washington precisely because it was McCarrick who wanted him as a deputy,” Fagnani reports in a September 4 article focusing on a “Farrell dossier.” “The two were part of the ‘magic circle’ of Pope Francis.”

[A case] on the auxiliary bishop of Washington, Kevin Joseph Farrell, is said to have been filed at the Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith in the Vatican, at the Dicastery that is responsible for investigating sexual and other crimes against good morals, which, if not rebutted, would fall squarely on the Pope like a boulder. Farrell [was] appointed directly by Bergoglio to head the Dicastery of the Family.

In response to Il Fatto Quotidiano‘s queries with regard to the existence of a file on Farrell, the Vatican is refusing to confirm or deny.

“There will be no communication,” was the response from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. “The Vatican therefore does not deny Il Fatto Quotidiano, but chooses the strategy of silence as for McCarrick,” Fagani writes.

Pope Benedict’s sudden resignation in 2013 is allegedly linked to the 300-page dossier; some media reported that Benedict chose to resign the same day he received the dossier, the result of findings of an investigation commissioned by the Holy Father into clerical corruption and malfeasance…….

……”If the public were aware of the content of the final report it would be a disaster for the image of the Church, already devastated in the whole world by sexual scandals,” she added. [The acts are horribly scandalous, yes.  Thousands of unworthy men have invaded the priesthood like a virus and made the Church incredibly sick as a result.  But the real source of scandal is the culture of corruption, self-interest, and cover-up that the laity are absolutely sick of.  That must end, and if that means the laity have to be shocked to find out that supposedly “good conservative” priests and prelates are active sodomites or practical thieves, so be it.  Far better to have an honest and morally upright clergy 1/10th the size of the present clergy than the den of thieves and sodomites currently occupying these sacred roles.]

The hope after Benedict’s resignation was that a younger, stronger pope would be elected to help clean up the Church; thus Francis was chosen with the understanding he’d be a man of reform. But under his papacy, some senior clergy believe conditions have worsened, not improved.

The travesty of the 2013 abdication makes itself more and more apparent with each passing year.  That this dossier played a significant part in Benedict’s decision to abdicate is very clear.  His thinking apparently was that a younger, stronger man was needed to fight this scourge and reform Holy Mother Church.  So, in the end, he did flee for fear of the wolves.  Of course, Benedict had apparently always kept the idea of abdication in his back pocket from day one.  In this, he always remained the revolutionary at heart, the loyal disciple of Karl Rahner, who, even though he recoiled at the repercussions his (and his master’s) Vatican II ideas wrought, still never quite became a reliable beacon of orthodoxy.  He very much to blame in all this chaos.

New “Gay Dossier” Featuring Former Dallas Bishop (now Cardinal) Kevin Farrell Moving Through Vatican? September 6, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Dallas Diocese, disaster, Endless Corruption, episcopate, General Catholic, horror, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil.
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According to repeated reports in the Italian media, and confirmed by the Italian traditionalist blog Messa in Latino via Vatican sources, a dossier highlighting the sodomitical activities of former Dallas Bishop and current Cardinal (and head of the Pontifical Dicastery for the Laity and Family, perversely) Kevin Farrell, and especially his two-decade live-in arrangement with disgraced Cardinal Theodore McCarrick (Farrell’s constant ecclesiastical sponsor and helper in climbing the ladder), is moving through the Vatican bureaucracy and may be the latest blow to Francis’ increasingly corrupt pontificate.

All the reports are in Italian but One Peter Five has helpfully obtained a translation.  Many excerpts below.  Folks, if there was ever any question why Farrell insisted on having a million dollar private home away from the Chancery and Cathedral (and prying eyes), I think the answer is obvious.  In addition, is it any wonder why the chancery is located in the longtime focal point and “home” of the Dallas “gay community” – Oak Lawn?  The signs have been there all along for those with eyes to see:

Farrell, picked by Pope Francis as the prefect for the new Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, is the highest ranking prelate from the United States. He is also a former Legionary of Christ – under the tenure of their founder, the monstrous abuser Fr. Marcial Maciel – and also one of those closest to the disgraced former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Farrell served as McCarrick’s vicar general and auxiliary in Washington, D.C., living in the same residence with McCarrick until his retirement in 2006. [Right, Farrell came from – at the very least – a very troubled institution, and was quite close to its founder.  Then he shacks up with Cardinal McCarrick for close to 20 years.  To say he’s been close to scandal his entire career is no exaggeration.]

Farrell claimed, at the time revelations of McCarrick’s abuse began to be made public earlier this year, that he had no knowledge of McCarrick’s abusive activities. “Never once did I even suspect” McCarrick, said Farrell to the Associated Press (AP) in July 2018. In another, earlier interview, he told Cindy Wooden of Catholic News Service (CNS), “I was a priest of Washington, D.C. I worked in the chancery, in Washington. And never. No indication. None whatsoever.” The video of that CNS interview came immediately under scrutiny because Farrell’s facial expressions betrayed none of the emotions – such as shock – that he claimed to be feeling over the revelations. [I can’t imagine anyone who actually believed him]

Claims of new information from Francesca Fagnani of Il Fatto Quotidiano may bring light to Farrell’s involvement in what has rapidly become the most high-profile abuse case in the Catholic Church. The Italian report, translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino for OnePeterFive, says there is a “violent and unprecedented civil war” in the Church that now involves even the pope. Following Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s bombshell testimony about cover-ups of the abuse of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick that included Pope Francis, Fagnani says that “soon another bomb could break out.”

“According to reliable sources close to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,” says Fagnani, “there may be a similar dossier on Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell.”

“Farrell was specifically nominated as Auxiliary Bishop of Washington,” writes Fagnani, “because Cardinal Theodore McCarrick wanted him as his assistant, and these two men became part of Pope Francis’ ‘magic circle.’ Farrell and McCarrick also lived together for years, sharing the same apartment. How could Farrell possibly not know all about McCarrick’s sexual behaviors?”

Fagnani then asks the obvious question without providing a specific answer:

What is contained in this new dossier on Farrell? The Pope and the Secretariat of State know about every single new thread of every investigation that is opened by the Tribunal of the CDF, so how could they possibly now know about this? Did Farrell’s nomination to such a high post precede or follow the opening of this investigation? The historian Roberto de Mattei, among the most knowledgeable of Vatican experts, known for his traditionalist positions, adds this little comment: “The link between the two prelates [McCarrick and Farrell] was known but never clarified. There may be something else behind the silence of Pope Francis and Cardinal Parolin.”

And what exactly might that “something” be?

You can go to One Peter Five for the rest, but I think you can well imagine what that “something else” might be.  They are STILL engaging in cover-up, it’s been endemic to this papacy since its beginning, being based on a foundation of sodomite institutional power, and the lid may well blow off another massive scandal involving Farrell, if they cannot keep it silent. Don’t assume they won’t be successful, however.  Francis has managed to keep the vast majority of curial sodomy scandals out of the press (the press generally being only too happy to go along).  That doesn’t mean that this info against Farrell is wrong, or doesn’t exist – it may simply be deliberately buried.

After he had left, I was told something about Cardinal Farrell that really struck me.  He never prayed.  I mean, he was never known to pray privately.  He offered Mass when he had to, he looked positively green when he came to the consecration of Mater Dei, but he did not pray.  The man is a bishop, now a cardinal.  And he doesn’t pray.  That tells you pretty much all you need to know.

Cardinal Wuerl on the Lam in Rome? August 31, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, disaster, episcopate, Francis, General Catholic, horror, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil.
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If true, they need to RICO the entire body of the USCCB:

They did it before with Cardinal Law.  That sodomite-protector never saw justice.  If the bishops try to bury even this much broader scandal, I think the federal and state criminal (not civil) floodgates will open, and they won’t close for 30 years.  It will brutalize the Church, drive even many of the few remaining souls away, but in the end it may be the way the Church gets purified.  We shall see.

I don’t think the bishops, and especially the Vatican, are reading the situation right at all in the US.  This is not 2002, nor 2005/6.  There is a whole different feeling, and it is one of cold rage.  This kind of thing doesn’t go away after a few turns of the news spin cycle.


Francis Is Wholly Owned by the “Homosexual” Mafia in the Clergy August 29, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, cultural marxism, disaster, Endless Corruption, episcopate, Francis, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil.
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Just a couple of quick examples of how this is true, both from Life Site News.  Why was Cardinal Muller fired as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith?  Because he actually tried to implement the Church’s canon law and procedures governing priests addicted to sodomy and abusing their favorite target, young barely pubescent boys (“twinks”).  That caused many of Francis’ closest friends and supporters in the Curia and global episcopal hierarchy to demand his ouster, and Francis was only too happy to oblige.

Secondly, Francis gave a very nice (and very much desired) Vatican apartment to a priest already known to be lost in the sins of sodomy and drug addiction, among others (a very, very prevalent phenomenon among those men who give themselves over to the sins of Sodom), even though Francis had been warned that this man was wholly unsuited for being a priest, let alone such a perk.  That man, Msgr Luigi Capozzi, was subsequently caught hosting a drug fueled sodomite orgy in that very same apartment – within the Vatican!  Absolutely nothing is sacred to men such as these.  And yet it is upon their support that Francis depends – and indeed, he seems quite happy to do as many favors for his friends as possible.

This priest was a creature of the unrepentant sodomite Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, who has a high ranking role at the Vatican and has spoken glowingly about the “benefits” of men sodomizing other men.  In fact, Capozzi was the Cardinal’s secretary.  Of course, this kind of behavior is almost universally learned.  I don’t think we need to guess from whom Msgr. Capozzi learned this kind of behavior.

Of course, those who have been following this pontificate have known all along that Francis his support primarily from among the lavender mafia in the Church, and that he both buried the detailed report on sodomotical activities of Italian clergy delivered to Pope Benedict in late 2012 (shortly before his resignation), and immediately rehabilitated and elevated to high positions several men long known to be addicted to these perverse acts, and the accompanying crimes that so often go hand in hand with the sodomy (as in, diabolical narcissism).  Of course, the story of Francis elevating the corrupt Msgr. Battista Ricca shortly after he became Pope is also very well known.  The Vatican Bank has been accused for years of being a source of money-laundering on a vast scale, and the ongoing inability to reform this slush fund for sodomites and their hangers on probably played a substantial role in Benedict’s tragic abdication.  It is also no accident that Francis made his infamous “who am I to judge?” comment, after being directly questioned about Ricca.  Nice way to get the media to forget an abusive and larcenous priest, by declaring yourself to be on their side in the great leftist struggle to destroy Christianity, and especially Christian morality.

Yes, many have known for quite some time just what Francis is, and who he is beholden to.  I think the best we can hope for is that these ongoing revelations – and their escape out of the faithful Catholic ghetto and into the broader world – will kneecap the rest of Francis’ efforts to destroy the Church utterly undo the moral edifice of the Faith.  He won’t resign.  Unless the faithful can bring unprecedented pressure to bear, and even then, it’s very much a long shot.  But if the monetary well dries up, these men who have entered the priesthood for their own prurient reasons will decamp for easier pickings in short order.


Pope Starts to Suspect He Might Be Anti-Christ August 28, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, disaster, Endless Corruption, episcopate, error, Francis, General Catholic, horror, persecution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, the struggle for the Church.
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Nah, he’s nowhere near that self-aware.  His attack dog Father Tom Rosica was out just yesterday blasting the most faithful Catholics – people who assist at Mass, materially support the Church with great generosity, practice charity, avoid sin, and in general lead respectable, pious lives – as hideous Pharisees in disguise.  The “real faithful” are those mired in sin, who “struggle” to adhere to conduct their lives in the manner Our Blessed Lord has revealed, and who often attack and undermine that conduct at every turn.  Virtue is replaced by vice in his upside down moral world. They aren’t even trying to hide their utter contempt for the Faith at this point – a very real sign of, if not being the anti-christ, per se‘, at least playing for the same team.

The below is from the Babylon Bee satirical site, but life caught up with satire real quick when the Bee posted yesterday that Pope would deal with sodomite boy rapists in the priesthood right after he tackles climate change, only to have sweet baby Blaise Cupich of Chicago come out with just that argument in defense of Francis today.  These guys have no idea how enraged the faithful are, and with what contempt they are increasingly held by the dwindling faithful and non-Catholics alike.  Feature or bug,  you decide:

VATICAN CITY—In a private moment of reflection after watching one of his cardinals state that the head of the Roman Catholic Church was too busy speaking about the environment, addressing migrant issues, and “carrying on the work of the church” to address victims of the Church’s horrific sex abuse scandal, the Pontiff suddenly realized he might actually be the eschatological Antichrist.

“Oh man,” he murmured as he took a good, hard look at himself in the mirror. “Too busy talking about the environment to care for those abused by the Church? That sounds so bad. I wonder if I’m actually the Antichrist. Or at least an antichrist, like the ones John wrote about.” He took a few minutes to think about it, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

Regarding McCarrick, former Dallas Bishop Kevin Farrell, and their connections to this diocese, I meant to write in yesterday’s already very long post a most salient fact. For decades, Dallas was an ecclesiastical backwater in this country.  It was not a diocese that spawned a large number of bishops.  It tended to be a diocese where priests from other dioceses – often San Antonio, previously, New York or Chicago – would be sent as bishop to finish out their careers.  But that all changed under Farrell, who was most certainly one of McCarrick’s top proteges.  Dallas suddenly became a bishop-birthing diocese, with about 10 men either from this Diocese, or with strong ties to it, being named bishops in the past 5 years or so.  There is no chance this is accidental.  It is also, given what is now known about McCarrick’s extremely disproportionate, and deleterious, influence on the bishop selection process in this country, extremely troubling.  Most all of those men, especially those directly supported by McCarrick, have some degree of taint about them, fairly or unfairly (I tend to think, most certainly, the former).  Something to think about.

Finally, a High Prelate Names Names…… August 27, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in Endless Corruption, episcopate, error, fightback, Francis, General Catholic, horror, persecution, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil, Virtue.
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……..and Francis appears to be expecting the news media to make this story go away by their twin methods of character assassination of the source and ignoring the most key bit of revelation from Archbishop Vigano’s apparent affidavit (we don’t know exactly what it is, but it reads like a deposition given in writing to a grand jury)- that a cabal of self-interested, utterly immoral sodomites has inserted itself into the clergy and episcopate and run absolutely rampant raping boys, stealing from the faithful, and promoting heresy in order to try to redefine morality and Church belief in order to make their sins acceptable.  And Francis is their man, their creation, and their protector and defender, as he is utterly dependent on their support.  I guess we now know what happened to that 800 page dossier on the perversions of the priests of the Diocese of Rome that Pope Benedict literally hand-delivered to Francis, along with all the other evidence against the sodomite cabal.  It has all be destroyed and ignored.

There is now concrete testimony of what many already knew, which is that McCarrick, among others, was a ringleader in this criminal cabal, which really amounts to a corrupt criminal conspiracy under the terms of the RICO statute in US law.  Before I go further, I want to say a few things about McCarrick and his influence.  There have been people who have steadfastly defended former Dallas Bishop, now Cardinal, Kevin Farrell, because he supposedly did a wonderful thing in “allowing” the faithful of this Diocese to have a TLM parish.  What he did was nothing more than his bare duty in justice.  But what do we know about not only Farrell, but his replacement Edward Burns?  They are both very tightly associated with the McCarrick ring, Farrell being McCarrick’s #1 protege and highest flying disciple, Burns being a product of the many corrupt dioceses in Pennsylvania whose nefarious acts were detailed in a recent 1300 page grand jury report.  Indeed, who was the primary consecrator of Bishop Farrell at his consecration, but Cardinal McCarrick?  Isn’t it interesting, also, that Farrell more or less hand-picked Burns as his replacement, and Burns was consecrated by Bishops Zubik, Schwietz, and none other than Cardinal Wuerl (thanks to reader MFG for this last bit of info).

Speaking of our own dear local bishop, he put out this letter below to be read in all parishes on Sunday, August 26th, in response to the accusations of abuse and evidence of grand larceny against another Dallas Diocese priest, the former pastor of St. Cecilia’s in Dallas.  Released on August 25th, my birthday, it was, to me, quite inadequate even before Vigano’s testimony broke out late that Saturday night, and now appears very much less than what is needed:

Look, I like the idea of rosaries, but note they are requested, not mandated.  And a “ceremony of sorrow?”  How about one of outrage and extreme umbrage?  How about some public atonement for the sins so rampant in the clergy and episcopal hierarchy?  How about imposition of penance upon those involved in these endless sinful acts?  How about some personal responsibility on the part of the bishop, and especially his predecessor?

Note that the only real concrete change is one that primarily applies to the laity – a further expansion of the already disproven “safe environment” program.  The disgraced Father Paredes took the safe environment program.  Look how much good it did to stop him from abusing boys. Note that the “safe environment” program was imposed as a lawyerly escape from responsibility on the part of those most guilty of the priest boy rape pandemic – the bishops who knew and aided and abetted priests in their rape – in essence, transferring that responsibility onto innocent laity and, to a lesser extent, clergy, and establishing that there is a “process” for the sake of limiting liability when the inevitable future cases of abuse break out.

There is a sad note to this Father Paredes saga.  A friend knew him in the Dallas seminary, and said he was very pious at that time.  But anyone can fall into sin, and the Novus Ordo environment makes that even more likely.  Almost inevitable, in a sense.

The idea that any of these men, these bishops, were ignorant of McCarrick’s activities is laughableEVERYBODY in the hierarchy, the leadership, knew.  Most well-read laity knew.  The vast majority of priests knew.  Farrell and Wuerl playing dumb, pretending not to know, is just transparently pathetic.  Let it sink in, that’s how dumb they think you are, that you would fall for such flimsy falsehoods.  Make no mistake, they are part of this lavendar mafia, along with Tobin and Cupich and McElroy and many others.  As is Bishop Seitz of El Paso.  Guess who helped consecrate him as bishop of El Paso?  You got it, Cardinal McCarrick.  At the very least, every single bishop consecrated with McCarrick’s involvement is now severely tainted, irreparably so to my mind.

But overall, I am very heartened at Vigano’s testimony.  Yes, it causes further scandal and further weakens the Church’s already horribly tarnished reputation in the world’s eyes, but when you have an ongoing conspiracy based on shared secrets and codes of silence, the only way to break these up is to start publicly naming names.  It’s not enough for me or Michael Voris or even the New York Times to do it, this naming and shaming must come from within the Church.  For decades, some well-intentioned men who were quite aware of the rot and moral sickness that had infested and multiplied in the clergy/episcopate refused to name names out of an erroneous belief that the problem was not that big, that it was up to Rome to deal with it, or that the potential scandal was worse than the ongoing destruction of the clergy.  They were wrong on all counts, so they did not act.  Or, they were bullied and intimidated into silence.

Finally, however, a prelate, one with impeccable connections and in the perfect position to know, has broken the false vow of silence this RICO-deserving cadre of weak, sick, pathetic, immoral men has managed to maintain going back decades.  I believe – I hope, but I think there is ample reason to hope – that +Vigano’s revelations have now permanently weakened Francis’ papacy to the extent that all the further atrocities against faith, moral, and canon law he intended to perpetrate will now either be prevented, or have such a huge taint of corruption upon them as to render any novelties introduced (like married clergy, or female cardinals, at the next sin-nod) as illegitimate.  I do think that will be Francis’ next ploy, that he will unleash some silly novelty beloved of the Left in order try to get the media back on his side, like women’s fauxrdination or something.  How the world, the Church, and the hierarchy react, will be key.

It is amazing to see how God works.  Eventually, the constant crimes and the culture of bottomless (heh) corruption these sodomites have created and maintained would be undone by their own sins.  That is how God tends to work, to allow our own sins to be the vehicle of our destruction, whether as individuals, institutions, or self-interested cabals of wholly unworthy men (I’m looking directly at you, James Martin, SJ – Sodomite Jesuit).  It is now known that virtually all of Francis’ most intimate, most vital supporters, and irretrievably tainted by sexual, financial, and/or other corruption.  A huge number of cardinals, like Parolin and Rodriguez Maradaiga, should, by any right, be totally out of the running for the papacy.  But in a Church this corrupt, who knows?  It may take many further revelations of the +Vigano’ type in order for the sodomite cabal, and those they control, to be broken up.  But it’s a huge step in the right direction.  Let the sun shine in.

And, of course, Francis should resign.  He should never have been elected in the first place.  He has proven himself the most unworthy man to occupy the papacy in the last 400 years, quite possibly more like the last 1000, back to the horrid days when petty “nobles” of Italy made their insane 4th sons Bishop of Rome.  No pope has dared to attack the Doctrine of the Faith with this degree of deliberate intent and willful malice in history, and none have formally embraced error to the extent he has since at least AD 1000 (those that did so in the first millenium generally did so out of ignorance, due to extreme threat of life and limb, or intellectual weakness – and none of those did so on anything like the determined, comprehensive basis Francis has).  Of course he should resign, though I loathe to give that horrible concept (papal resignation) further impetus.

Some more positives – the Bishop of Tyler, Joseph Strickland, who is not traditional, per se’, but who is a good man, a well-intentioned man, who does as well as he can by his present lights (I wish he would become very close to Bishop Gracida and learn all he can from that good man!) – very quickly informed his diocese that he found Vigano’s testimony credible and issued a demand for a formal and public investigation into the crimes and coverups we all know to be so rampant.  I think Bishop Strickland might have gone even further, to draw the logical conclusions from the testimony of +Vigano regarding Francis and his involvement in this coverup of ongoing sexual abuse of children and others, but he did far better than the Archdiocese of Newark, which basically attacked Vigano as a liar and has been blocking people on Twitter asking uncomfortable questions of the deeply implicated, <choke> <laugh> <snort> Cardinal Tobin.  Bishops Olmstead of Phoenix and Konderla of Tulsa have also released statements seeming to endorse Archbishop Vigano’s testimony, and calling for further investigation.  I think the investigation angle is misplaced, after all, who will call and dominate such an investigation, but it’s very targets?  And, I think we already have more evidence than we need to be rid of creatures such as Rodriguez-Maradaiga, Parolin, Daneels, McCarrick, Tobin, Cupich, and many more.

You guys are probably already aware of Bishop Gracida’s public charge that Francis is a formal heretic and was not validly elected.  Not sure what you make of that, but I cannot say I find much to disagree with in Bishop Gracida’s assessment.  Someday, perhaps in Heaven, the truth shall be known about the disastrous abdication of 2013 and subsequent robber conclave that elected Francis the most Humble (TM).

I must also agree with Bishop Gracida that Cardinal Burke’s response to the explosive revelations of Vigano has been deeply disappointing.  He has said and done very little since the dubia was ignored.  This was a perfect opportunity to tie Francis’ promotion of error and, yes, attempts at heresy in redefining the Catechism on the death penalty and the disastrous Amoris Laetitia, with the rampant immorality in the Church. The two are inextricably linked, heresy is almost always driven by grave attachment to sin, and any mass movement of heresy in the Church’s highest offices, such as occurred over the past 60 years or so, must be driven by a mass attachment to the gravest, the most offensive and repellent of sins.

Rorate, in their most recent post, sums up my view regarding Francis quite succinctly, even beautifully considering the disgusting subject matter:

Francis has, with his authoritarian evil, heightened the tensions within the Church to levels not reached since the Protestant Revolt or the French Revolution.
But this time the revolutionary malice comes from within the Church, from a theologically stunted and morally bankrupt, evil-pursuing tyrant.
Francis must go.
An unbearable stench fills the edifice of the Catholic Church. It emanates from the Throne of Peter, where a corpse decays before the whole universe. The powers of the world still parade before the cadaver, offering it secular homages, but the Catholic faithful recoil in horror before the nauseating pagan spectacle.
Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is dead. He is not actually deceased, but his moral presence is gone. His moral corpse is the revolting cadaver sitting upon the Cathedra of the Prince of the Apostles. And his only real supporters — the liberals, the heretics, the apostates — are already scheming to figure out how to replace him when the inevitable occurs.
He has deceived, he has persecuted the truly faithful, he has confused the little ones in their faith, he has mocked Tradition whenever he could. Above all, he has lied, and he has been shown to lie, and he has been presented as a consummate liar in the protection of a racket of perverted and abusive priests who are his closest aides.
All that is left for him is to remove the corrupt moral body weighing on Holy Mother Church and go away. Abdication is the only possible solution to five years of growing disgrace and purposeful mismanagement.
The horror we identified on the very first day has come to full fruition, as a pustulous infructescence of corruption: Sodom in Rome.

I really hope Vigano’s testimony was given in concert with a federal grand jury.  There was some speculation on Twitter that may have been the case, but that I think it is just that, speculation.  To think what a RICO suit could do against this crowd of cowards is rather hilarious in a sardonic kind of way.  Talk of rats fleeing a sinking ship.  They would abandon the Church so fast there would be a crisis for lack of bishops and clergy.  And so be it, better a Church with a few faithful priests and bishops than one with a great mass of putrid, stinking heretics and perverts.

So what do you guys think?  Is this the beginning of the end of the pontificate of Francis, or will he worm his way out of this crisis and carry on as before?  Do you think the media will decide he’s on their side, one of their own in the great leftist machine, and try to bury this matter?  So far, it seems to be getting pretty wide coverage, so I don’t know how this will play out.  I suspect at least some US cardinals will fall as a result of this – Wuerl, who is already past retirement age, is almost a shoe-in. But Francis may be some bloody-minded stubborn and wedded to his progressive friends, perhaps he will give no response at all but his usual upturned middle phalange?

By the way, I mentioned how former pastor Fr. Paredes of St. Ceclia’s in Dallas wreckovated his parish after a fire.  Here are the before and after shots I failed to include in the previous post on the matter.



The before wasn’t that great, but the after is just so emblamatic of the barren, cold, modernist, spiritually bereft Church since the 1950s.