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Yes, there is a monthly TLM at St. Elizabeth of Hungary parish in Dallas February 20, 2020

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Latin Mass, Lent, Liturgy, priests, Restoration, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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I erred in the comments of the preceding post in claiming that the Latin Mass at St. Elizabeth of Hungary parish in Dallas was a Novus Ordo Latin, and not a TLM.  I have spoken with the priest offering these monthly Masses, Father Emmett Hatch, and they are TLMs.  I apologize for the error.  Upcoming monthly TLMs at St. Elizabeth of Hungary are:

  • March 19
  • April 17
  • May 11

All Masses are at 7pm.  Father is eager for newcomers to check out his TLM and is hoping to see it grow.  Please support another young priest attempting to reinvigorate the liturgical and theological basis of the Church, which is all founded upon the ancient Mass codified – but certainly not “invented” – at the Council of Trent.

I will try to gather more info on this Mass and provide it as it becomes available. I am hoping to check out the March Mass, since I have a particular devotion to St. Joseph.

At present, the Latin Mass situation in the Diocese of Dallas, then, includes:

  • Daily TLMs at Mater Dei, the Dioceses’ “official” traditional parish
  • Monthly TLMs at Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, noted above
  • Weekly Novus Ordo Masses in the Dominican Rite at the University of Dallas Chapel (they were TLMs, but for some reason they were switched to NO Latin Mass)
  • Periodic Novus Ordo Latin Masses at St. Joseph in Richardson?  Can anyone confirm with Father Cargo’s health if these are still planned for Lent, like last year?
  • There will be Latin propers and Gregorian Chant in some of the Sunday Masses at St. Mark in Plano during Lent and possibly Easter.  I hope Father Rangel will confirm regarding the latter.  There might be an opening for the TLM here, if there is enough interest <hint hint>.

Losses to the Latin Mass:

  • Latin Mass is no longer offered in Greenville, but Father Weinberger is regularly offering Masses at his new parish, St. Monica.  I do not believe these feature any Latin.

Nevertheless, from a strictly “Latin” perspective, the situation in the Diocese of Dallas is markedly improved from what it was 2 years ago, when there was only Mater Dei and NO Latin Masses at St. William in Greenville on Sunday mornings only.  I love the fact that a diocesan priest is offering the TLM.  Whether it becomes more frequent will depend upon the level of interest and the approval of the pastor at St. Elizabeth, so if you assist at this Mass a supportive, charitable note to the pastor would certainly be helpful.  Overall, I think we in this diocese can be very thankful that we now have a bishop who is much more open to traditional, reverent liturgy than his predecessors.  Whether that is a positive support in the form of active encouragement, or simply the support of allowing pastors and priests to make their own calls regarding the pastoral needs of their flocks, it has been a huge benefit irrespective.  Thank you, Bishop Burns.

Finally, please pray for Father Jason Cargo, he is experiencing heart problems (though he is younger than me, but I have similar problems) and will undergo some kind of treatment that may keep him out of active ministry for some months.  He is presently trying to decide his best course of action.  Father Cargo is one of those good young priests upon whom so much of the future of this diocese will depend.  He has greatly expanded Confession at St. Joseph, which I always appreciate, and has been covered on this blog many times for his unique and effective ways of witnessing to our glorious Faith.

Father Cargo

Prayer for a Christian Atmosphere in the Home March 7, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Lent, reading, sanctity, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Another helpful gem from Father’s Manual by Fr. A. Coomes, SJ.  Raising a family has always been hard, but with our kids exposed to more temptations and diabolical interference than perhaps any time in history, it is especially vital to maintain the home as a literal domestic church, full of virtue and with clearly marked lines drawn around every possible vice.  I am better at explaining this than I am living it!  We are all fallen creatures and almost all of us have been damaged by detritus we have picked up from the sewer in which we were raised and have been forced to live all of our lives.  That’s not a commentary on anyone’s particular home life, least of all my own (though far more substantial problems can result from less than ideal upbringings, certainly), but simply a recognition of reality . I wasn’t Catholic as a child or young person, I was very secular and accepted without question most of what the world told me – how much of that do I hold onto today? How many bad habits or ideas do I have of which I am unaware?

You get the point.  I thought this was good, hopefully you will, too (pp. 43-6):

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the way and the truth and the life; and it is by following You that we willmost surely find the way to our Father in Heaven.

Help me, instructed by You and  Your example, to create a truly Christian atmosphere in my home.

May there be in all things a deep and true family life in our home, and a family life patterned after the Holy Family at Nazareth.

May You always be a guest at our activities, our conversations, our recreations  – in a home that is truly and meaningfully centered around You.

May Your picture and that of Your Mother on our walls be treasured reminders of Your love for us and a token of our love for You.

May the Holy Bible, and other books and literature that tell us of You, lead us to a closer knowledge of You,a nd be welcomed and read by every member of the family.

May the thoughts expressed in our home be uncomplaining – at one with Your thoughts and those of Your Holy Church.

May there be a deep respect for all things holy, and may my children learn from me and from their mother a love of family prayer and of the Sacraments.

May charity of speech reign in our home.

Instill in use a tolerance of our neighbors that will be free from all littleness – and free from all prejudice.

May our ways be ever gracious in imitation of Your own; and may we show a special regard for the aged, the underprivileged, the handicapped, the infirm.

And, in all the things that I expect of my children and that I want to characterize our home, let me ever be a convincing example.  May my words be always words that I may invite You to utter with me; my thoughts always thoughts that I may ask You to think with me; the feelings I make my own ever be feelings I may ask You to entertain with me; may the interpretations and judgments I make be such that I may expect You to share them with me.

So in all things may I, together with my family, be so directed by the inspirations of Your Grace that we may be completely one in You.

———End Quote———-

Perhaps striving to improve the tranquility, virtue, and piety of your home life could be a (admittedly slightly tardy) part of your Lenten program?  It is for me.

The best way to fix this fallen culture is one family at a time.

Lenten Mission at Mater Dei this week Open to All March 6, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Latin Mass, Lent, priests, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Fr. James Buckley, FSSP will be hosting a Lenten mission at Mater Dei parish nightly March 6-10 from 7-8pm.  Everyone is invited,  you do not need to be a Mater Dei to attend.  I do not have a list of topics to be covered, but judging from Father’s sermons they will probably touch on the practice of penance and self-denial generally for souls who are awash in a hedonistic, self-serving culture.

Mater Dei parish is located at 2030 E. Hwy 356 (Irving Blvd) in Irving, TX.  There is no cost for attending.

Sorry for the tardiness of the notice, but you people are quick thinkers, able to improvise, overcome, and adapt to bad blogging.

A brief Lenten meditation from St. Peter Claver February 24, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Holy suffering, Interior Life, Lent, mortification, Saints, sanctity, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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OK, it’s not exactly from St. Peter Claver, it’s from his biography. But the description of his life is, I think, quite edifying, and very appropriate for this time of year:

Usually what we suffer of our own accord, seems lighter and more endurable than what we endure from others.  Not so with Father Claver; from whatever quarter sufferings might come, he always met them with the same firmness.  Two great maxims which he had learned from Brother Alonso Rodriguez, and which were deeply engraven upon his heart, formed the rule of his conduct.  “First – When I am persecuted or calumniated, either I have, or I have not, deserved it.  If I have, why complain?  I ought rather to correct myself and beg pardon of God for my fault.  If I have not deserved it, I ought to rejoice and thank God for allowing me this opportunity of suffering something for His love, and for the rest I ought to rejoice and thank God for allowing me this opportunity of suffering something for His love, and for the rest I ought to keep silence.

“Second- When I am contradicted, why not do as the ass does?  If he is abused or maltreated, he is silent.  If forgotten or left without food, if made to work, if despised, if overladen, he is silent  In a word, whatever is said or done to him, he answers not – he complains not.  Thus ought the true servant of God to act, and say with David,”I am become as a beast of burden before Thee.’  We have here in a few words the portrait of Father Claver.”

————-End Quote————-

An example I pray I may put into effect  much more in my own life.  Yes there are times when justice must be served and we cannot suffer in silence, such as in the grave crisis regarding the Church today, when we see souls falling into hell like snowflakes all around us as a result of the error and abuse that is so rampant today. But when it comes to personal slights or suffering that do not cause scandal and are simply mortifications of our pride, humbly accepting these as gifts from God is the noble, if so very difficult, Christian response.

Not that I am even remotely a good exemplar of this practice. Do as the Saints say, not as I do, and all that.

St. Peter Claver 02

Lament Like a Virgin February 10, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in Art and Architecture, awesomeness, Christendom, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Latin Mass, Lent, Liturgy, sadness, Tradition, Virtue.
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A beautiful, mournful responsory from Holy Saturday Matins –  Plange quasi virgo – “lament like a virgin,” will have to close out this abbreviated day of blogging.  I will be off for the rest of this day of penance, I pray you have a blessed Ash Wednesday and a strong start to your Lent:

If I had more time, I would post the processional chant for the Good Friday Depositio from the 16th century Rite of the Diocese of Braga, but that will have to wait for another day.  I do just have time to append the opening lines:

Alas, alas Lord, alas, alas, Our Savior, we are become orphans without a father; our mothers are as widows.

The crown of our head has fallen. Woe to us!  For we have sinned.

The breath of our mouths, Christ our Lord,
has been taken captive for our sins; 
The joy of our heart has vanished;
our singing is turned into lamentation

Forsaken is all happiness,
removed is the joy of the earth;
our life has grown faint in sorrow
and our years in groans.

No hippy dippy happy clappy stuff in the 16th century Church!  Thank God!

A Lenten meditation from Divine Intimacy – mortification as means of assimilation in Christ February 10, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Holy suffering, Interior Life, Lent, mortification, Saints, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, Virtue.
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From Day 93 of Divine Intimacy, a meditation on mortification as a means of creating union with our Blessed Lord:

For the soul who aspires to union with God, penance is not only a means of subjecting the flesh to the spirit, but also a means of being assimilated to Christ Crucified, in order to reproduce and prolong His Passion in its own body.…..[H]e who loves has a desire to share in the sufferings of the loved one; it is the same with real lovers of the Crucified.  St. Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi exclaims, “It is not fitting to be a delicate member of a Head crowned with thorns and crucified, nor the unmortified bride of a suffering Spouse.”…….”But God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world” (Gal vi:14).

Although mortification of the spirit is certainly more important than that of the body, we must not forget that, in order to save the world, Jesus was willing to embrace both in the most complete manner.  His whole life was a cross and a martyrdom; it ended with the Sacrifice on Calvary, where His spiritual and physical immolation reached its height.  As for the mortification of the senses, “It is certain,” says St. John of the Cross, “that He died as to sense, spiritually, during His life, besides dying naturally, at His death.  For…..in life He had not where to lay His head, and at His death, this was even truer……Wherefore, as it seems to me, any spirituality that would fain walk in sweetness and with ease, and flees from the imitation of Christ, is worthless” (Ascent of Mount Carmel, II, 7, 10.8). [That’s what you call a hard saying.  That doesn’t make it less true.]

…….To express the life of the Crucified means to live His Passion, to associate ourselves with His sufferings, to unite ourselves to His intentions – the glory of the Father and the salvation of souls.  “I….fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ in my flesh, for His Body, which is the Church” (Col i:24)………Nothing is lacking in the Passion of Christ; He Himself said on the Cross, “all is consummated” (Jn xix:30).  All was accomplished in Him, our Head, but it must now be accomplished in us, His members.  Jesus wills to continue His Passion in us so that we may be associated with Him in the work of redemption; He wills to make us His collaborators in the most sublime of His works, the salvation of souls. Jesus, Who could have accomplished His work alone, willed to need us in order to apply the infinite merits of His Passion to many souls.  

Mortification, and even physical suffering, is therefore a requirement of a life of union with Christ; the more generous the soul is, the more it will participate intimately in the interior life and apostolic work of Jesus.  We cannot be intimate with Christ if we do not suffer with Him, if we do not ascend the Cross with Him. “Let Christ Crucified be sufficient for thee, and with Him suffer and rest” (St. John of the Cross).

Suffering has a supernatural value only when it is borne with Christ and for Christ.  It is Jesus who sanctifies suffering; apart from Him it is worth nothing and is of no use.  But if it is embraced for love of Him, it becomes precious coin, capable of redeeming and sanctifying souls; it becomes a continuation of His Passion.

……….”O my God, permit me one question: When the world was languishing in sickness, You sent Your only Son to be its physician……….and now what means will You use to revive again this world which lies once more in death?  I see that You give the name of Christ to Your servants and that by means of them You want to take away death and give back life to the world.  And in what way?  They must walk bravely in the footprints of the Word and work for Your honor and the salvation of souls, with love and burning desire; to this end they should bear patiently all pains, anxieties, reproaches, and disgrace.  O wonderful Restorer, give us many ‘Christs’ who will spend their lives in vigils, tears, and prayers for the salvation of the world” (St. Catherine of Siena).

———-End Quote———-

That’s all.

A local Lenten mission you may want to consider January 27, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, catachesis, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Latin Mass, Lent, manhood, persecution, priests, religious, sanctity, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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I’ve heard talks by Father Joseph Tuscan, OFM, Cap before.  He’s a very good traditional priest who endured his download (31)share of suffering. I’m sure you know what I mean.  He’s a good man.

He will be offering a mission at Mater Dei parish in Irving from Feb. 15-19 at 7pm each night, followed by a Holy Hour:

Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap. will be offering a Parish Mission for Mater Dei Latin Mass Parish during Lent. The mission will be held every evening from February 15th through the 19th at 7:00 PM; each talk will be followed by a Holy Hour.

There is no cost to this mission. Donations will be accepted.


Monday: The side; The Heart of Christ, the Church; Why be Catholic?
Tuesday: The right hand: The Holy Mass, Prayer and Devotion
Wednesday: The left hand: Sin, Repentance and Mercy
Thursday: The feet; Evangelization and Mission
Friday: The Crown of Thorns; The Glory of Jesus and Mary

Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap. will also be preaching the Sunday Masses on February 14th.DSCF1073
I will note that the mission talks do overlap with Mass times on Wednesday and Thursday, unfortunately.  I love missions and all forms of catechesis, but the Mass is the Mass, and for me, trumps everything else.
Posting was a bit light today.  It may be for some time.  I’m getting busy again at work.  Another painted face hussy intruding into my relationship with my first love.
That’s a 3 pound copper heat sink.  We’re cooling a 100W FPGA, and another 40W device.  We’re running out of ability to cool devices by air.  There are still some things we can do – heat pipes, vapor chambers, maybe even fans on the heat sink itself – but another 2x increase in power and I think we’re going to have to look at liquid cooling, which has always been verboten in telecom.  We’ll see.
My wife is doing well.  I suspect we’ll be having the baby within 3 or 4 weeks.  Thank you for all your prayers.  This pregnancy has been a miracle in our lives.  Pretty old to start with a new baby, but God will provide, as always.

Good Friday devotion – numerous relics available for veneration at Arlington parish March 30, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Lent, Liturgy, Saints, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.
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St. Maria Goretti parish in Arlington (Diocese of Fort Worth) is having a special Good Friday exposition of many holy relics, including portions of the True Cross.  And no, if you “added up all the bits of the ‘true cross’ available they would be larger than the Empire State building” meme is totally false – in fact, all the pieces don’t even equal the volume of the cross bar of the Cross.

Other amazing and rare relics include the crown of thorns, the tunic of our Lord, and the Last Supper table cloth.  Pretty amazing.  You can have a favorite Rosary or other holy item turned into a third class relic.

Details on the time and place below:



If time permits, we might try to run over there between other Good Friday activities.  Do something special this Holy Week!  Take some days off!  Turn it into an event.

BTW, the blog will be mostly dead from Tuesday PM until next Tues. April 7.

Pray Lenten/Easter Novena starting today! March 27, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Lent, Novenas, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.
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I found this prayer in Dom Gueranger’s Liturgical Year, and then found out it has been used as a pre-Easter Novena.  It is definitely focused more on the Passion and death of Our Savior, rather than being one focused on the infinite glory of the Resurrection.  So, the Novena is supposed to end before sundown on Holy Saturday.  I thought it was really beautiful.

O Jesus! thou true Son of God.

Graciously hear us! Have mercy on thy suppliant people.

Thou that alone didst save the world by the triumph of Thy Cross, do Thou, by the Blood Thou didst shed, deliver us.

And graciously hear us.

By Thy death Thou didst destroy death; by Thy Resurrection Thou didst give us life; for our sake Thou didst suffer undue punishment.

And graciously hear us.

May we celebrate, in peace, these days of Thy Passion, and thereby be consoled by Thy sweetness.

And graciously hear us.

Let not them perish, for whom Thou didst suffer the Cross; but, by Thy Cross, lead them to life everlasting.

And graciously hear us.

Crucifixion_MAULBERTSCH, Franz Anton

Christ on Cross between Mary and St_ John_ALTDORFER, Albrecht

The theological significance of veiling March 26, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in Art and Architecture, awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Lent, priests, sanctity, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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If you assist regularly at a TLM parish, or maybe a very reverent and tradition-leaning Novus Ordo one, you have seen all the statues and crucifixes veiled since Passion Sunday.  That will continue until the Easter Vigil Mass.  Many may not know why that veiling has taken place, or perhaps have only a partial understanding.  The sermon below is very illuminating in that regard.  It does more than merely explain the practice of veiling (statues and women), but also delves quite deeply into the great theological significance of so many of the physical aspects of church design as they relate to the Sacred Liturgy. Compare and contrast with modern church architecture and you can easily see how the Lex Orandi has been radically changed, leading to a problematic if not disordered Lex Credendi and Lex Vivendi.

So much thought has gone into traditional liturgical design!  It is otherworldly, beyond human.  I love the thought of the altar being the place where Heaven opens up and we get a literal, physical (if unseen) connection between the eternal world of God and the temporal world of creation.  Such a great vision!

I love all the photos of churches, veiled and otherwise, in the video. Anyone know which church is shown @~2:50-2:55, or @11:58?


Also valuable is the catechesis on the symbolism and importance of chapel veils. I may risk the ire of some female readers, I don’t know, but with such powerful and meaningful arguments in favor of chapel veils, I remain surprised that some long-time female TLM-goers still seem to have a problem with the practice. I won’t even begin to question motives there, but given, as Father says, that every woman is a living icon of the Church, it seems odd that some would still refuse.  In the local context, I don’t think it’s a case of lack of catechesis or understanding for the importance of chapel veils.

My only problem with this priest’s sermons and general catechesis, is that he gets too excited and talks too fast for me to follow sometimes.  I really appreciate his work in so many respects, I think he is a great teacher on so many subjects, but at times he just really flies while speaking.  I’m glad he slowed down quite a bit from the midpoint on.

Thanks to Sensus Fidelium for all those beautiful images of our Catholic Faith.  BTW, please do consider supporting Sensus Fidelium!  That apostolate needs some monetary support and I think it is very deserving.