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Another survey, another confirmation of the near-total failure of catechesis in this country August 25, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Basics, different religion, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, paganism, persecution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church.
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I don’t know if it is even meaningful to report this stuff anymore.  Another survey out from yet another group shows that self-identified American Catholics hold views utterly indistinguishable on matters of grave moral import from the general population.  A majority of self-described Catholics – which includes the nearly half who haven’t darkened the door of a Church in years if not decades – thinks abortion should be legal in most or all cases, right along with the overall population.  A strong majority favors pseudo-sodo-marriage.  I’m sure if they asked about contraception a whopping majority would be in favor of that, too.

Acceptance of any of these items constitutes such a departure from the Faith revealed by Jesus Christ through His Church that it places the holder outside communion with the Church.  Their eternal salvation is in the gravest jeopardy and they do not have sanctifying grace within them.  Almost all responders are aware of the Church’s Doctrine on these matters.  They simply reject it out of hand.

The loss of each individual soul is a tragedy of infinite proportions.  And yet, as Our Lady of Fatima said to Lucia and the other children, souls today fall into hell like so many snowflakes.  Tragically, unbelievably given the mission of the Church, many of these souls are being actively encouraged in their fall by men who have betrayed their calling to be shepherds and spiritual fathers for souls.  The accounting these men will face will be a most horrible one.  Pray for them.


51% of Catholics favor abortion in most or all cases.  60% favor pseudo-sodo-marriage.  A ginormous 73% think the US government “needs to do more to address the issue of climate change.”  72% think the trillions already spent on wealth transfers from more productive to less productive sectors of the economy are insufficient.

American Catholics are, thus, thoroughgoing progressives far more informed by the platform of the democrat party than they are the Doctrine of the Faith.

The abortion matter really steams me, there isn’t a soul alive with an IQ above 70 who doesn’t know what the Church believes regarding abortion, nor that abortion, stripped of all the euphemisms, involves murdering perfectly innocent babies.  It is also about the only moral issue on which there has been at least some catechesis at the parish level, but apparently not enough, since most American katholycs think it should remain legal.

Some more disturbing data, read this and see if you can keep your stomach from churning:

Catholics also do not differ markedly from the American public on the issue of same-sex marriage. A majority (55%) of Americans and six in ten (60%) Catholics favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally. Notably, roughly equal numbers of white Catholics (59%) and non-white Catholics (61%) support same-sex marriage. [No, Catholics actually favor pseudo-sodo-marriage substantially more than the general population.  5% is not a trifling amount.  Compared with believing protestants, the comparison is even more stark, and reveals the total failure to effectively catechize souls on this very important matter.  But it gets much, much worse….]

Most Catholics also do not believe same-sex marriage violates their basic religious principles and commitments. A majority (53%) of Catholics disagree that same-sex marriage goes against their religious beliefs, while 42% agree. However, white Catholics are far more divided than non-white Catholics. Nearly half (45%) of white Catholics believe gay marriage goes against their religious beliefs, compared to only about one-third (35%) of non-white Catholics. [If you read the data above, you will find that self-described Hispanic Catholics are as progressive as they come, holding progressive opinions by huge margins on all matters but abortion.  Continued mass immigration from Hispanic lands means making the United States into a much, much more socialistic and left-wing country, with all the implications for the destruction of morality, the good of souls, etc]

An even greater share (76%) of Catholics favor laws that would protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people against discrimination. Roughly one in five (21%) Catholics oppose this policy. [Not only are most katholycs progressive, they’re dumber than a box of rocks]

Notably, relatively few Catholics support a broad religious liberty exemption to nondiscrimination laws. Roughly two-thirds (65%) of Catholics oppose a policy that would allow small business owners to refuse products or services to gay and lesbian people, even if doing so goes against their religious beliefs. Twenty-eight percent of Catholics support such religious liberty exemptions. Also of note, a majority (58%) of Catholics who attend religious services at least weekly and a slim majority (51%) of Republican Catholics also oppose allowing small business owners to refuse services to gay and lesbian people on religious grounds. 

I’ve written many times that we would be tortured by self-described Catholics being our worst persecutors, even escorting pious souls to their martyrdom with hoots and jeers.  Believe me, now?  A HUGE majority (58% is huge) of those who assist at Mass weekly (probably most of them quite aged) oppose religious exemptions from servicing sodomites!  Keep praying to your god the TV, Amchurch katholycs!

One more bit, which provides some background for the bishop’s strenuous efforts in favor of continued, unconstrained Hispanic illegal immigration to this country:

Currently, roughly six in ten (59%) Catholics are white non-Hispanic, more than one-third (34%) identify as Hispanic, and seven percent identify as some other race or as mixed race. The ongoing ethnic transformation of the Catholic Church can also be seen in the stark ethnic differences among U.S. Catholics by age. Catholic seniors (age 65 and over) are roughly twice as likely as young Catholics (age 18-29) to be white (79% vs. 40%, respectively). And these younger Catholics—at 49% Hispanic—are on the cusp of becoming majority Hispanic.

So the Church, such as it is, will become only more progressive with time as the Hispanic portion of the Church increases.

Taking in all the above, it appears the average Amchurch katholyc wants money money money and to believe whatever the mass media tells them to believe, even to the point of seeing their co-religionists persecuted for accepting the constant belief and practice of the Faith.

Poor lost souls!  They must have fooled themselves – or allowed themselves to be fooled – into believing that no one goes to hell this side of Stalin or Hitler!  They wouldn’t know a Bible verse from Shakespeare.  Their priests and bishops have failed them to a degree that beggars the imagination. This Church is headed for a most severe reckoning, but we should rejoice if we have the Grace to remain faithful and suffer persecution in imitation of our Blessed Lord.

If we take the survey data above, and accept the survey’s finding that 22% of Americans self-identify as Catholic, also taking into account the fact that there is probably a lot of overlap between those holding heretical views on various matters but that the overlap is not total, I ask…….are there even 3 million actual believing Catholics in these United States, people who accept all the Doctrine of the Faith?

Gabriel Garcia Moreno’s sure-fire plan for sanctity! August 25, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, manhood, persecution, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, true leadership, Victory, Virtue.
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Having almost completed the biography of Gabriel Garcia Moreno, former president of Ecuador, by Fr. Augustine Berthe’, CSsR, I must agree with the good father that there have been few Catholic leaders of the past 200 years who have held the personal sanctity of this man.  I am just about convinced no man has done more to publicly protect and proclaim the Faith of Jesus Christ and Holy Mother Church than Garcia Moreno.  I imagine Fr. Berthe’ is right in feeling strongly that Garcia Moreno possessed heroic sanctity.  Bearing all that in mind, I thought this personal recap from Garcia Moreno on his personal resolutions to inculcate sanctity and grow in virtue might be helpful to many people.  I can say that having read the biographies of many Saints, Garcia Moreno shared many holy habits with the Elect in Garcia_moreno,_joven_aHeaven:

Every morning when saying my prayers I will ask specially for the virtue of humility.

Everyday I will hear Mass, say the Rosary, and read, besides a chapter of the Imitation, this rule [of St. Benedict]  and the annexed instructions. 

It will take care to keep myself as much as possible in the presence of God, especially in conversation, so as not to speak useless words.  I will constantly offer my heart to God, and principally before beginning any action. [Something I need to do with much greater regularity]

I will say to myself continually: I am worse than a demon and deserve that hell should be my dwelling place. When I am tempted, I will add: What shall I think of this in the hour of my last agony?

In my room, never to pray sitting when I can do so on my knees or standing. Practice daily little acts of humility, like kissing the ground, for example.  Desire all kinds of humiliations, while taking care at the same time not to deserve them.  To rejoice when my actions or my person are abused or censured.

Never to speak of myself, unless it be to my own defects or faults.Garcia-Moreno

To make every effort, by the thought of Jesus and Mary, to restrain my impatience and contradict my natural inclinations.  To be patient and amiable even with people who bore me; never to speak evil of my enemies.

Every morning, before beginning my work, I will write down what I have to do, being very careful to distribute my time well, to give myself only to useful and necessary business and to continue it with zeal and perseverance.  I will scrupulously observe the laws of justice and truth, and have no intention in all my actions save the greater glory of God.  

I will make a particular examen twice a day on my exercise of different virtues, and a general examination every evening.  I will go to Confession every week.

I will avoid all familiarities, even the most innocent, as prudence requires.  I will never pass more than an hour in any amusement, and in general, never before eight o’ clock in the evening.

———–End Quote———–

This was the only man who condemned Garibaldi’s invasion and sacking of the Papal States.  He was repeatedly commended by Blessed Pius IX for his defense of the Faith and the reintroduction of government by Catholic principles in Ecuador.  He was the only Ecuadorian leader in over a generation who did not enrich himself at the public expense while in office.  He reintroduced religious life into Ecuador after almost all orders were driven from the country by revolutionary forces and oversaw the greatest period of sustained economic growth in Ecuador between its founding and the 1960s.

For his great zeal and selflessness, Garcia Moreno was rewarded with nothing but hatred, calumny, and ultimately, assassination, from the revolutionary camp.  The revolution cannot abide the Catholic Faith, it stands in constant opposition to the Faith and the supernatural good of souls.

Something to remember as the fruits of progressivism increasingly turn rotten in this nation.


Ecumenical failure: Waldensians rebuke Pope Francis’ outreach, refuse to apologize August 25, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, different religion, disaster, Ecumenism, episcopate, error, General Catholic, horror, Papa, persecution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, the struggle for the Church.
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How many times has this occurred in the past?  How many times has a major Church leader, even a Pope, appeared on bended knee before some sect or group of schismatics, beating his breast over the ostensible past sins of the Church, only to have the other side refuse to acknowledge their own sins?  This is one of the aspects of post-conciliar “ecumenism” that most frustrates pious souls, the fact that it always seems to be the Church apologizing, even groveling, with very little reciprocity from the other side, whoever that may be.

Readers will likely recall that Pope Francis issued a fulsome apology to the tiny Waldensian sect in Turin earlier this year.  After carefully considering the matter for months, and even convoking a synod to deliberate the matter, the Waldensians have their response, and it looks a lot to me like an upturned middle phalanx (my emphasis and comments):

Pope Francis had reached out his hand to Turin’s Waldensians during his visit last June. He made controversial gestures to emphasize his intention and asked the Waldensians’ forgiveness  from injustice done by Catholics.  Now the Waldensians have given the pope a response. A specially convened Waldensian Synod, which meets until Friday in Turin, rejected the outstretched hand of the Pope and declared themselves unable to grant forgiveness.Vatican Insider talks about an amazing “coldness” toward the Pope…….………The relationship between Waldensians and Catholics is one of deep conflict. On both sides there were atrocities mainly during  the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Even in the mid-19th century the  Waldensians sought the life of  St. John Bosco.

Pope Francis made the unilateral first step towards reconciliation and asked the Waldensian forgiveness for the injustice committed by Catholics. The Pope had said: “On behalf of the Catholic Church, I ask you for forgiveness for the unchristian and even inhuman attitudes and actions, which we have done to you  throughout history.  In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us! ” [My point of view is a bit different: if the Church is the Church, and truly necessary for salvation, sects and other religions who lure souls away to a much greater likelihood of eternal damnation must be opposed vigorously.  If the secular power sees in these sects grave threats to souls and to the social order, it is within their remit to act as prudence and justice dictate.  IOW, what is PF apologizing for, but the zeal of former generations for the good of souls?]

The Moderator of the Waldensian Table, Pastor Eugenio Bernardini, responded: “The Pope has overcome a wall that was built eight centuries ago when our church was accused of heresy and excommunicated by the Roman church.” The pope did not argue. [And for good reason, since this sect holds numerous heretical beliefs and has placed itself outside Communion with the Church. Would that we had such clarity today!]

To underline his readiness, the Pope kissed a Waldensian Bible which was presented to him by Waldensian pastors. It was a gesture that caused some criticism on the Catholic side………

……..The outstretched hand of the Pope sparked heated discussions within the Waldensian community. Finally, a  Waldensian synod was specially convened to respond to the Pope on his request for forgiveness. The Synod will meet until Friday in Torre Pellice for Turin. The answer is now clear and is negative. “We’re moving, but we can not forgive.”  The decision of the Waldensian Synod can be summarized with these words.

In an official letter to the Pope the Synod declared: “Dear Brother in Christ Jesus, the Synod of the Evangelical Waldensian Church accepts with deep respect and not without emotion, your apology expressed on behalf of your church asking for forgiveness for what you have indeed even described as ‘unchristian, even inhuman attitudes and actions’ that have been taken in the past against our mothers and fathers,” But then this is  followed by a big “but” of the  Waldensians. This new situation does not allow us, to step in the place of those who testified with their blood or the other Protestants suffering for their  faith, and to forgive you. ” [So who has the greater zeal?  Who is willing to offend men for the sake of their beliefs in this sordid exchange?  It garners the applause of the world (and, I would think, its master) when popes apologize for alleged past sins of the Church.  But does it work any good for souls?]

This message, rejecting the outstretched hand of the Pope, was decided on Monday by the 180 people gathered at the Waldensian Synod.

……this formalist position can not hide the fact that the Waldensians in reality do not want to approach the Catholic Church. Because this could have been expressed differently, despite the question of direct forgiveness. [and Kenneth Copeland and other shyster TV evangelists don’t want to convert, either, but they will accept the outstretched hand of the Pope most eagerly, since they know the Pope’s outreach will lead to many Catholics falling into their sects and filling their already rich coffers.

The Waldensian Synod for their  part couldn’t find a word of apology for the wrongs committed by Waldensians against the Catholic Church and the Catholics [of course note. And the Orthodox and Lutherans and others have generally made any apology they’ve offered far more contingent and less self-effacing than have their Catholic counterparts, who obviously, wholeheartedly disavow the behavior of their forefathers – many of them spiritual giants – who proceeded them.]

As a convert to the Faith, the truths of which I have become utterly convinced as an adult after much study, it is heart-rending for me to see these kinds of apologies.  Having been outside the Church for most of my life, I can understand well the effect such words have on those sects receiving the apologia. They tell the sect: you were right all along, look at even their leader coming to you now admitting their folly, you’re in exactly the right place.  How many souls have been prevented from finding the Truth of Jesus Christ in its wholeness and entirety by the misguided actions of ecumaniacs over the past several decades?  Is this factor even considered when pontiffs and others make these kinds of statements?  Do they not know they will be judged not just for the souls they lost, but also for the souls they prevented from responding to the call of Grace to enter the Church by their actions?

Ecumenism is the apotheosis of the progressive obsession with “equality” applied to ecclesiastical matters.  It is “unfair” and “cruel” for some men to have the Truth and others not, for some to be saved and for others not, therefore, we should drive the Church down to the lowest common denominator in the interest of worldly “fairness.”  And if a few billion souls have to fry in hell forever in the process, well, an omelette doesn’t get made without breaking a few billion eggs, does it?  Whenever you hear someone denigrating traditional/Catholic “elitism,” keep this in mind.


Join nationwide effort to pray the Rosary on October 10! August 25, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Our Lady, sanctity, Society, Spiritual Warfare, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, Virtue.
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I screwed up this past weekend.  I went and prayed outside the strip club Friday night but I completely forgot about the Planned Barrenhood vigil the next day! So I didn’t make it.  If any readers have reports and especially photos they’d like to share, I would greatly appreciate it.

TFP/America Needs Fatima is organizing a nationwide mass Rosary crusade for Saturday October 10, 2015 at noon.  Over 9,000 people have signed up to lead groups in public prayer of the Rosary.  I’ve signed up.  Also, those who sign up to lead groups will have a Rose offered in their name at Fatima on the Eve of the 98th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun.

Details will follow on where the Rosary will take place.  I am open to suggestions.  One idea is along Northwest Highway near where we pray outside the strip club.  Instead of praying directly across from the strip club at the post office, though, I suggest a large open field immediately to the east of the post office.  That’s just one suggestion.  Locals feel free to make their own, and let me know if you are aware of other already ongoing plans!  It might be easier just join up with those.

More details below, including how you can sign up to lead a prayer vigil in your neighborhood:

After the 7th horrifying Planned Parenthood video, I was hit by how much our nation needs prayer.

Especially the Holy Rosary.

As you may know, a 7th video exposing the selling of baby parts by Planned Parenthood is now out. What does it show?

In a graphic and heart-wrenching way, it shows a technician cutting through a baby’s face to gets its brain out intact. All while the baby’s heart is still beating.

This latest video is Satanic. It’s really too horrible for words…worse than a horror movie!

But it’s NOT a movie. It’s happening right here in America.  Innocent American babies are being killed.

But I certainly won’t sit around feeling frustrated and helpless! I’m spiritually fighting back. I’m working day and night to increase our Rosary Rally Crusade across America.

And I invite you to spiritually fight back too by becoming a Rosary Rally Captain in October 2015.  Almost 9,000 people have already accepted to be a captain and lead a Rosary. Can you do the same to stop the sin of abortion?

It is very simple. All you need to do is: 

  • Sign a form, and –we’ll send you a beautiful rally banner and a manual. 
    CLICK HERE to sign up.
  • In time, contact your friends and invite them to join you at the place you choose. 
  • On Saturday, October 10, 2015 at noon pray a Rosary in a public place. 
  • When you become a Rosary Rally Captain, we’ll deliver a Red Rose in your name to Our Lady on the very spot where she appeared in Fatima, Portugal. We’ll do this on October 12, 2015.

I am strongly convicted that we as Catholics need to take our glorious Faith to the public square much more.  I think much of the reason for the present state of crisis in both Church and culture can be traced back to Catholic abandonment of the public proclamation of our Faith.  There are growing, militant secular forces who would like to see Christianity consigned to the catacombs, if we’re even allowed that.  They hate God and His Church with a virulent passion.  I feel very strongly we must demonstrate to these forces we will not retreat, we will not go away, and that we will witness to our Faith even to the point of outright governmental persecution.

The hour is getting very late.  I encourage all readers to publicly pray a Rosary on October 10, whether they sign up formally or not.

And now for something completely different, a bit of helpful advice:


Boy do I know that to be true!  If I go to Confession weekly I find I usually don’t have anything overly major to confess, but if I don’t….watch out!

ISIS obliterates, desecrates 1600 year old Syrian monastery……. August 25, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, disaster, Ecumenism, General Catholic, horror, persecution, shocking, Society, Spiritual Warfare, unadulterated evil.
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……..and just for good measure, they dug up the ancient relics of Saint Elian and brutalized them, as well.  They also slaughtered the monks.

Is there a force on this planet more visibly satanic than militant islam and especially “ISIS?”

ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS) fighters have bulldozed a 1,600-year-old Christian monastery after abducting and reportedly slaughtering its inhabitants.

The twisted terror group today released a video showing its barbaric militants razing the ancient Mar Elian monastery to the ground, even digging up and desecrating the bones of a Christian saint.

There were reports that fighters had also kidnapped the monastery’s abbot, Father Jacques Mouraud and a church volunteer, Botros Hanna, who are both now feared dead.

Earlier this month ISIS abducted up to 250 Christians from the monastery and its surrounding villages, many of whom were women and children.

In the sick video the terrorists can be seen gleefully removing the remains of Saint Elian, after whom the monastery was named, from their ancient stone sarcophagus.

The church is said to have been built on the spot where Saint Elian died after he was killed by his father, a Roman officer, for refusing to denounce his faith.

It was a popular pilgrim site with Christians throughout the Middle East and housed Roman frescos which were amongst the oldest paintings in the region.

The monastery, near the Syrian city of Homs, had been renovated several times in recent years, including by Italian priest Paolo Dall’Oglio who was executed in Raqqa by ISIS forces in July 2013.

ISIS said that it bulldozed the church because it was dedicated to a God other than Allah. [So much, then, for “dhimmi” status and islam being tolerant of Christians and Jews?  In truth, this is what has happened everywhere particularly militant islam has gained suzerainty, dating back to the 600s]

The group has routinely kidnapped and executed Christians living in the Middle East as part of its ideological drive to create an Islamist caliphate…….

………ISIS has routinely destroyed and desecrated ancient monuments in lands it has captured in the Middle East.

The Islamist fanatics see many historical sites as blasphemous to their cause.

Earlier this year the extremists blew up the ancient city of Nimrud, in Iraq, whilst they also released a video of fighters smashing ancient statues in Mosul museum.

They are in truth opposed to all civilization, which is why islam, in spite of starting from a relatively high level of development, today features many of the most backwards, deliberately ignorant countries in the world.  In order to conduct their sick jihad, they have to import weapons from other less benighted places.  Islam has given very, very little to the world and has taken a very great deal.  It’s thoroughly un-Christian of me, I guess, but a part of me thinks the only way to deal with these people is like this:

Redwing Tewa 5 MT shot July 20, 1956, designed to be as dirty as possible. Almost all weapons effects from fission, ground burst for maximum fallout.  This was probably the dirtiest nuclear test the United States every conducted.  “Dirty” means maximum radiological effects.

With islam, it’s always war to the knife and knife to the hilt.  It always has been.  Either you must destroy them, or they will destroy you.  And now our first muslim president and a compliant Senate have seen fit to allow one of the most deranged islamist regimes to be armed with nuclear weapons.  I am increasingly convinced there will be another use of nuclear weapons in my lifetime, and that this time, it won’t be in ones or twos.  It’s going to be horrific.

Below, what the monastery used to look like, and images of its destruction:






Which it’s our birthday, precious……. August 25, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in Admin, blogfoolery, fun, non squitur, silliness.
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……..and now we are this many:

1367985621_doc44-albums-44-magnums-picture115-s153155-rare-5-screw-nickel-november-1956 (3)

Dirty Larry.