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Popular TV Remodeling Couple Pilloried for the Sin of Having 5 Children January 19, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, cultural marxism, demographics, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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This is the upside down, inside out, black is white world we live in, shaped by dystopian leftist views and mores for decades now.  Just a few decades ago, having a large family was seen at least as a neutral thing, and generally was viewed positively, as a sign of blessing.  Certainly, there have been misanthropes for decades, often liberal protestant types, who in the 20th century coalesced around the suffrage movement and radical social theories (like eugenics) to first start to push the notion that people = bad.  But at the time, those people were generally extremist nuts.  Nowadays, the default view by the typically childless “elites” is that children = bad, a drag, an endless source of carbon emissions, while they happily plan on collecting the Social Security checks and other benefits the children of others, the children they could never be bothered to have, will provide.

It’s a sick, sick, sick, sick world:

Fans of “Fixer Upper” no doubt have heard that stars Chip and Joanna Gaines have announced they’re having a fifth child.  Feminist commentator Kristen Pyszczyk does not approve.

“Procreation is becoming a global public health concern, rather than a personal decision. So when people do irresponsible things like having five children, we absolutely need to be calling them out.” [Actually, low birth rates are leading to massive social disruption and economic decline.  Japan’s economy has been in a zero growth recession for exactly as long as its birth rate has been less than replacement rate.  Europe is being remade due to the necessity of having to import millions of largely muslim immigrants to replace the babies they never had.  And the US would be experiencing a population decline, due to our lower-than-replacement native-born birth rate, and much of the poor economic performance of the last 45 years can be attributed to lack of population growth.  All the bases upon which the population explosion belief are grounded are utterly false.  But it’s a religious conviction with these people, so no amount of logic matters.]

While having a child or five is a very personal choice, it’s also a choice that affects everyone who inhabits our planet. So while many people might find the backlash unwarranted, it’s actually a conversation we need to have in order to challenge our uncritical acceptance of the life-fulfillment-through-procreation story. [That’s a massive assumption – that this well known couple has a larger than average number of kids out of some selfish desire for personal fulfillment. There are surely numerous reasons why they have 5 kids, but knowing their (protestant) Christian convictions, obeying God’s call to be fruitful and multiply is probably foremost.  Notice that feminists are all about “choice” when it comes to killing babies, but not when having them.  Reveal much?]

Now, as a feminist, I tend to oppose any cultural conversation that involves telling a woman what to do with her body. But women have long been told that they need to have kids to have a meaningful life, and they are groomed for motherhood from a very early age. [So let me make a totally unsupported assumption about you, Joanna Gaines – I imagine, transplanting the feminist critic’s selfish outlook into this unwitting recipient – and then launch on a rant, which just happens to perfectly correspond to my already held convictions, about how having lots of kids in order to “fulfill oneself” is horribly, horribly selfish.  And yet, which type is more in the solipsistic “Eat, Pray, Love” crowd – feminists, or devout Christians?”]

But we don’t often hear arguments for alternatives to motherhood. Women need to be presented with options for a fulfilling life that don’t involve taking 20 years of their lives to care for offspring. Changing the narrative around motherhood should help to offset some of the cultural conditioning we receive throughout our lives. [The eternal selfishness of the feminist mind is on stark display here.  There is more than a slight whiff of “doth protest too much” in this tawdry critique.   Unhappy with your life choices?  Find being used as a receptacle by unworthy men a bit more empty than empowering?  Taking it out on someone else may make you feel better for a few minutes, but cats are no substitute for children and grandchildren.]

Note the paradox – not having children is the key to humanity’s survival.  What she means is, “I demand the power, for myself and fellow travelers, to decide for others how many children they are allowed to have, at what time, and under what circumstances.  You see, like the endlessly evil and personally immoral Margaret Sanger, I believe only the right kind of people should be allowed to have children. Holding this view is a testament to my immense virtue and a sure signal of how much better I am than you, the grunting, rutting hoi polloi.”

Thus, our self-anointed “elites.”

Congratulations to the Gaines on their expectant arrival.


1 in 4 Americans Haven’t Read a Book in a Year, Can’t Name an Author…… December 6, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Basics, cultural marxism, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, rank stupidity, reading, sadness, scandals, sickness, Society.
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…….and of those who can name an author, the vast majority of those name Danielle Steele, Stephen King, or some other living, pulp fiction writer. A substantial majority fail to name a single major literary figure.

So, the planned dumbing down of the West’s population, addicting them to the bread and circuses of the elite, continues apace?  There is no way educational systems this bad have not been deliberately contrived, especially after – or perhaps, because of – the trillions of taxpayer dollars pumped into them.  Common core?  Give me a break.  More effective methods were available over a century ago in Catholic National Readers.

Last fall, Pew Research found that 27 percent of Americans had not read a book in the preceding year.

Unfortunately, our friends across the pond aren’t much better in this respect. According to a 2014 survey, roughly 26 percent of adults in Great Britain admitted to not reading and finishing a book for pleasure.

One might be able to dismiss such statistics to busyness or other similar factors. But is it possible that the growing numbers of the non-reading public are instead a sign of the decline of knowledge about books and the canon of literature in general? A March 2017 survey suggests such might be the case. Produced by The Royal Society of Literature, the survey asked nearly 2,000 British adults about their literature reading habits. Similar to the aforementioned 2014 survey, roughly 1 in 4 British adults had not read a piece of literature in the previous six months. [Well I’m not clear what they mean by “literature?” Does reading books about Saints count, or is this only F. Scott Fitzgerald, de Cervantes, and the like?  I think they are speaking very broadly, as in Mickey Spillane would qualify.]

But even more interesting were the responses when researchers asked respondents to name an author of a literary work. As it turns out, 20 percent of respondents were unable to name even one. Of those who were able to name an author, more than half selected a modern, living author, such as J.K. Rowling. [Such pap]

Much of the world in which we live today is laid upon a foundation of knowledge. These ideas can be found in the great literary works of William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and other men and women who are no longer with us. If many in today’s society can’t even name these authors, how can we expect them to participate in the “Great Conversation” of ideas, insights, and knowledge which still have profound effects on us today?

We can’t.  And that would be the point, my dear.  A population so ignorant is one that cannot think for itself, and must be led by the hand by its self-anointed “betters.”  Interestingly, however, in many cases the anointed are among the most ignorant among us, if the media and academia are any indication.  Oh, they know like religious mantras the left-liberal propaganda they’ve been indoctrinated in, but they are wholly ignorant of great sweeps of subjects, from history to geography to philosophy to theology…….you get the point.  The SAT and other deformations to our educational industry have created generations of clever regurgitators and test-takers who are thus marked, like a superior caste, for the college start of the path of elite credentialization that will chart their course to the new aristocracy, but not intelligent people who can think.  In fact, most of these JournoList types are blithering idiots, and prove it constantly.  I still want my chain saw bayonet option for the AK!

Present company excepted, of course, as I ride my high horse off to my ivory tower.

Reason number infinity plus one to homeschool.  One of the innumerable things of which I am proud of my kids, is that they are almost all avid readers.  The “least” of them is quite above average, while some are absolutely voracious and hard to keep stocked with books.  Having learned to read phonetically, they can read much faster than I can, and easily devour 2 or 3 books in a day. Half Price Books loves us.

An Open Letter to Michael Knowles        December 6, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Basics, catachesis, error, General Catholic, horror, paganism, rank stupidity, sadness, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, Tradition, unadulterated evil.
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Not that he’ll ever read it, this post is more for my own benefit, and possibly yours.

Before I begin, I will note that I am taking Knowles straight up on his own declarations.  If he is practicing some weird and really obscure  form of “humor,” that would be a problem (and scandal) in and of itself, but a different one from what I identify below.

Who is Michael Knowles, and why should committed Catholics care?  He is the host of an internet podcast under Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire umbrella.  He hosts several episodes a week.  He is a proud, at times even militant, Catholic.  Much of his program is dedicated to answering protestant “questions” regarding Catholicism, which means, in reality, refuting arrogant, ignorant charges from American evangelicals against the Church Jesus Christ – not Martin Luther, not John Calvin, not Henry VIII, not Mary Baker Eddy – founded.

And he does a good job.  In fact, he has at times given me to wonder whether he is a Trad, such is his strong grasp of catechesis, theology, etc.  He certainly presents liturgical sentiments which align quite well with the TLM and against the Novus Ordo.  He is well read in Church teaching and especially Church history. He’s pointed out on several occasions the way Francis, Bishop of Rome is at odds with Catholic Dogma. He provides such an interesting perspective I was really starting to wonder if we had the second (but better??) coming of Mike Church.

And then there was that moment……you know the one, the one where the needle goes from playing a lovely melody to sliding all the way across the record……yeah, that one.

That moment came when Knowles, in a spoken word commercial he gave for a mattress company during one of his podcasts, mentioned that he and his fiancée just love sharing a bed made of these wonderful mattresses.

That’s………..that’s a problem. That’s a very big problem.

I don’t ever like to peer into consciences and convict others of sin, but Knowles has done so himself.  He has declared that he is committing ongoing, grievous sin, at the very least by continuing to expose himself to incredible temptation by sharing a bed with a woman other than his wife, but more likely by advertising the fact that he and she are ongoing fornicators.  Even if they both sleep in PVC bodysuits that cover them head to foot, even if they’ve never so much as kissed, this situation would be sinful alone for the scandal it gives.  You are basically advertising for fornication, and proudly proclaiming yourself a Catholic while doing so.

I’m sorry, Mr. Knowles, but you are not the solution, but the problem.  This is the very crisis the Church has faced since the 60s, where public spokesman, whether they at one time had a formal mission from the Church  such as Fr. Charles Curran, or self-appointed ones like yourself (and me), publicly deviating from the Faith, even attacking and undermining it.  I have not so far heard you directly verbally challenge or undermine a Dogma or Doctrine……..at least until that mattress ad.  And then I heard several other mentions of your fiancée wherein you made clear your relationship is fundamentally indifferent from all the pagans of the world these days, lost in sin.

Which brings up an interesting point – while Knowles clearly acknowledges the evils Francis is visiting on the Church, is he at the same time positioning himself to be the beneficiary of some of this doctrinal reformulation, especially regarding reception of Communion while in a manifest state of grievous, probably mortal, sin?  Seems quite possible.

Are you receiving the Blessed Sacrament, Mr. Knowles, while persisting in this relationship with your fiancée?  Your podcast statements would seem to indicate so.  Thus, you have added sacrilege to fornication and scandal.  Don’t read I Cor xi:25-29 much?

I am really at a loss how a man so obviously well-formed can be openly and proudly persisting in a relationship that is grievously scandalous at best (and which he makes pains to announce in most episodes of late).  He seems to have a nearly Traditional level of formation, to the extent that I would almost wonder if he hasn’t received regular trad catechesis, and, one would tend to assume, Confession?  Has this never come up?  My experience of multiple FSSP/SSPX confessors would lead me to believe that any and all of them would instantly point out this massive moral problem, were they aware of it.

So, I won’t be listening to him anymore.  Until he recognizes the huge scandal he has given and indicates some public contrition, he is actually a very dangerous man, all the more so due to his talents and gifts of formation. He sounds like the real deal.  He sounds like a really authentic Catholic, and he is reaching out to tens of thousands of protestants and giving them a very bad idea of what the Catholic Church is all about.  I haven’t listened to many of his shows – maybe 7 or 8 – but I’ve never heard him called out for his scandal, even from hostile protestants (which probably shows how virtually all of them are so morally confused in this age of error that they see nothing wrong with a little pre-marital fornication).

I would advise readers to stay far away from this charlatan. He certainly had me fooled.  Once one is confronted with a figure mixing truth and error, consuming their product becomes risky, at best.  Given the other excellent sources available, there is no reason to expose oneself to this risk.

I will pray for him, and especially pray that some really good traditional priest reaches out to him and shakes him from his morally damnable situation, and convinces him to make some public act of contrition for the scandal he is causing on an ongoing basis.

Mr. Knowles, if you read this, reach out to me and I will get you in touch with multiple very solid priests who will make abundantly clear the grave danger to which you are exposing your soul, and that of your fiancee. It’s all well and good to declare ourselves committed Catholics so long as that commitment costs us little – it is when it costs us dear is where the rubber meets the road. Take up your cross and follow Christ.  Deus Vult.

For the declaration upon which this post is based, see the below, if you must, at 8:28:

Let the Colleges Die December 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, cultural marxism, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, persecution, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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Generally speaking, a sentiment I certainly agree with. There are some exceptions, of course.  A handful of still respectably Catholic colleges, for one.  But overall, as the article below states (and as Professor Jordan Peterson now makes a regular part of his talks), college as a whole, as an institution, has become an ideologically stultified, racist, misandric, destructive influence on the souls who matriculate therein and the culture at large.

College attendance is plummeting due to high costs, poor product, and such extreme levels of leftist radicalism and anti-white/anti-male prejudice as to be unbelievable.  So, for the most part, I agree………let ’em die:

At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failed to meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined………

………Rather than being instructed in crucial matters—such as how to detect logical fallacies and distinguish between what’s objective and subjective [or 3-D solid modeling/beam theory!]—modern students indenture themselves to the loan-peddlers for the dubious honor of taking inane courses such as “Kanye Versus Everbody! [sic],” “Sci-Fi Queered,” “What If Harry Potter Is Real?,” and “How to Watch Television.”

While piously posing as staunchly anti-racist—whatever the hell that means, because it can’t be quantified—students are instead encouraged to channel all of their latent racial hatred toward the very idea of white people. [Dang right.  College campuses today are the most endemically racist, bigoted enclaves in the nation.  Largely white children are taught to hate themselves, and that the only way to demonstrate they have overcome their innate “white deviltry” is by refusing to reproduce and offing themselves]

This is why a Hispanic college professor received no reprimands for expressing this gleefully genocidal sentiment:

We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It’s a matter of time. [laughter] The explosion is in our population. [Not through reproduction.  Only through immigration invasion.  Hispanic birth rates are only slightly above replacement rate.  And some of us evil whiteys have had 6 or 8 or 18 kids. So suck on that, racist.]

Neither was an Indian female professor at the University of Michigan given even a mild slap on the wrist for writing an essay about “White Moral Blindness.”

It’s why no faculty members were disciplined in 2015 when a white student at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst was denied entry from a “Stop White People” luncheon on campus.

It’s why a black sociology professor at Trinity College was not fired for writing on Facebook that it’s time to “confront” white people:

I’m fed up with self-identified ‘white’s’ daily violence[“violence” = holding beliefs I find offensive. That’s “violence.” And what does a population do when it convinces itself it is constantly under physically violent attack, which these delusional leftists do constantly?  They feel wholly justified in their hatred of their persecutors, and lashing out violently at them.  But they’ve received no actual violence.] directed at immigrants, Muslims, and sexually and racially opressed [sic] people. The time is now to confront these inhuman assholes and end this now.

It’s why a black female sociologist became a professor at Boston University after tagging white college males as “a problem population”:

white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges. 

why is white america so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?

Bigotry is ugly no matter the color of the person saying it.  But get this, this professor would surely absolve herself of being “racist,” because the white-hating Left has defined “racism” as being strictly the province of whites.  That’s right, only the devil white man can ever be “racist.”  This is supposedly because only the white devil man has “institutional power,” which critique I find rather ironic coming from college professors, students, and administrative hierarchies increasingly dominated by non-whites.

As the author of the above noted in a portion I did not excerpt, the percentage of white men on campus has fallen drastically over the past 25 years.  In fact, the disappearance of young white men from the campuses on which they are so manifestly made to feel unwelcome is probably THE dominant factor in the collapse in college attendance nationwide.

Thus it would be quite ironic if these hateful racist professors and administrators lost their (largely) useless but oh-so-cozy sinecures as a direct result of their own radically racist leftism.

A final thought – see the hatred endemic in Leftism, which is endemic in rejection of God.  Rejection of Jesus Christ in the West largely started in, and has been sustained by, the academy.  The whole rotten structure needs to die.


Amazon: “Mohammad a Wise Prophet,” but “Jesus Christ a Fictional Character” November 29, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, disaster, Ecumenism, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, paganism, rank stupidity, Restoration, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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Steven Crowder ran a little impromptu experiment using Amazon’s in-home phishing/hack box Alexa (why people would put one of these things in their house is beyond me) over the Thanksgiving holiday, after noting that Alexa’s answer to many questions seemed to carry more than a little bit of bias.  So Crowder started asking Alexa numerous questions on the fly, and got some amazing responses.  You have to see the video for all of loaded answers, but the most significant to me and you is that Alexa finds in Mohammad “a wise prophet,” and a caring provider for his child-rape bride Aisha, while Jesus Christ is dismissed as “a fictional character:”

Now, obviously, Alexa is just a bot programmed by human beings, human beings who by and large work on the Left Coast and have powerful biases themselves.  It also draws many of its “encyclopedia” type answers from Wikipedia, which in virtually any socially significant subject is unbelievably biased towards the Left (go read the Wikipedia article on North Korea, for an example).

Nevertheless, this is more than slightly revealing.  Many leftists are trying to accuse Crowder of somehow staging this event or concocting this as a put-on, but he swears it’s on the up and up and released the raw footage  yesterday to confirm that.  From my standpoint, I’m not surprised in the slightest. In fact, I’d expect little else.  To a leftist, Mohammad is a wise prophet (yet another demonstration of how the Left will happily adopt islam should Christianity ever be definitively crushed), and Jesus Christ is just a sky fairy, about as real to them as the communist slaughter of millions or the plain meaning of the 2nd Amendment.  The confirmation bias inherent in all this is more than just a little troubling, however.  How can people who repeat such mantras day in and day out (Mohammad great, Jesus fake) ever be converted?  It would appear beyond human means, anyway.

Having said that, per the actual historical record, there is far, far, FAR more disinterested, 3rd party evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ than there is for the existence of Mohammad.  Some students of islam, like Steve Kellmeyer and Robert Spencer, are very doubtful that a single individual named Mohammad ever existed. There is essentially ZERO evidence, independent of the Koran, that there was a man named Mohammad, and that he single-handedly founded his strange new cult.  What probably happened is that he was invented ex post facto to serve as the instigator of that hellish melange of Jewish Zealotry and Arian (not) Christianity that became islam.  With the Christ, there are both direct testimonies of His existence (Josephus) and numerous contemporaneous, or nearly so, records from the dominant power (Rome) that He existed and that He founded a powerful religious movement that rapidly swept over the entire eastern Levant and beyond.  In fact, in the secular scholarly community, all but the most dedicated modernists/leftists/atheists have come to the conclusion that the vast preponderance of evidence supports the existence of an individual man (-God) Jesus Christ.

But as we saw in the previous post, leftists never let facts get in the way of a politically helpful narrative.

Seriously, why someone would get easily hacked “smart” appliances, or one of these Alexa or Google thingess in their houses, is beyond me.  Even our “smart” phones are insidious evil things, with the mike on all the time and quite possibly the camera, as well.  The scary thing is not so much how they affect old farts like me, but the younger generation who seem utterly unable to live without these devices 6 inches from their face 23 hours a day.  All this could be taken away from me and I’d be annoyed at times but otherwise just fine.  But from these kids who have never known anything different, and who no longer know how to relate to other people without the filter of their electronic opiate?

Down high horse, down.  Still, the known hacking potentials alone in these devices is more than enough reason for me to say no thanks.  I wonder how long I’ll still have the privilege of setting my own analog thermostat, or buying a dishwasher that isn’t connected to the internet/NSA?

“Millennial Democrats” Have Never Heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the entire Cold War, or the modern states of Russia and China November 29, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in attachments, cultural marxism, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, huh?, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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Apparently, they believe North Korea’s nascent ICBMs (still appears they have no workable reentry vehicle, and it’s no mean task to get them to work, we spent years and billions on that alone) represent the first time the US has ever been threatened by nuclear-tipped ICBMs.  I would have thought they would have at least heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, foolishly caused by the incompetence of John Fitzgerald Kennedy the proudest moment of the God-Emperor JFKs administration, but apparently not.

Then there was that 40+ year unpleasantness known as the Cold War, with thousands of hair-trigger warheads, some stationed only 5 minutes flight time away from the US coast in submarines, ready and able to go off at a moment’s notice.

And, of course, persisting to this day, Russia and China have ICBMs targeted on the US.  Both have continued to develop new warheads, new ICBM and SLBM delivery systems, and new defensive technologies even while the US has stood entirely pat with a now 25  year moratorium on the research, development, testing, and production of new (or existing) nuclear weapons save for some modest rebuilds in the increasingly unlikely hope that the current arsenal would work if called upon (it’s not that unlikely, yet, but each year makes the problems of so-called “stockpile maintenance and reliability” that much greater).

A more general question – has there ever been a tweet that actually increased a tweeter’s stature in the world?

Deliberate, weaponized idiocy is the primary recruiting tool of the democrat party.  It’s also a perfect demonstration of leftist projection – it was Obama’s policy of appeasement, including gifting North Korea with billions of dollars in aid, that likely funded their weapon’s development programs.  That, and turning loose $150 billion in Iranian assets in a the biggest giveaway since Munich 1938.  How much of that unfrozen Iranian money has ended up atop North Korean ICBMs is unknown at this time, but given how these two nation’s missile and nuke development programs are run basically as one big bi-national effort, probably more than a little bit.

So far from being the Shield of Faith they’d like to claim, insulating the American people from a dangerously unhinged North Korean regime, Obama was actually a primary instigator of whatever terror these democrats now feel.  But they could never admit that, it be like me denying Jesus Christ, though they have every reason to make their denial, and I have none.

I guess this would just be totally lost on them:

Vast Majority of college-educated democrats think sex not determined at birth November 16, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, cultural marxism, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, huh?, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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A recent survey shows that 77% of self-declared college educated democrats do not believe sex is determined at birth, or, for that matter, conception.

Not really a surprise at all.  The core base of the democrat party has shifted from minorities and lower-income whites to brainwashed products of the liberal arts and social science departments of so-called “elite” institutions.  Income matters much less than it used to in political alignment, what is going on in this nation is a culture, not an economic, conflict.  Of course, the super-rich, maybe guilt-ridden, maybe just classist and tribalist cadre makes up a vital part of the democrat base.  But aside from that it’s really much more down to class aspirations and moral turpitude.  Not just lack of faith in, but sneering hostility towards believing Christianity is also key.

Anyway, to the results:

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

The main question in the August-to-September survey of 4,573 people is built on the phrase: “sex assigned at birth.” But that phrase was invented by transgender activists to help them claim that every person’s sex is independent of their biology and that a newborn’s sex should not be unfairly “assigned” by the doctors and parents who examine the newborns’ biology and visible genitalia. The Pew survey asked:

Which statement comes closer to your views, even if neither is exactly right?

Whether someone is a man or a woman is determined by the sex they were assigned at birth [more on the very loaded phraseology below]

Someone can be a man or a woman even if that is different from the sex they were assigned at birth

According to Pew’s write-up:

The survey … finds that Democrats with a bachelor’s degree or more education are more likely than other Democrats to say a person’s gender can be different from the sex they were assigned at birth. About three-quarters (77%) of Democrats with a bachelor’s degree or more say this, compared with 60% of Democrats with some college and 57% of those with a high school diploma or less. No such [education] divide exists among Republicans.

OK, so democrats, especially college uneducated ones, are crazy.  But what is terrifying is that nearly half the country, at least according to this one survey (skewed as it surely is), think the same:

Now, the survey question that produced the responses below was itself incredibly biased.  It was designed both to confuse and to elicit a biased response.  Some people declaring they do not think sex is determined biologically may have been tripped up on the use of the trans-activist phrase “assigned sex,” which may have caused some people to think of the exceedingly rare situations (one in a million, or less) where some infants are born with malformed genitalia, having some characteristics of both male and female organs.  A DNA test will instantly reveal what sex they are – if there by Y chromosomes, you have a boy, matey.

But at any rate, goodness gracious, 44% of American adults think that whether one is a man or a woman is independent of…..whether they are a man or a woman?!?  Even taking into account the loaded nature of the survey question, anything beyond 15% or so is a travesty.  We are beyond lost.  And amazingly, age is actually only a slight variable in this belief set. It all comes down to cultural-political affiliation, by which we might also infer, possession or lack of orthodox religious beliefs.  Or we can just conclude that 44% of Americans are stark, raving mad.

God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity – These are reality.  Rejection of reality in favor of some fantasy is a rough description of madness. So, in a sense, rejection of Jesus Christ and His Church is tantamount to madness, especially in a culture which was built upon such belief.  Now, the vast majority of people in this country today, even those who call themselves Catholic, have never experienced, nor been taught, real, believing Catholicism.  The reasons for this can be laid directly at the feet of the council fathers and Church leadership who have manifestly failed in their duty to preach the Faith not only to those inside the Church, but to those outside, as well.  Cultures do not fall to this level of madness without first having undergone total moral innervation.  The crisis in the Church is one of the prime – probably THE prime – source of this moral decay.

And so now we have scores of millions of Americans who believe things that simply are not – that two men can be “married,” that killing babies is about “choice,” that individual liberty is the font of fascism, and that a man is not a man simply because he says so.

These are all indicators of extremely late stage moral decadence, of the type that have been universal harbingers of civilizational collapse in the past.  And, it must be said, the Church, in the failures of her leadership particularly but also across the board, has had a huge role in creating the environment ripe for a collapse.

Lord, have mercy on us.


Francis – “Denying” Climate Change “Perverse” November 16, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Basics, cultural marxism, disaster, error, Francis, General Catholic, Interior Life, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, the struggle for the Church.
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Sodomy – who am I to judge?  Adulterers committing the gravest of sacrilege in sacrilegiously receiving the Blessed Sacrament – no problem.  But denying the sacred doctrine of anthropocentric global cooling warming climate change – such perversion, such heresy!, has no place in the Church.

Rorate nailed it on the day after his election – welcome to the pontificate of Paul VI, redux:

Pope Francis on Thursday rebuked those who deny the science behind global warming and urged negotiators at climate talks in Germany to avoid falling prey to such “perverse attitudes” and instead accelerate efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions. [no major industrialized nation has reduced carbon emissions more over the past 10 years than has the United States. This was just reported a day or two ago.  Even if the United States went back to a 17th century economy with the attendant death of 90+% of the population, carbon emissions worldwide would still grow rapidly due to the unabated output of India, China, and similar nations.  The entire project, then, is just a joke.]

Francis issued a message to the Bonn meeting, which is working to implement the 2015 Paris accord aimed at capping global emissions. [And how many kilotons of carbon were spewed into the atmosphere by thousands of activists, plutocrats, and bureaucrats jetting into Bonn from around the world?] In it, Francis called climate change “one of the most worrisome phenomena that humanity is facing.” He urged negotiators to take action free of special interests and political or economic pressures, and to instead engage in an honest dialogue about the future of the planet. [For the leftist, “dialogue”=doing what I want. By “special interests,” Francis means those with very justifiable concerns not only about the faulty theory of human-caused climate change, but the murderous, impoverishing impact of sudden and draconian limits on emissions of what is an entirely natural substance]

Francis didn’t cite any countries by name, but the United States has announced it is withdrawing from the Paris accord, and President Donald Trump has nominated several people in his administration who question scientists’ conclusions that human activity is behind the global rise in temperatures. At the same time, the U.S. administration has promoted the use of fossil fuels like coal for U.S. energy needs.

In his landmark 2015 environmental encyclical, Francis said global warming is “mainly” due to human activity and he called for fossil fuels to be progressively phased out without delay. [Thus we have a Bishop of Rome, heir of St. Peter, endorsing, in a doctrinal document, a dubious and highly contentious scientific theorem.  This will only turn out badly, and should global warming be decisively refuted by a mass return to sanity and de-funding of government-directed scientific propaganda “research,” it will be used by enemies of the Church forever anon.]

In his message, the Argentine pope denounced that efforts to combat climate change are often frustrated by those who deny the science behind it or are indifferent to it, those who are resigned to it or think it can be solved by technical solutions, which he termed “inadequate.” [Said the doctrinaire liberal with absolutely no scientific training or credibility]

“We must avoid falling into these four perverse attitudes, which certainly don’t help honest research and sincere, productive dialogue,” he said.

Well there you go, you perverts.  You get the sense Francis is building towards something, a great and thorough rebuke of the Church That Was.  I mean, the Vatican is issuing stamps celebrating the worst, most destructive heresy in the history of the Church.  It seems more and more plausible this man wants a decisive, open break with the Church and the Tradition upon which it is founded. I mean much, much further than the things he’s already done.  Something like nailing his own figurative 99 theses on the door of the Vatican, an open, unmistakable embrace of Protestantism and call for the Church to repent of its “errors.”

I don’t mean to become overwrought over this latest, relatively minor upturned middle phalanges at the dwindling number of faithful.  It’s more the whole sweep of this pontificate, nearly 5 years old now, that I’m talking about.

h/t reader TT

Testimony of Steve Willeford, Hero in Texas Church-Shooting November 8, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, cultural marxism, firearms, General Catholic, horror, paganism, rank stupidity, scandals, sickness, Society, Spiritual Warfare.
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A very good interview from Steven Crowder below.  Sutherland Springs is only about 5 miles from where one of my wife’s sisters lives.  I do not know if they knew any of the victims.  My sister in law lives just outside La Vernia, which is about 7 miles from the shootings.

There is more and more evidence that the crazed shooter was motivated at least generally by hatred of Christians, with a heaping dose of base millennial instability, grave childhood woundedness, and severe emotional disorders to complete the tragic mix .  He used an AR-type weapon to perpetrate this atrocity, while he was also stopped by an AR-type firearm.  Hero Steve Willeford testifies that, due to the body armor the maniac atheist shooter Devin Kelley was wearing, it required at least an AR-type firearm to stop him.  It also seems increasingly likely that it was Willeford’s shot that put an end to Kelley’s life:

Obviously, prayers are urgent for all those suffering from this evil, a sign far less of a country in need of stricter restrictions on firearms for citizens to defend themselves (the killer, by the laws on the books, should never have passed the background check and should have been red flagged in the instant check database, but the Air Force failed to convey his domestic battery conviction to the FBI), than it is in need of a great cultural and spiritual renewal/restoration.  This is revealed even more in the response of the far left in this country, including such pathetically lost and self-loathing characters as Will Wheaton, which indulged in some vicious Christian-bashing in the wake of this crime.  Much of this commentary, though it comes from sources already known for their hatred of Christianity, is so over the top it is revelatory of the amoral hell that is at the root of Leftism.  Only a wholly amoral soul, one given over practically totally to that worst moral condition to which a soul can fall – a reprobate sense – could have uttered some of the hateful vituperation Wheaton and others hurled in response to the victims in this shooting.  Some were even mocking the deaths as being “deserved” because the victims were Christians, Texans, and thus probably conservatives, and so unworthy of life.

This is the cultural milieu in which we are forced to work out our salvation.  The self-anointed “elites” of the culture and country mock Christian prayer and the practice of virtue, while hiding crimes like child rape and the abuse of women committed by themselves and their allies (but what should we expect, from a group of people to treat the wholesale slaughter of perfect innocents, largely for the sake of convenience, as their holiest and greatest shibboleth?).  They laugh at a Christian response to an unspeakable tragedy but cover up for and extol islam when a similar attack is committed in New York a few days earlier, telling us how “allahu ackbar” is almost always a beautiful prayer.  Do you think these scum would declare the Pater Noster or Ave Maria a beautiful prayer under any context, but especially if a crazed false Christian uttered such words while in commission of a horrible crime? We’d never hear the end of it.  Just another reason why tens of millions of Americans no longer believe the slightest thing the media says.

As I’ve said for years, the self-described “rational,” “scientific,” atheistic Left is nothing of the sort.  They belong to a pseudo-religion that has hatred for Christianity, and especially Christian morals (the rejection of these morals being the driver behind all they do), at the very center of its creed.  Islam is simply another false totalitarian religion which the Left is making common cause with in its effort to finally rid itself of that Savior they are too proud, broken, or stupid to countenance.  But most of these leftists will happily don the hijab and prostrate themselves towards Mecca five times a day should the right circumstances arise.  They are not generally anti-religious – they are some of the most fervent (if depraved) religionists around.  They are simply anti-Christian.  They are revealing it more and more practically every day.

Thank you all for your thoughts and concerns about my health (TT, you are a wonderful person and a true friend.  Already had some Lourdes water, though!).  I go in tomorrow for some more follow-up.  It’s taken a lot longer than I would have liked to get this settled down (it is still not, yet, but hopefully tomorrow will be a big step forward).  We also had a major medical test on my son.  Good news there, what we were concerned were signs of seizures are not, in fact, seizures.  He may have had one or two breakthrough seizures in the past 6-7 months but that seems to be it, based on the test results.  So that is awesome. As for me, hopefully after tomorrow we’ll know a lot more and I can start to get back to my regular routine.

Fusion GPS Dossier Classic Example of Leftism in Action (Lie, Project, Double-Down) October 27, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, cultural marxism, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, Immigration, It's all about the $$$, paganism, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, the enemy, unadulterated evil.
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A quick and dirty (I mean, his language is atrocious) but quite helpful synopsis from Paul Joseph Watson:

If you want to figure out what evils, what dirty tricks, what law-breaking the DNC and the Left generally are most involved in, most committed to, and which they feel is both one of their most powerful tools of malfeasance as well as one of the greatest dangers to their position of power, just look at what they accuse the other side of.

And it’s not just this fake (and frankly stupid, and disgusting) dossier contrived by a deep state apparatchik – it’s also things like the Harvey Weinstein scandal and the emerging masses of reports indicating that many leftist men, who constantly reproach normal men for their “toxic masculinity” and hateful, antiquated views towards women, are, in fact, serial rapists and abusers of women themselves.  Sargon apparently has a massive expose coming on this subject this weekend.

The three, invariable rules: leftists always lie, leftists always project, leftists always double down.

Now that the “Russian collusion” meme has been shown to be a massive conspiracy and illegality engaged in by the DNC, Hillary campaign, Deep State apparatchiks, and their media leftist running dog lackeys, it is suddenly to be flushed down the memory hole.

But in future, always remember, the very accusations themselves are a total giveaway of the evils the Left is wholly immersed in.

I felt this “Trump pee-party dossier” thing was a massive redirect and information op from the beginning.  And indeed, that’s finally, painfully slowly, what has been revealed.

How deep this goes is anyone’s guess.  It is already known the Obama administration, through its wholly corrupt and politicized Eric Holder/Loretta Lynch InJustice Department, is knee deep in this scandal.  How far up the chain of command involvement goes is easy to guess by how furiously the Dems are trying to prevent further investigation of not only Fusion GPS, but also the very strange scandal of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’ muslim former IT admin, who happened to abscond with several terabytes of classified data from now totally wiped computer hard drives.  The dems have been using all their power to keep that data from being subpoenaed………why?  What will it show?  Will it show, for instance, Obama’s direct involvement in the 2016 presidential election and deep corruption/collusion with the Russian government?

Why did the democrat establishment react like spurned lovers when Russia became involved in Ukraine in 2014?  We heard more bellicose war talk, even up to and including a full-on invasion/nuclear exchange, from leading democrats after Russia illegally invaded and continues to occupy large parts of the Ukraine.  Democrats normally wouldn’t give two blanks about something like that, but they totally lost their minds.  Is it because they felt like Putin had backstabbed them on a massive quid pro quo involving billions of dollars in kickbacks and massive undermining of US national security, a la the “Uranium One” deal?

These guys are in a full on blind panic.  They went all-in, well past the point of Watergate and into commission of probably hundreds of felonious offenses, to insure Hillary’s election.  Is that not just because they wanted their side to win, but because they knew if someone outside the Deep State apparatchiks was elected, it might blow the lid off their decade-plus run of unbelievable corruption, treason, and wholesale lack of care for the good of the United States and, much more importantly, the ordinary run of the mill citizen?

I don’t think we have any idea how deep this goes, or just what was sold or compromised, but the Left will inevitably tells us (some) as they try another redirect against Trump and conservatives generally.

And it’s not just Obama.  This Deep State/Leftist penetration of power and solidification began under Clinton, became entrenched under the (laughably inept and tone deaf) Bush 43 (thanks for giving your stalwart supporters a great big middle finger the other day, we sure appreciate it!  Guess we know where your loyalties lie.  Skull n Bones take care of their own, no?), and reached apotheosis under Obama.  I don’t know whether it is even possible at this point to deconstruct it.

Back to the rampant sexual abuse on the Left, up to and including massive pedophilia rings in their centers of power (just HOW many times did Clinton dump the Secret Service and fly to pedophile island?), Corey Feldman threatened to start naming names in Hollywood, and all of a sudden he gets slapped with a marijuana possession charge.  In CALIFORNIA?!?

The scandals are coming so thick and fast they are overwhelming, as, indeed, they are intended to be.  Scandals 10 times the importance and scope of Watergate pass by almost daily now, with the bought-n-paid for corporate/Deep State media telling us “nothing to see here.”  Or simply refusing to cover this at all.

But none of this should be surprising.  The fact that presidents of the United States colluded with global adversaries, repeatedly sold out the American people, and placed national security at grave risk in order to feather their nests to the tune of hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars, is exactly what one would expect from a cohort of people who have made their rejection of God and His Law, their very public despising of the Church and everything it stands for, the core part of their message and their very being.

This is what comes from an “elite” that rejects God and Our Savior Jesus Christ.  Pagan societies always devolve into endless self-aggrandizement, corruption, and wholesale ineffectiveness/incompetence.  People devoid of any sense of a law greater than themselves feel zero compunction over robbing citizens blind, colluding with deadly enemies, raping little children and forever destroying their sacred innocence, or the wholesale slaughter of very nearly 1 in 3 babies conceived in this nation over the past 44 years.  Indeed, the last point is the most telling – abortion has brought a curse down upon America, and, most particularly, on those “elites” who have done the most to keep it legal and the blood sacrifices to satan flowing.

Surely the apparatchiks, after reading the last two paragraphs, just an unhinged screed!, would conclude that I am an extremist, I am totally whacked and just totally unworthy of any credit.

But that, again, is the point.  The elites subscribe to an inveterately hostile, alien religion, which I call sexular paganism.  It is simply the latest manifestation of the false religion of leftist secular humanism which tries to put man in the place of God.  Christianity and sexular paganism are completely irreconcilable. Adherents to one cannot be adherents of the other.  One must choose between God and Mammon.

Incredibly, historically, philosophically, theologically, and historically speaking, the Church has played a huge role in the ascendance of sexular paganism among the cultural elites. By surrendering all the firm dictates and sublime, impervious moral and theological aspects of the “bad old faith” (e.g., “razing the bastions”), Church leadership not only left the Church open to further penetration by the forces of sexular paganism, but gave many wavering souls both perfect cover, and the perfect excuse, to make the final, irrevocable choice between God and Mammon.  By utterly neutering the Church’s unique power and voice, that leadership – some of which consisted of double agents of Mammon, but much of which were simply men to weak to resist – the choice of God or Mammon was made elementary, obvious for millions of lost souls, especially those with great ambitions and access to all the “delights” of power, money, and renown the world can offer.

It was a slam dunk.  So, the wind has been sown, and we are now reaping the whirlwind.  I wish I could posit a happy outcome for all this, but all I can foresee is ever increasing calamity, chaos, and confusion culminating in collapse (and that awesome alliteration alone is worth the price of the post).  Trump is great as a hopeful sign, but I fear the process has gone on much too long, and the rot is far too deep, for any man, or any series of men, to correct.  Lord, that I may be wrong, because I have a lot of love left for this country, or what it used to be, and my children and (pray God) grandchildren shall have to live here.

Now, if you want a more hopeful view, from a man deep in the fight, see the great talk given by Steve Bannon to the California GOP (yes, amazingly, it apparently still exists) below (h/t MFG):

He explains the problem, but gives many reasons to stay in the fight, and to hold out hope for a restoration of this country along constitutional lines.  I’m not overly sanguine on the likelihood of his effort being successful, but perhaps he gives some reasons to hope.

There, I’ve been out all week but now I give you a nice, long, overly wordy post.