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James Martin, SJ, Pete Buttigieg Team to Offer Study Bible with Notes Explaining Why Most of the Bible is Wrong February 20, 2020

Posted by Tantumblogo in cultural marxism, damnable blasphemy, fun, General Catholic, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, silliness, Society.
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Status: True.  In the broader sense.

I am totally stealing this from the awesome Babylon Bee, and added a bit of a Catholic twist:

To support his presidential campaign and continue to boost his meteoric rise in popularity, Pete Buttigieg, in cooperation ostensible Father James Martin, SJ, and the USCCB, has released a new study Bible with tens of thousands of notes explaining why most of the verses are wrong, incorrect, and outdated.

The Buttigieg-Martin Study Bible mixes the very best post-modern Bible scholarship with progressive stances, and obviously, as the one true faith, progressivism must dominate.

For instance, the note on Exodus 20:13, “You shall not murder,” is accompanied by a note explaining that this only applies once a baby is born and not before. Verses on sexual immorality are waved away as Buttigieg and Martin explain how the ignorant farmers, fishermen, and prophets who wrote the Bible simply weren’t as enlightened (or, frankly, so good) as we are today. And Buttigieg adds his commentary on Jesus’s ministry, pointing out all the ways that Jesus was obviously a socialist.

“I am a strong Christian, but there’s obviously a lot of stuff in the Bible that contradicts the gospel of progressivism,” Buttigieg said at a press conference, followed by Martin energetically interjecting “not to mention sodomy, which, obviously, Jesus totes endorsed, if not practiced.” “Now, progressive Christians can come to the Scriptures and not be afraid that the Bible is going to destroy their political beliefs, since my notes will be there to explain away the text,” and “make sure that instead, progressivism destroys Christian belief, as God intended,” Martin noted.

“Get The Buttigieg-Martin Study Bible: it explains away God’s truth, one verse at a time,” he added.

The bits in red may or may not have been added by me.


Explaining Marriage in the Age of Francis March 3, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, damnable blasphemy, disaster, family, Francis, General Catholic, manhood, priests, Sacraments, scandals, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Hopefully folks aren’t getting sick of sermons from this priest, but these two in particular are excellent in the age of a pope who is literally antithetical to the Faith and where so much error is being promoted by the vast majority of priests and bishops.  In point of fact, as I discussed with a priest last night, so many of even well-intentioned young priests have never been formed in the true Doctrine of the Faith on this and many allied topics.  Centuries of moral theological development were deliberately suppressed in order to help “sing” this new church into being.   These sermons go a long way to correcting this very common deficiency.

What is going on between the pope and the four cardinals who issued the Dubia against Amoris Laetitia?  How have we come to this awful pass.  Largely, through deliberate obfuscation or frustration of Sacred Doctrine and the centuries-long practice of the Faith.  This occurred as a result of the horrific sundering of the Church from her historical and doctrinal mores at and after Vatican II.  But what specifically is going on?  Father provides much needed background and catechesis in the sermons below.

The first sermon is on marriage.  It covers, very briefly and at a high level, common misconceptions regarding marriage contract, the ends of marriage, annulments, the very narrow grounds on which they can be granted, separation and the circumstances under which it may legitimately occur, so-called divorce, the debts due to spouses, etc.  Father notes that even among many traditional Catholics there is a sometimes a stubborn unwillingness to accept elements of the Church’s Doctrine on marriage, even where it is known.

If you don’t have 40 minutes to invest in the entire sermon, there is a fine summation from 33:00 – 38:00:

The next sermon is on penance.  We all know, Confession is the great ignored, belittled, and forgotten Sacrament of the post-conciliar age.  The vast majority of parishes, if they have Confession at all, have a paltry 30-60 minutes a week.  But as Father notes, this is only the beginning of the problems of Confession.  Many priests, and almost all faithful, do not know what true contrition for sin means, or what lack of true contrition means for those who repeatedly go to the confessional every week or month with exactly the same sins to confess.  Even more, there are those who fail to remove the near occasion of sin for their primary vice – such as smart phones in the pockets of those with a porn/self-abuse addiction.

In fact, confessors that wrongly grant absolution for sins such as adultery – say, in the case of a couple of one of these patented “complex situations” where people with previous marriages go ahead and civilly attempt a remarriage – bring damnation down upon themselves when there is no purpose of amendment and the soul in question intends to continue their adulterous relationship including the marital act.  This has obvious consequences for the Church today, where supposed “processes of accompaniment” are to be exercised for souls who persist in adulterous unions to receive the Blessed Sacrament even though they have not stopped their adulterous acts and have made no valid confession:

In fact, as Father notes, these priests who basically solicit penitents to continue in adulterous unions with ongoing amoral and illicit commission of the marital act are committing an actual crime against Canon Law, called solicitation.  Thus Francis’ Amoris Laetitia and the interpretations of it he has approved through direct, personal intervention, institutionalize actual canon law crimes in addition to having the potential – indeed, the near certainty – of leading numerous souls of both priests and laity to hell.  I don’t know what could be more diabolical than that, especially given the office from which these notions stem.

This second sermon does not have a brief summation at the end, but it is entirely worth your time.

Scorcese Flick “Silence” Looks Like Another Assault on the Faith November 30, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, damnable blasphemy, disaster, episcopate, error, foolishness, Francis, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society.
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Martin Scorsese is a man capable of bringing prodigious gifts to bear, though he has used them most often toward prurient interests and the denigration, as opposed to the uplifting, of the human spirit.  Almost all of his films are charnel-houses of violence, hedonism, unbounded lusts of all kinds, and the glorification of extremely seedy characters on the silver screen.  Of course, his “Last Temptation of Christ,”rumored for years to have been at least partially financed by the Mafia, is blasphemous from beginning to end.  It’s a shame, as he has such talents as to make even the most gruesome acts strangely mesmerizing, even beautiful in a way, but he has manifestly refused to use the gifts he has been given for more virtuous purposes.

So it should come as no surprise that Scorsese would be willing to produce a new movie based on a 1966 Japanese fiction book that depicted the supposed apostasy of numerous Jesuit missionaries in 17th century Japan.  And, equally unsurprising is the fact that the film has already been lauded by many worldlings who have seen advance showings, and has tragically even been embraced by the Bishop of Rome himself.  In fact, the Vatican hosted the glitzy world premiere, and there has been effusive praise for this work from many Vatican officials already.

Now, the book on which the movie is based supposedly has a good deal of merit until it veers wildly off course at the end, showing collapse of faith and total despondency, and it is unknown how faithfully Scorsese has followed the book in his movie, but given the fact that the arch-progressive James Martin, SJ, was principle advisor, I don’t think we can expect a ringing endorsement of the virtues of faith, patience, joyfully accepted suffering, and steadfastness in this upcoming epic.  Rorate provides further details, while noting the extreme differences between this new movie, and the wonderful A Man for All Seasons, which is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its original release:

In 1966 the movie “A Man for All Seasons” was released in the U.S., the same year Japanese author Shūsaku Endō wrote the historical fiction novel “Silence.”
Last night, the Vatican hosted the world premiere of the movie version of “Silence,” which will be released next month. Shown at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, administered by the Jesuits, approximately 400 priests and others attended. Rorate’s invitation to the screening may have been lost in the mail, so we have not seen the movie.  But based on the novel, the endings for the two 1966 works could not be more opposite. One concludes with heroism and martyrdom, the other with indifference and apostasy.

The adaption of “Silence” for the big screen was done by Mr. Martin Scorsese, a former seminarian (Cathedral College minor seminary in New York) who is now a self-proclaimed “lapsed Catholic.”  One may remember his scandalous and sacrilegious 1988 movie, “The Last Temptation of Christ.” [Saw bits of it way back in the way back when I was a blase’ protestant teen, and even then I thought it contrived, sacrilegious, and deliberately conceived to offend as many Christians as possible.  I also thought it chicken-s–t, as Scorsese would never have the cajones to make a similar film about buddhism, let alone islam.]
To make “Silence,” Scorsese chose James Martin, S.J., as a consultant for the movie…….[Which almost certainly tells us all we need to know about this production]
Before last night’s Vatican screening, Scorsese and Mexican producer Gaston Pavlovich met with Pope Francis.  According to a Variety reporter in attendance:  “The private papal audience, held in the Apostolic Palace, was announced by the Vatican press office Tuesday in a clear show of support for ‘Silence,’ Scorsese’s passion project.” [“Last Temptation” was another “passion project,” which few studios were willing to release, let alone fund, due to its deliberately hateful content.  Thus, the recourse to unconventional sources of funding.  Consider which movie he made next]
Now, perhaps the ending to the movie “Silence” is completely different from the ending to the novel “Silence.”  We sure hope so. If not, the world will soon witness a $50 million renouncement of the Catholic Church by members of the Society of Jesus, as tacitly endorsed by the current (Jesuit) pope. The novel, which was absolutely terrific up until the end, has a clear message to leave with readers — the opposite of Saint Thomas More’s example to England and the world.
Apostasy should not be celebrated by the Vatican. These Jesuits are men for no seasons.

Indeed, and have been for decades.  At this point, sad though it may be, I wait for their hastening extinction while they refuse conversion and reform. Though with this pontiff, they appear committed to hastening headlong along the same road they have been on since the arch-heretics Tyrell and Loisy corrupted their ranks.

As for the movie, there is no chance I will ever see it.  The book’s ending is very provocative and the choice the “protagonist” makes will thrill worldlings, who will now have a powerful new weapon (a whole new mythology, powered by indelible images) with which to attack Christians who hold that adherence to the Doctrine of the Faith is the sine qua non of being a Christian, in spite of all suffering and persecution. Literally hundreds of glorious, edifying movies based on lives of real martyrs could have been made, but they would not stroke the world’s ego as this book does, telling the world, pretty much, what it wants to hear from “God.”

Meh.  As if we needed further confirmation that Hollywood and the Left – ooops, oxymoron – hate us, and hate Him.

De Mattei: Francis Prefers Leftist Lutherans to Orthodox Catholics October 25, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, damnable blasphemy, different religion, disaster, Ecumenism, error, foolishness, Francis, General Catholic, horror, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, the struggle for the Church.
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From one of Rorate Caeli’s most recent posts, several significant if perhaps unsurprising revelations from Francis I had missed, given that I now generally avoid him and his pronouncements as much as possible.  Was the Church better off before instant worldwide communication? Hard to say.  It was probably a lot easier on individual souls, however.

The slight – it can certainly be taken as such, and may well have been intended – against Our Lady in ignoring the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun in order to receive Lutheran heretics and schismatics in audience (while displaying a statue of the arch-heretic Luther in the Vatican) on the same day is truly breathtaking.  But that’s just the start, as it always seems to be with the Argentine Bishop of Rome (my emphasis):

…..The start of the centenary of the Fatima apparitions on October 13th 2016 was buried under a blanket of silence. That same day, Pope Francis received in the Paul VI Audience Hall, a thousand Lutheran “pilgrims” and in the Vatican a statue of Martin Luther was honoured, as appears in the images Antonio Socci published on his Facebook page. Next October 31st, moreover, Pope Francis will go to Lund in Sweden, where he will take part in a joint Catholic-Lutheran ceremony commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. As can be read in the communiqué drawn up by the World Lutheran Federation and the Papal Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, the aim of the event is “to express the gifts of the Reform and ask forgiveness for the division perpetuated by Christians of the two traditions.”…….[Which expression seems to imply at least an equal sharing of blame for this “division,” if not that more share falls on the Catholic side.  Naturally, this is a complete inversion of reality, but that should hardly be surprising]

…….During his audience with the Lutherans on October 13th, Pope Bergoglio also said that proselytism, is “the strongest poison” against ecumenism. “The greatest reformers are the saints – he added –  and the Church is always in need of reform”.  [This strongly implies sainthood for Luther, does it not?  How many of the Saints warred with all their being not just against protestant heretics but heretics of all stripes?  I guess that fact just has to go down the memory hole for Francis] These words contain simultaneously, as is frequent in his discourses, a truth and a deception. The truth is that the saints, from St Gregory VII to St. Pius X, have [indeed] been the greatest reformers. The deception consists in insinuating that the pseudo-reformers, like Luther, are to be considered saints.  The statement that proselytism or the missionary spirit, is “the strongest poison against ecumenism” must, instead, be reversed: ecumenism, as it is understood today, is the greatest poison against the Church’s missionary spirit. The Saints have always been moved by this spirit, beginning with the Jesuits who landed in Brazil, [No, it started long before that, with the first Apostles] the Congo and the Indies in the XVI century, while their confreres Diego Lainez,  Alfonso Salmeron and Peter Canisio, at the Council of Trent, fought against the errors of Lutheranism and Calvinism.

Yet, according to Pope Francis those outside the Church do not have to be converted. At the audience on October 13th, in an off-the-cuff response to questions from some young people, he said: “I like good Lutherans a lot, Lutherans who truly follow the faith of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, I don’t like lukewarm Catholics and lukewarm Lutherans.” With another deformation in language, Pope Bergoglio calls “good Lutherans” those Protestants who do not follow the faith of Jesus Christ, but its deformation and “lukewarm Catholics” those fervent sons and daughters of the Church who reject the equalizing of the truth of the Catholic religion with the error of Lutheranism. [Indeed.  Still more, what is being extolled here is one religion – modernist sexular paganism – while warring against the Faith instituted by Jesus Christ.  That’s what this conflict has always come down to, from Tyrell and Loisy to Congar and Rahner to Bergoglio and Kasper]

All of this brings us to the question: what will happen in Lund on October 31st?  We know that the commemoration will include a joint celebration based on the Liturgical Catholic-Lutheran guide, Common Prayer, elaborated from the document From Conflict to Communion. The Common Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017, drawn-up by the Catholic-Lutheran Commission for the unity of Christians. There are those who rightly fear an “intercommunion” between Catholic and Lutherans, which would be sacrilegious, since the Lutherans do not believe in Transubstantiation. Above all, that it will be said Luther was not a heresiarch, but a reformer unjustly persecuted and that the Church has to recuperate the “gifts of the Reform”.  Those who persist in considering the condemnation of Luther proper and think his followers heretics and schismatics, must be harshly criticised and excluded from the Church of Pope Francis. But then again, what Church does Jorge Mario Begoglio belong to?    

A rhetorical question, obviously, as to ask the question is to answer it.

As for just where Francis may stand in the grand scheme of things, including the state of his soul, a reminder from Saint Paul’s Letter to Titus, Chapter iii:

10 A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid:

11 Knowing that he that is such a one, is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment.

There have, of course, been multiple admonitions directed at Francis.  We are generally not privy to the tack those interventions have taken, however.

I think one thing it is safe to say, Francis will not be the Bishop in white of the Third Secret? I can’t see the world taking shots at him, when he’s doing such an awesome job for them.

Just in time for the Awesome Quincentennial of protestantism, St. Martin Luther Holy Cards! September 21, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in damnable blasphemy, disaster, Ecumenism, error, General Catholic, horror, Revolution, secularism, silliness, the return.
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I’m sure these will be a huge draw as the Church – under Francis – prepares to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the man, and his acts, that did more to injure and divide Christianity than any other person in the history of the world.  I mean, what’s not to celebrate?!?  He started up the greatest heresy in the history of the Church, he caused endless self-replicating schisms that continue to this day, he started wars of religion that killed millions and devastated Europe for over a century, he encouraged personal immorality so long as one had “faith,” he started the process of the Christian church submitting to the state, and he paved the way for the entire historical arc, with all its misery, that has played out since.  He is easily one of the most pitiable, ruinous souls ever to afflict God’s creation.

But he certainly has a following in the Church today, and has since the modernists burst forth in full flower in the mid-20th century. The current pontiff seems to believe that the protestant revolt/revolution is something to be celebrated, but he’s hardly the first.  Remember, one of the “great” doyens of the Second Vatican Council had such a deep devotion and reverence for this man, he likened him to another Saint Paul!

In other words, it’s all coming together, just as planned!

St. Martin Luther,  Patron of Heretics and Anti-Popes

St. Martin Luther,
You saw the corruption in the Church,
and had the courage to speak out.
You recognized parts of the Bible that did not belong
and took them out
(even though your followers had to put
some of them back in).
You changed Holy Writ to make salvation
depend on “faith alone.”
You tore the Christian West apart
and gave birth to 40,000 sects.
St. Martin Luther, Pray for Us.


Print your official St. Martin Luther Holy Card picture to the desired size on card stock, then print the prayer on the back of it. Optional: have it laminated at Staples.


Oh, and his personal morality was so corrupted it gave rise to his hatred of Holy Mother Church and his uncountable heresies.

But other than that he was just the very figure of a Catholic Saint, and the movement he inspired completely worthy of Catholic emulation and devotion.

Shock! Francis Actually Meant What He Said in Amoris Laetitia! September 14, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, damnable blasphemy, different religion, disaster, episcopate, error, Francis, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, shocking, the struggle for the Church.
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I know I’m way late on this, being away always at the wrong time, but an explosive development came out late last week, and you can tell how important it is by the backflips the usual papolotrists are doing trying to explain it away.  Heck, Jeff Mirus reduced adultery to a venial sin to try to make this an inconsequential development!

So, the bishops of the Buenos Aires developed a document explaining to priests how to implement the infamous chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia, doing so along plainly literal lines, taking the document at its word and just going from there, giving free reign to priests to give Communion to divorced people who have remarried without obtaining an annulment.  They submitted this interpretation to Franky George Bergoglio for his approval and he granted it, with great vigor.  In fact, he says the plainly heterodox “interpretation” of the document is the only one possible/permissible.  Which, duh, but a lot of folks have egg on their faces now, and they’d rather turn the Catholic Faith into a meaningless mishmash of pretzel logic than be wrong (Mirus, for one, has done this for years, even well before Francis).

Summary via LifeSite/Rorate below:

In a letter reportedly leaked by a priest in Argentina, Pope Francis writes that there is “no other interpretation” of Amoris Laetitia other than one admitting divorced and remarried Catholics to Holy Communion in some cases. The letter, dated September 5, comes in response to a confidential document by the bishops of the Buenos Aires pastoral region to priests instructing them on the application of the Pope’s controversial apostolic exhortation. LifeSite has acquired copies of both original documents and has provided professional side-by-side translation……..

LifeSiteNews’ translation of the Pope’s letter is here

LifeSiteNews’ translation of the bishops’ directive is here

The bishops’ directive called “Basic Criteria for the Application of Chapter Eight of Amoris Laetitia” says that in “complex circumstances” when the remarried couple could not “obtain a declaration of nullity,” the priests can nevertheless move forward to grant them access to Holy Communion. If the priest recognizes that “in a particular case there are limitations that diminish responsibility and culpability (cf. 301-302), particularly when a person judges that he would fall into a subsequent fault by damaging the children of the new union,” says the directive, “Amoris Laetitia opens the possibility of access to the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist (cf. notes 336 and 351).”

The Pope’s letter affirms this path with effusive praise for the bishops’ work. Writing to the delegate of the Buenos Aires Pastoral Region, Monsignor Sergío Alfredo Fenoy, the Pope says, “I thank you for the work they have done on this: a true example of accompaniment for the priests.”

Pope Francis adds: “The document is very good and completely explains the meaning of chapter VIII of Amoris Laetitia. There are no other interpretations. And I am certain that it will do much good. May the Lord reward this effort of pastoral charity.”……..

………The leaked document is the first time there is explicit confirmation that Pope Francis interprets Amoris Laetitia as allowing communion for divorced and remarried Catholics without the condition that the couple in the irregular situation live as brother and sister without sexual relations, as was always required by the Church.

Is anyone surprised?  Did anyone think Francis would repudiate the plain meaning of Amoris Laetitia?  How many demonstrations of radicalism and even heterodoxy must we have before some people will accept the idea that we have not just a bad pope, an incautious pope, but one that is openly promoting things directly contrary to the constant belief and practice of the Faith and the very Word of Life Himself?!?  I mean for crying out loud when will you get over your manifest error that Church = pope and pope = Church?!?
I just, totally coincidentally, completed some reading on the fall of Pope Liberius to the Arians. That, at least, was done under extreme duress, but fall he did.  He did most definitely sign onto at least a semi-Arian formulation.  Then we have the subsequent “problems” of Honorius/Formusus and John XXII.  The point being, popes have on several occasions promoted dubious doctrinal beliefs, including two of the three most recent occupants of the See of Peter. But Francis is stressing the machine well beyond its limits, we either have to admit that we have a pope who is endorsing error – I pray God innocently – or we have to basically pretend that the entire moral edifice of the Church means nothing.
Am I over-reacting?  Can there be an over-reaction to this development, the first solemn confirmation that Amoris Laetitia was no mistake, no inadvertant claim, that the positions contained therein express the true will of the pope made with complete deliberation?  This is really unprecedented.  All previous such instances were much more vague, more minor, or on far more inconsequential matters than  what we see now.  As Rorate noted in a subsequent post, we’re now down to a very clear situation – within the Church herself –  of standing with Christ, or standing with satan.  Is that too much?  I don’t think so, at all, but perhaps this can be your place to vent on the subject, if you haven’t, already.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Vatican Gives “Unprecedented” Access to Women’s Fauxrdination Supporters  June 2, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, damnable blasphemy, different religion, disaster, error, Francis, General Catholic, horror, paganism, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, shocking, Society, the struggle for the Church, unbelievable BS.
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When I covered Francis’ statements on women’s ordination a couple of weeks ago, I got the impression a number of readers were doubtful that he was really indicating any support of that doctrinally ludicrous (or, more, pointless) venture.   Having watched this pontificate fairly closely after 3+ years, however, I have become convinced that nothing happens “off the cuff,” nothing is accidental.  So I took those statements, even though they seemed to be dubious towards priestesseses, as an ominous sign.

Well, here we are a few weeks later, and now the Vatican has determined to allow, for the first time, apparently, a demonstration by women’s “ordination” supporters within the grounds of the papal-owned Castel Sant’Angelo itself, in addition to getting a curial official to pass on a petition in favor of fauxrdination to Francis (my emphasis and comments):

Campaigners calling for women priests are meeting in Rome this week where they have launched a poster campaign drawing attention to their cause and where they will participate in their first ever official public demonstration.

Women’s Ordination Worldwide, which this year marks its 20th anniversary, wants to re-open dialogue in the Church in spite of Pope John Paul II’s ruling that the matter should not be discussed.

Despite the ruling, since 2002, around 150 women have been “ordained” and all of them have been excommunicated as a result.

Yesterday evening two of them had an unprecedented meeting with an official from the Vatican Secretariat of State who agreed to give a petition to the Pope calling for the excommunications to be lifted, and who, according to the women, listened to “our heartfelt plea for women priests in our Church”…….[Will they listen to the heartfelt pleas of many others that women cannot possibly be ordained, as defined solemnly (though not Ex Cathedra, tragically) by Pope St. JPII?]

………The conference in Rome suggests a renewed confidence in discussing female ordination. Campaigners have been encouraged by Pope Francis’s recent remarks that he wanted to set up a commission to explore the question of women deacons.

For the first time the group has been given official permission to hold a public demonstration in the gardens of Castel Sant’Angelo on Friday, the day that the Pope celebrates a jubilee mass for priests in St Peter’s Square. Members of the women’s ordination group have also been given tickets to attend the Mass. 

The pictures on the posters being put around Rome this week include 70 female ‘priests’ from the United States and Colombia photographed by Italian artist Giulia Bianchi as part of an ongoing project.

I’m telling you, folks, absent a massive backlash a la the attempt to sneak recognition for sodo-civil-unions into the previous Synod, there is going to be some kind of massive swing on this matter before very long, or at least a serious attempt at such.

The left does nothing casually.  These organizers are all so intertwined and have so many supporters in position of authority, they would not have “renewed confidence” unless they had already been given some tacit, behind the scene.  Note how they have been allowed to stage their demonstration on the very day Francis is to offer a special Mass for priests.  You think that accidental?  They will also be in attendance at the Mass, quite possibly with the foreknowledge they intend to display their placards or engage in some other form of protest.

Better get to praying on this.  This threat is very much for real.  Fauxrdination is a deadly threat to the entire Faith. It attacks the entire nature of the priesthood, and would lead to an instant, if perhaps only tacit, schism in the Church.  That last bit is perhaps the only thing that might squash enthusiasm for this.  However, I fear modernist-progressive ideology will trump prudence in this matter, as it so often does.

Inevitable: “Serious scholars” now argue Jesus is transgender May 25, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, damnable blasphemy, disaster, episcopate, General Catholic, horror, paganism, pr stunts, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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There’s just no end with these people.  Everything must be bent to serve the agenda or narrative, no matter how preposterous, no matter how blasphemous.  There is no limit to the depths to which they will stoop in order to justify their depraved views and endless diabolical narcissism.  Amazingly, these are the people who are utterly convinced they are the “good guys,” and we, who observe the moral creed that build Western civilization, the bad.

So, with total inevitability, we are now treated to screeds (safe link) arguing that the Christ is “transgender,” so look how wrong you are with your outdated morality and your hate-filled bigotry, Christofascist.  Even more inevitably, the author of this demonic bile is a professor of “theological ethics” at the, ahem, Catholic university of Villanova:

Since Jesus had no human biological father, and since God, his heavenly Father, lacks a body, then Jesus was a man who likely had no Y chromosome. Would this not make Jesus more like a transgender person than a cis-gender one? We could grant Jesus a Y chromosome, but then we would have to assign his virgin mother Mary one as well. Either way, the miracle of sex-less conception suggests that Jesus can qualify as a “real man” only if Mary qualifies as something less than a “real woman.” (And I hope you can tell I that I am using quotation marks in order to signal extreme sarcasm).

I think the professor needs to go back to class.  As if we needed another damning indictment of the Catholic colleges in this country.  Wait till you see how Milo Yiannopolous was treated at “Catholic” DePaul yesterday.

As writer David French at NRO notes, this is probably less a serious effort to advocate some ludicrously insupportable new claim, than it is a part of that favorite left-wing pastime of virtue signalling and insulting the faithful:

None of this is intellectually or theologically serious, of course. It’s trolling for the sophisticated and deception for the simple. For elitist readers, it’s the kind of “ha ha look what we can do to Christian teachings” piece they love to share amongst themselves as “proof” that you can make any kind of argument from the Bible. For the vulnerable, it’s a quick Google search away from basic assurance that Christ is cool with their transition. [In other words, it’s all about serving the agenda, which is really about giving leftists their “sacred” good feelz, no matter how many have to get hurt in the process]

Oh, and it’s also blasphemous. But no big deal – it’s not like the authors were arguing that Mohammed was transgender. That would be disrespectful. Everyone knows that Mohammed was a revered religious figure, and it’s just wrong to hurt or anger his followers.

Great point.  We can be assured this author would never DARE to insult the leader of a great religion like islam.  But all progressives know, Christianity is not a great religion, it’s the deadly enemy of their substitute religion, leftism.  And it must be destroyed at all costs.  That has been the objective of leftism since its inception, and I continue to maintain that leftists will happily don the hijab and see their daughters (the few they allow to be born) in harems when the time comes.

Another blithering idiot is trying to claim that Eve was a trans woman, because she was born from Adam’s side, and thus must have had a Y chromosome.  As if the Lord and Creator of the universe could not – and does not – raise up new life from dust. Can you imagine the insufferable pride that causes a person to limit God’s power to the present, inherently faulty state of human knowledge?  Preposterous doesn’t begin to describe it.  Only diabolical disorientation could result in such willful blindness and catastrophic illogic.

These are endlessly wicked, sick, and hate-filled people.  The joy they experience in blaspheming Christ and constantly attacking His religion is palpable in their works.  There’s a term for that – the reprobate sense.  It is a terrible, terrible place to be (I’ve been there), a place where right and wrong are literally inverted, where lies become truth and Truth a lie.  It is a sign of demonic oppression and it is mind-blowing that Catholic universities would employ individuals who give such obvious signs of hatred for God and His Church.

Mind-blowing, that is, if one operates from the assumption that those charged with overseeing Catholic universities – the bishops – possess the Faith themselves.  An assumption that is all but inoperable in these dark days.

OKC continues to demonstrate its status as most vile anti-Catholic city in US April 25, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in damnable blasphemy, disaster, error, General Catholic, horror, scandals, secularism, self-serving, shocking, sickness, Society, Spiritual Warfare, unadulterated evil.
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A bit of juxtaposition.  For the second time in three years, the city government of Oklahoma City, OK – a city long dominated by a narrow cohort of white evangelical protestants – is going to permit the ultimate blasphemy against the universal Church, a black mass, on city property.  OKC’s mayor, council members, and staff steadfastly maintain this is simply a First Amendment matter, that since satanists have “free speech” under our Constitution and Supreme Court rulings to blaspheme God, the city simply has no choice but to rent city property to these satanists allowing them to do so.  To block them, they said, would be to invite a lawsuit OKC would lose with 100% certainty.

Meanwhile, 200 miles to the south, the City of Dallas has blocked a repeat performance of the diabolically lewd “Exxxotica Expo” at the Dallas Convention Center.  Amazingly, when the producers of the Expo sued on First Amendment grounds, the City of Dallas won, at least at the district court level (no word yet on whether the Expo producers plan to appeal), but I have it on good authority the judge’s decision was worded in such a way that makes appeal quite difficult.

I would note in passing that Dallas proper is probably close to 50% nominal Catholic, with perhaps 10% actually practicing the Faith to some dimly recognizable degree.  OKC’s Catholic population is far lower, less than 10% in general terms and probably in low single digits when it comes to faithful practice.  However, to describe Dallas as a Catholic city would be ludicrous.  Dallas has its own white protestant cohort who tend to run things their own way, even as the city has become increasingly Hispanic and Catholic.

So, on the one hand, we have a city that has permitted (and, by happily renting city property, I would say encouraged) direct assaults on the Catholic Faith and the commission of the gravest, most offensive blasphemy imaginable (and not only that, but acts constantly associated with depravity of a criminal degree in the past); and on the other you have one that was not only willing to go to court to prevent a much lower level of evil (sins directly against God in His majesty being the gravest possible), they proceeded to win.

I had no idea there was a second black mass planned in Oklahoma City, and already approved by the City, for the Feast of the Assumption August 15 2016, until about an hour ago.  Even before learning this blood-boiling fact, I had already decided that Oklahoma City was, at least in its elected leadership and bureaucracy, a virulently, despicably anti-Catholic town.  This latest revelation only further confirms that fact, just as it confirms that the arguments I heard all last year from OKC officials in my extensive correspondence with them in the run up to the desecration of Our Lady were as false as they were self-serving.  Individuals claim First Amendment protections all the time, for all manner of nefarious activities.  Cities and other government bodies, for myriad reasons, choose to oppose those claims, legally, for numerous reasons.  Those bodies tend to win about as many First Amendment-related lawsuits as they win.  The idea that because someone said “religious freedom” meant the city had to positively cooperate in the commission of grave moral evil was always tenuous, at best.  Recent events in Dallas have proven it is verifiably false.

Which gets me to the conclusion I have been forced to reach: OKC would only roll over for these satanists, again and again, and even positively cooperate with their atrocities, out of reasons of bias, bias against Catholics.  Now one could argue that bias stems from mundane worldly motives (such as, there not being many politically involved Catholics in the area, Catholics not representing a big enough voting bloc to act in favor of), but those are unlikely.  City elections frequently draw only a few thousand voters and aggravating even several hundred could have a huge impact on an election. Since it is obvious even in this day and age that Catholics far outnumber satanists, even in OKC, it seems odd that a city councilman or mayor would not go to bat in favor of even 1-2% or so of their constituents.  They routinely act on behalf of far, far fewer than that.

I’ll add to that reasoning my personal experience.  If you know where I live and where my farm is (and all my family from), you will realize I’ve been through Oklahoma City scores of times.  At least 50. We used to stop there all the time.  Since I’ve become a more convicted Catholic, I’ve had some interaction with the local populace. Bear in mind, this is the city that likes to pride itself as being the brass clasp on the buckle of the Bible belt.  It is evangelical central, and often aggressively so.  I’ve had some encounters with the locals on religious matters, a few of them quite nasty.  I’ve never felt much warmth of Christian brotherhood form the locals.

So,  yeah, it’s not a lock solid proof, but I’m personally convinced the reason OKC is allowing all this to happen without even lifting a finger of opposition, nor showing even the slightest solidarity (by, say, participating in some of the protests or things to that effect) with Catholics is due to a widespread and quite deep anti-Catholic bias.  We’re also safe targets, unlike muslims or even Jews.  The former might kill you, while the media would go nuts should somebody draw a swastika on a synagogue.

Therefore, I’m boycotting OKC. In fact, I’m boycotting everything from Paul’s Valley to Guthrie.  I’ll never stop there again.  I might try to avoid stopping in the entire state when I’m passing through.  It’s easy enough for me to do.

Another response: sign the TFP petition.  Over 100,000 sigs so far, TFP are gunning for 200,000 and I bet they make it.  Apparently even 100,000 people scandalized and broken-hearted by this horrid blasphemy aren’t enough to move the rock-hard hearts of the Oklahoma City leadership.  That’s some pretty intense anti-Catholicism right there.  Rather what one would expect from people who made the likes of Robert Tilton and Oral Roberts filthy rich:

No different from Kenneth Copeland, whom Francis has received and feted several times. Francis finds this kind of devilish, money-loving chicanery just fine, but traditional Catholics, well, they’re the real sinners.



Stunning scandal unfolding in NY – sodomite drug addled S&M priest embezzlement and coverup December 15, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, damnable blasphemy, disaster, episcopate, error, General Catholic, horror, paganism, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil.
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Lots in that lede, sorry – it seems there are very detailed reports, dating back over 10 years, that a certain Father, or is that “Father,” Miqueli of St. Frances de Chantal parish in the Bronx has been embezzling parish funds for years to engage in drug-fueled sodomite sadomasochistic romps with a male prostitute.  There are all kinds of details emerging now, including that this Fr. Miqueli reputedly stole nearly $1 million from two parishes to pay for his sick passions, that the Archdiocese of NYC has known about his activities for years, and that this priest apparently felt invulnerable to discipline for his alleged criminal behavior because he was protected as a member of the archdiocesan sodomite lobby.

Some highly detailed links below (all to Church Militant, save the one above).  Be warned, the content discussed is very explicit and will likely be upsetting to a number of readers.  First, Vox’s commentary on the matter (same warning applies to this!):

Cardinal Dolan, you deserve wherever this leads and may it lead to your downfall and a cleansing.

How dare you, after all that has gone on with homosexuals in the priesthood raping and sodomising young boys and men, yes, HOMOSEXUALS DID IT, — how dare ignore the faithful and allow this filthy pervert who paid to have someone urinate in his mouth, offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

What sacrilege.

What filth. Trading the Precious Blood for urine! Did you felch him too? [I’m sure it was the other way around.  Miqueli sounds like a raging bottom – which fact that I know that term is such a dark commentary on our society]

And a thief on top of all the perversion.

I truly hope this brings you down and all those sodomites with you.


SODOMITE SADOMASOCHIST THIEF PRIEST RESIGNS[Yes, he resigned Saturday.  It appears a public lawsuit is capable of penetrating even the strongest of sodomite clergy strangleholds on a diocese (NY being one of the places most thoroughly dominated by the lavender mafia]


I’ll just add that I’ve read the three reports above and it appears there is COPIOUS evidence supporting these allegations.  That is, they look less like allegations that certifiable proof that have been covered up for years.  Recall my mention last week that radical immorality in the priesthood was still a going thing.  It most certainly is.

Which brings me to the next post I’m stealing linking from Vox (I have to do it at least once a week!), faithful, even traditional Catholic journalist George Neumayr has some explosive allegations regarding Cardinal Wuerl, claiming he has taken millions of dollars of lay faithful donations to live in a rich penthouse with (what one must presume are sodo-lover) priests.  As a result, he got tossed from a recent public event involving Cardinal Wuerl:

Why would Cardinal Wuerl have a member of the press removed from Church property by the police during a book signing? Because I have been investigating Wuerl’s corrupt use of the faithful’s money. He has been furtively using donations to finance a multimillionaire penthouse on Embassy Row. His press secretary has denied every one of my requests for an interview and so I have sought to interview Wuerl and priests with whom he has lived at the penthouse by typical journalistic means. Outrageously, Wuerl has used my mere reporting as a pretext to call the police on me. This is the “transparent,” “accessible,” and “accountable” Church of Pope Francis? May God help us all. [Leftists always project. Leftists always lie.  If they call for mercy, get ready for some sweet, sweet repression]

In all of my years of reporting, I have never seen a churchman as deviously insular and elitist as Wuerl. On the hard-earned donations of the faithful, he has lived like a Borgia-era cardinal, indulging his affluent tastes while eschewing his flock and ignoring or abusing his priests.

The “gay” mafia didn’t accidentally happen.  It was created by men given over to perversion.  Men like Bishop Lynch and Cardinals Bernadin and McCarrick and quite possibly Wuerl.  Too bad the evil these men do only seems to come to light after they retire or as their careers wind down, after the damage they have wrought is more or less complete.

I’ll tell  you how I feel about Wuerl:

He has a very complete Madonna collection, IYKWIMAITYD.  Also, Cher, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Dead or Alive, you get my meaning.