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Liberal fave McElroy named to head San Diego diocese March 3, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Abortion, Basics, disaster, episcopate, foolishness, General Catholic, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, the struggle for the Church.
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Robert McElroy, auxiliary of San Fran, has been covered on this blog a couple of times in the past.  It was not favorable coverage.  In 2012, he made a statement pregnant with progressive sentiment, when he said:

It is therefore the task of every Christian, he said, to undertake the lifelong task of forming his or her conscience. The church esteems conscience so highly, that a person with an informed conscience is called upon to obey it – even if it conflicts with church teaching…….

……..Contrary to what some believe, said the bishop, the church does not teach that Catholics must cast their votes based solely on a candidate’s stand on abortion. While that issue should be considered pre-eminent, the other issues can also be taken into consideration.

“This is really the hard call for us as Christians,” Bishop McElroy told the group.

Not really.  Abortion is such an incredibly grave and prevalent evil that there is really nothing else that rises to its level.  Cutting federal spending by 5, 10, or even 25% would not come even close to rising to the level of the evil of abortion.  Thus, candidates who support abortion – who are generally the progressive favorites – can never be supported.  It is a completely false equivalence to pretend that progressives who might – might – support expanded funding of grossly inefficient programs to “aid the poor” while generally enriching themselves overcome the moral stain of their support for abortion. But that is the argument liberals have made for decades.  Seamless garments, and all that.

As to the news, you can tell a lot about a man over who is friends are. The progressives are besides themselves with joy over his being named Bishop of San Diego, and the more extreme the progressive, the more giddy they are.  I won’t copy and paste any of that reaction here, but I will remind that it is true that he did lend support to the idea of Communion for unrepentant adulterers/fornicators:

To no one’s surprise and a day after the news had been leaked to the “correct” blogs and websites, the Vatican todayannounced the appointment of Robert McElroy, 61 years old and currently an Auxiliary Bishop in San Francisco, as Bishop of San Diego, California — the 13th largest diocese in the USA (out of 197). The Diocese of San Diego, it so happens, has more than double the number of Catholics of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.

McElroy recently declared publicly in favor of the Kasperite thesis and has been a leading public critic of the enforcement of Canon 915 against pro-abortion politicians. We leave it to the usual “progressive” pundits to discuss his “credentials” and to openly explain, in great detail, why his appointment is great for their agenda.

On the positive side, however, perhaps removing this uber-liberal from San Fran will strengthen Archbishop Cordileone’s ability to reform the Church there. Then again, Cordileone came from San Diego, and it’s been one of the more orthodox dioceses.  So one step forward, one step back?

Bah, I’m exhausted trying to read anything broad into these appointments, whether the restoration is making any progress with this appointment or that.  It’s not going to happen that way.  It’s going to happen by individual souls and families making the conscious choice to embrace Tradition and to propagandize in its favor.

Which won’t be easy in our priest holes, but……..carry on.


Finally, a High Prelate Names Names…… August 27, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in Endless Corruption, episcopate, error, fightback, Francis, General Catholic, horror, persecution, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil, Virtue.
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……..and Francis appears to be expecting the news media to make this story go away by their twin methods of character assassination of the source and ignoring the most key bit of revelation from Archbishop Vigano’s apparent affidavit (we don’t know exactly what it is, but it reads like a deposition given in writing to a grand jury)- that a cabal of self-interested, utterly immoral sodomites has inserted itself into the clergy and episcopate and run absolutely rampant raping boys, stealing from the faithful, and promoting heresy in order to try to redefine morality and Church belief in order to make their sins acceptable.  And Francis is their man, their creation, and their protector and defender, as he is utterly dependent on their support.  I guess we now know what happened to that 800 page dossier on the perversions of the priests of the Diocese of Rome that Pope Benedict literally hand-delivered to Francis, along with all the other evidence against the sodomite cabal.  It has all be destroyed and ignored.

There is now concrete testimony of what many already knew, which is that McCarrick, among others, was a ringleader in this criminal cabal, which really amounts to a corrupt criminal conspiracy under the terms of the RICO statute in US law.  Before I go further, I want to say a few things about McCarrick and his influence.  There have been people who have steadfastly defended former Dallas Bishop, now Cardinal, Kevin Farrell, because he supposedly did a wonderful thing in “allowing” the faithful of this Diocese to have a TLM parish.  What he did was nothing more than his bare duty in justice.  But what do we know about not only Farrell, but his replacement Edward Burns?  They are both very tightly associated with the McCarrick ring, Farrell being McCarrick’s #1 protege and highest flying disciple, Burns being a product of the many corrupt dioceses in Pennsylvania whose nefarious acts were detailed in a recent 1300 page grand jury report.  Indeed, who was the primary consecrator of Bishop Farrell at his consecration, but Cardinal McCarrick?  Isn’t it interesting, also, that Farrell more or less hand-picked Burns as his replacement, and Burns was consecrated by Bishops Zubik, Schwietz, and none other than Cardinal Wuerl (thanks to reader MFG for this last bit of info).

Speaking of our own dear local bishop, he put out this letter below to be read in all parishes on Sunday, August 26th, in response to the accusations of abuse and evidence of grand larceny against another Dallas Diocese priest, the former pastor of St. Cecilia’s in Dallas.  Released on August 25th, my birthday, it was, to me, quite inadequate even before Vigano’s testimony broke out late that Saturday night, and now appears very much less than what is needed:

Look, I like the idea of rosaries, but note they are requested, not mandated.  And a “ceremony of sorrow?”  How about one of outrage and extreme umbrage?  How about some public atonement for the sins so rampant in the clergy and episcopal hierarchy?  How about imposition of penance upon those involved in these endless sinful acts?  How about some personal responsibility on the part of the bishop, and especially his predecessor?

Note that the only real concrete change is one that primarily applies to the laity – a further expansion of the already disproven “safe environment” program.  The disgraced Father Paredes took the safe environment program.  Look how much good it did to stop him from abusing boys. Note that the “safe environment” program was imposed as a lawyerly escape from responsibility on the part of those most guilty of the priest boy rape pandemic – the bishops who knew and aided and abetted priests in their rape – in essence, transferring that responsibility onto innocent laity and, to a lesser extent, clergy, and establishing that there is a “process” for the sake of limiting liability when the inevitable future cases of abuse break out.

There is a sad note to this Father Paredes saga.  A friend knew him in the Dallas seminary, and said he was very pious at that time.  But anyone can fall into sin, and the Novus Ordo environment makes that even more likely.  Almost inevitable, in a sense.

The idea that any of these men, these bishops, were ignorant of McCarrick’s activities is laughableEVERYBODY in the hierarchy, the leadership, knew.  Most well-read laity knew.  The vast majority of priests knew.  Farrell and Wuerl playing dumb, pretending not to know, is just transparently pathetic.  Let it sink in, that’s how dumb they think you are, that you would fall for such flimsy falsehoods.  Make no mistake, they are part of this lavendar mafia, along with Tobin and Cupich and McElroy and many others.  As is Bishop Seitz of El Paso.  Guess who helped consecrate him as bishop of El Paso?  You got it, Cardinal McCarrick.  At the very least, every single bishop consecrated with McCarrick’s involvement is now severely tainted, irreparably so to my mind.

But overall, I am very heartened at Vigano’s testimony.  Yes, it causes further scandal and further weakens the Church’s already horribly tarnished reputation in the world’s eyes, but when you have an ongoing conspiracy based on shared secrets and codes of silence, the only way to break these up is to start publicly naming names.  It’s not enough for me or Michael Voris or even the New York Times to do it, this naming and shaming must come from within the Church.  For decades, some well-intentioned men who were quite aware of the rot and moral sickness that had infested and multiplied in the clergy/episcopate refused to name names out of an erroneous belief that the problem was not that big, that it was up to Rome to deal with it, or that the potential scandal was worse than the ongoing destruction of the clergy.  They were wrong on all counts, so they did not act.  Or, they were bullied and intimidated into silence.

Finally, however, a prelate, one with impeccable connections and in the perfect position to know, has broken the false vow of silence this RICO-deserving cadre of weak, sick, pathetic, immoral men has managed to maintain going back decades.  I believe – I hope, but I think there is ample reason to hope – that +Vigano’s revelations have now permanently weakened Francis’ papacy to the extent that all the further atrocities against faith, moral, and canon law he intended to perpetrate will now either be prevented, or have such a huge taint of corruption upon them as to render any novelties introduced (like married clergy, or female cardinals, at the next sin-nod) as illegitimate.  I do think that will be Francis’ next ploy, that he will unleash some silly novelty beloved of the Left in order try to get the media back on his side, like women’s fauxrdination or something.  How the world, the Church, and the hierarchy react, will be key.

It is amazing to see how God works.  Eventually, the constant crimes and the culture of bottomless (heh) corruption these sodomites have created and maintained would be undone by their own sins.  That is how God tends to work, to allow our own sins to be the vehicle of our destruction, whether as individuals, institutions, or self-interested cabals of wholly unworthy men (I’m looking directly at you, James Martin, SJ – Sodomite Jesuit).  It is now known that virtually all of Francis’ most intimate, most vital supporters, and irretrievably tainted by sexual, financial, and/or other corruption.  A huge number of cardinals, like Parolin and Rodriguez Maradaiga, should, by any right, be totally out of the running for the papacy.  But in a Church this corrupt, who knows?  It may take many further revelations of the +Vigano’ type in order for the sodomite cabal, and those they control, to be broken up.  But it’s a huge step in the right direction.  Let the sun shine in.

And, of course, Francis should resign.  He should never have been elected in the first place.  He has proven himself the most unworthy man to occupy the papacy in the last 400 years, quite possibly more like the last 1000, back to the horrid days when petty “nobles” of Italy made their insane 4th sons Bishop of Rome.  No pope has dared to attack the Doctrine of the Faith with this degree of deliberate intent and willful malice in history, and none have formally embraced error to the extent he has since at least AD 1000 (those that did so in the first millenium generally did so out of ignorance, due to extreme threat of life and limb, or intellectual weakness – and none of those did so on anything like the determined, comprehensive basis Francis has).  Of course he should resign, though I loathe to give that horrible concept (papal resignation) further impetus.

Some more positives – the Bishop of Tyler, Joseph Strickland, who is not traditional, per se’, but who is a good man, a well-intentioned man, who does as well as he can by his present lights (I wish he would become very close to Bishop Gracida and learn all he can from that good man!) – very quickly informed his diocese that he found Vigano’s testimony credible and issued a demand for a formal and public investigation into the crimes and coverups we all know to be so rampant.  I think Bishop Strickland might have gone even further, to draw the logical conclusions from the testimony of +Vigano regarding Francis and his involvement in this coverup of ongoing sexual abuse of children and others, but he did far better than the Archdiocese of Newark, which basically attacked Vigano as a liar and has been blocking people on Twitter asking uncomfortable questions of the deeply implicated, <choke> <laugh> <snort> Cardinal Tobin.  Bishops Olmstead of Phoenix and Konderla of Tulsa have also released statements seeming to endorse Archbishop Vigano’s testimony, and calling for further investigation.  I think the investigation angle is misplaced, after all, who will call and dominate such an investigation, but it’s very targets?  And, I think we already have more evidence than we need to be rid of creatures such as Rodriguez-Maradaiga, Parolin, Daneels, McCarrick, Tobin, Cupich, and many more.

You guys are probably already aware of Bishop Gracida’s public charge that Francis is a formal heretic and was not validly elected.  Not sure what you make of that, but I cannot say I find much to disagree with in Bishop Gracida’s assessment.  Someday, perhaps in Heaven, the truth shall be known about the disastrous abdication of 2013 and subsequent robber conclave that elected Francis the most Humble (TM).

I must also agree with Bishop Gracida that Cardinal Burke’s response to the explosive revelations of Vigano has been deeply disappointing.  He has said and done very little since the dubia was ignored.  This was a perfect opportunity to tie Francis’ promotion of error and, yes, attempts at heresy in redefining the Catechism on the death penalty and the disastrous Amoris Laetitia, with the rampant immorality in the Church. The two are inextricably linked, heresy is almost always driven by grave attachment to sin, and any mass movement of heresy in the Church’s highest offices, such as occurred over the past 60 years or so, must be driven by a mass attachment to the gravest, the most offensive and repellent of sins.

Rorate, in their most recent post, sums up my view regarding Francis quite succinctly, even beautifully considering the disgusting subject matter:

Francis has, with his authoritarian evil, heightened the tensions within the Church to levels not reached since the Protestant Revolt or the French Revolution.
But this time the revolutionary malice comes from within the Church, from a theologically stunted and morally bankrupt, evil-pursuing tyrant.
Francis must go.
An unbearable stench fills the edifice of the Catholic Church. It emanates from the Throne of Peter, where a corpse decays before the whole universe. The powers of the world still parade before the cadaver, offering it secular homages, but the Catholic faithful recoil in horror before the nauseating pagan spectacle.
Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is dead. He is not actually deceased, but his moral presence is gone. His moral corpse is the revolting cadaver sitting upon the Cathedra of the Prince of the Apostles. And his only real supporters — the liberals, the heretics, the apostates — are already scheming to figure out how to replace him when the inevitable occurs.
He has deceived, he has persecuted the truly faithful, he has confused the little ones in their faith, he has mocked Tradition whenever he could. Above all, he has lied, and he has been shown to lie, and he has been presented as a consummate liar in the protection of a racket of perverted and abusive priests who are his closest aides.
All that is left for him is to remove the corrupt moral body weighing on Holy Mother Church and go away. Abdication is the only possible solution to five years of growing disgrace and purposeful mismanagement.
The horror we identified on the very first day has come to full fruition, as a pustulous infructescence of corruption: Sodom in Rome.

I really hope Vigano’s testimony was given in concert with a federal grand jury.  There was some speculation on Twitter that may have been the case, but that I think it is just that, speculation.  To think what a RICO suit could do against this crowd of cowards is rather hilarious in a sardonic kind of way.  Talk of rats fleeing a sinking ship.  They would abandon the Church so fast there would be a crisis for lack of bishops and clergy.  And so be it, better a Church with a few faithful priests and bishops than one with a great mass of putrid, stinking heretics and perverts.

So what do you guys think?  Is this the beginning of the end of the pontificate of Francis, or will he worm his way out of this crisis and carry on as before?  Do you think the media will decide he’s on their side, one of their own in the great leftist machine, and try to bury this matter?  So far, it seems to be getting pretty wide coverage, so I don’t know how this will play out.  I suspect at least some US cardinals will fall as a result of this – Wuerl, who is already past retirement age, is almost a shoe-in. But Francis may be some bloody-minded stubborn and wedded to his progressive friends, perhaps he will give no response at all but his usual upturned middle phalange?

By the way, I mentioned how former pastor Fr. Paredes of St. Ceclia’s in Dallas wreckovated his parish after a fire.  Here are the before and after shots I failed to include in the previous post on the matter.



The before wasn’t that great, but the after is just so emblamatic of the barren, cold, modernist, spiritually bereft Church since the 1950s.

Kwasniewski and White on the True Nature of the Crisis in the Church August 22, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Basics, catachesis, cultural marxism, disaster, episcopate, error, Francis, horror, paganism, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Spiritual Warfare, the struggle for the Church, Tradition.
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Dr. Peter Kwasniewski of Wyoming Catholic College normally writes in measured, scholarly tones, always providing insightful commentary but not usually with a lot of polemic.  But he let fly with both barrels in a recent post at One Peter Five, from which I excerpt extensively below (admittedly, he claims to be quoting another, but approvingly).  Hilary White has been waging a vitriolic war of words against the tyranny of the Bergoglian papacy, and rightly so, for years.  She continues her excellent work with another strong piece also at One Peter Five.  I tie the two together and try to add a few contributions of my own, paltry though they are.

First up, Dr. K – no matter how bad you think the corruption/rot/heresy/perversion in the Church is, it’s almost certainly much, much worse, and will get still more so:

Most commentators do not begin to understand the true nature of the problem.

The ring of criminal Nancy Boys is the same ring that has been sedulously working for decades to undermine the integrity of the doctrinal, moral, sacramental, liturgical Church. These men – McCarrick, McElroy, Wuerl, O’Malley, Mahony, Cupich, Tobin, Farrell, Lynch, Weakland, Paglia, Maradiaga, their lovable mouthpiece James Martin, Thomas Rosica, and far too many others, including ones who have passed on to their eternal fate, such as Lyons, Boland, Brom – are the same ones who have destabilized and adulterated catechesis, theology, liturgy, and most obviously the Church’s commitment to the unchanging moral law, as we saw in the Amoris Laetitia debacle and all that surrounded and succeeded it. We must connect the dots and not pretend to be shocked when we see, for example, attempts under way to “re-interpret” Humanae Vitae through a false teaching on conscience, or to do away with clerical celibacy, or to introduce female deacons.

To treat the sins of this ring of conspirators as nothing more than a recrudescence of the sex scandals of the past would be to lose sight of their real enormity. These are not just men of bad moral character; they are apostates, and they are trying to remake the Church in the image of their own apostasy. The Church has been smashed up in front of our eyes in slow motion for decades and few can even begin to admit that we are now faced with a Church in actual smithereens. The Nancy Boys have conducted their campaign of demolition with a kind of imperial sway. It is not this or that aspect of the Church that is corrupt; the rot is now everywhere. It is a rot on which the McCarrick Ring still sups, like maggots feasting on a corpse. For this reason, to hear well meaning people say Bergoglio must impanel some investigative body to set things right is Alice in Wonderland lunacy. It’s like putting Himmler in charge of Nuremberg.

We do not need bishops engaging in public penance (although it’s a good idea for their souls and long overdue); we do not need episcopal investigations; we do not need new procedures and new policies. These are all cries for exculpation. Bishops beating their breasts and then going back to doing nothing about the manifest apostasy at the very heart of the Church will not solve matters. We need the apostates [and those who have enabled and covered for them, and also all the sodomites] identified, denounced, and removed. [And so the Church in the US would probably lose 90+% of its clergy at a shot, if all the moral perverts and manifest heretics were, by some miracle, removed from office.  Are we prepared for that?  I can really only speak to the Church in the US, but I understand that in many Western countries, and Latin America, the problem is even worse.  There might not even be 1% of the active priests who are not heretical, addicted to horrifically immoral sin, or both]We need a reaffirmation of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith. To clean up this mess, we have to clean up more than the scandal of homosexuality, with all of its attendant horrors. We have to denounce and reject the apostasy that powerful and influential homosexuals and their friends have insinuated into the Church over decades………

……….It is a package deal. This, above all, is what people need to see. The moral depravity, the doctrinal heresy, the liturgical devastation – all of it goes together. If you have the courage to follow each thread, you will find that any attack on one part of the Church, one aspect of her life, one component of her tradition, already is or will soon be bound up with an attack on the other parts, too. The real “seamless garment” is Catholicism taken in its totality. Either you have the whole or you can’t have any…….

……..The difference with the clerical sodomites is that they become professional apostates. It is not enough for them not to believe in the sacraments; they must make others not believe in them as well. They will not stop twisting and mutilating the Church until she blesses their sin, along with many other sins. To achieve their goals, they must wreak havoc on every last aspect of the Church. This is what the faithful must stop – forget about the contemptible bureaucracy of the USCCB with its well heeled lawyers and slick marketeers. We begin to stop the havoc by calling its source by its real name. McCarrick was not just a predatory sodomite, but an apostate, and all of his “brother bishops” who knew about the double life and still got their pictures taken with him [or concelebrated with him, because there is a school of theological thought that says that concelebration is a tacit admission of doctrinal conformity with the celebrant, which is one of many reasons why traditional priests abhor the practice and refuse to condone it], laughing away at the latest wool pulled over the people’s eyes – you know, the ones who are putting out videos about how unfortunate this is, what a mess, and, you know, it isn’t as bad as people are making it out to be – these are all apostates, too. They’re company men with company cars, driving in a long line to their own burials at the ecumenical cemetery…………

………The Catholic Church is being rocked to its foundations by a scandal of Modernist apostasy of staggering proportions. We are in “2+2 = 5” territory, and the “conservative” apologists have no real response to that, which is why they insist on treating the McCarrick business as a sex scandalThey are more concerned about a mendacious, ramshackle, unaccountable episcopate than they are about the deposit of the faith under daily assault, as it has been ever since the progressive European bishops maneuvered into control of the Second Vatican Council, strewing ambiguities and half-truths in its documents and dominating its implementation, particularly in the liturgical sphere – all of which has led us straight into the cesspool of iniquity and heresy in which we are stewing.

But where does this go? What do they ultimately want?  That is what Miss White tells us, and very clearly, almost prophetically, to extend her analogy:

What is the Bergoglian Paradigm about? It is about a new religion, and specifically a religion that falsifies, negates, contradicts, denies, and abominates the old religion. It is about the complete reversal of all that God has taught mankind, not only since the dawn of the Christian era, but from the beginning. If the Bergoglian Negation is true, then everything we have believed, not for 2,000 years, but since the time of Abraham, indeed since the time of the promise to Eve, is false. Every miracle, every promise, every covenant, every expression of love of God for us was all a lie……….

…….Why? Because the Bergoglians tell us not to repent, not to turn away from sin. They tell us that God will not save, will not lend you strength. They tell us even that sin is good. It is a counsel of despair; it tells you that you are helpless in your sins, that no God is coming to save you, that His grace is insufficient for you, that you are ensnared in depravity and can never escape, never hope for holiness, never hope for salvation.

And that only humanity, only their leftism, only the communist utopia, can “save” you, and that you may as well have as much “pleasure” in this life as possible, as this is the only one there is.  That is what these men have been telling themselves, every day and practically every minute, for decades now. Misery loves company.  They want to drag everyone down to their level, ESPECIALLY those who have, by some miracle, managed to maintain true Faith over the past several insanely painful decades.

But these kinds of men have come before, and God has defeated them.  The Catholic Church has appeared broken and defeated, only to experience miraculous turnarounds.  In the mid-11th century, the popes had been  under the thumb – to the point of being named/appointed and even in some sense “consecrated” by them – of the Roman “nobility” and “Holy” Roman Emperor for 250 years. This is the period when a 16 yo boy was appointed pope and proceeded to live a most scandalous and profligate life, dying of acute cirrhosis when he was only 24 or so. Most priests and bishops were 2nd, 3rd, or 5th sons of petty lords who only used their positions as clergy to enrich themselves while they married, fornicated, drank, engaged in piracy and brigandage, and left the people to starve, spiritually.  Only here and there were there isolated locations where the Faith was actually maintained and practiced, and those very few.  But it was enough.  God managed to get a man, Hildebrand, appointed as St. Gregory VII and the entire enterprise, the whole edifice, was turned around in just 2-3 decades.  Problems remained, but the Church of the 12th and 13th centuries – admitted by all as the most Catholic in history –  was created immediately after these periods of near total collapse and disaster.

I say that so people do not become hopeless, but at the same time, I feel, for a variety of reasons, that the current crisis/mass apostasy is the most dangerous, yet, because it is the most efficient, systematic, and organized the Church has yet faced.  I think it is far more organized than anyone knows.  And it is not done, yet.  Even should we, by some small stroke of God’s will, be freed of Bergoglio, his replacement may well be worse.  This may go on for many decades to come, until they believe they have sucked the Church dry of all benefit it could provide them, or some great saintly reformer comes along to start the process of setting things right.

I know these are not exactly huge revelations to this crowd.  Heretics took over the human aspect of the Church, including the clergy, perhaps as divine retribution for the Church’s institutional embrace of usury via the IOR/Vatican Bank*.  But keep the Faith.  Find the best Mass/priest  you can and cling to them with all your might.  As Bear says, nail your foot to the floor if you have to.  Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus still applies, even though the institutional Church has not only lost its mind but appears demonically possessed.  It is still Christ’s Church and that is still His Body in the Blessed Sacrament.  Plus, as they say, living good is the best revenge, well, staying holy and keeping faith is the best way to deny this evil cohort the victory they desire.

*-has anyone else seen/heard this claim, that Vatican Bank/IOR activities have constituted sin of usury since the concordat with Mussolini in 1929, which transformed the Holy See from debtor mini-state to extremely wealthy and influential state?  Didn’t Malachi Martin argue this, that the Vatican had prior to Pius XI always held aloof from global financial markets due to refusal to charge interest for money or accept interest on money (as these constituted grave sins of usury, even worse than murder) and was thus impoverished from the late 18th to the early 20th centuries, but that the concordat and subsequent creation of the Vatican Bank rendered the Vatican spectacularly wealthy but required they engage in usurious practices?  And this is where all the trouble really started, as it instantly caused rapidly spreading corruption?  Thoughts?  I read the theory in this book, which seems to rely quite a bit on Malachi Martin.

Are you a Catholic or an adherent of the First Church of Christ Sodomite? August 3, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, Endless Corruption, episcopate, error, fightback, Francis, General Catholic, horror, paganism, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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Given the attempted papal redefinition of what must surely constitute solemnly defined doctrine if not outright dogma (the right of the state to use the power of the sword to maintain order and justice), and given the recent McCarrick “revelations” (can they be revelations if everyone already knew? – and remember Cardinal Farrell is his closest protege and former roommate.  Literally, every bishop, most priests and virtually every well-connected layperson knew of McCarrick’s perversion and his “Auntie Blanche” epithet.), a very partial list of the prelates of AmChurch for whom substantial evidence of “irresistible” attraction for the sins of Sodom exists, and should be conveyed to souls for their own edification as the major explanation for the crisis currently afflicting our Church:

Francis Cdl. Spellman , NY , deceased. page 313, C.I.A. & F.B.I. declassified reports
Howard Hubbard
Matthew Clark
Rembart Weakland
Thos. Lyons
Jos. Ferraro
Francis Mugavero, Brooklyn, deceased
Cdl. Ted McCarrick
Cdl. John Wright
Joseph Cdl. Bernadin
Bp. Robt. Brown
Bp. Thos Dupre
Cdl. Ed Egan, NY , deceased
Thos. Green
Paul Dudley
Jos. Green
Witon Gregory
Geo. Guilfoyle
Jos. Hart
Francis P. Murphy
John Myers
Anthony O’Connell
John R. Quinn
Jas. Rausch
Frank Rodimer
Geo. Rueger
Dan Ryan
Lawrence Soens
Cardinal Francis J. Stafford
Keith Symons
Lawrence Welsh
J. Kendrick Williams
G. Patrick Ziemann
Robert Lynch

A few more I add on my own:

M. Sheehan
Thomas Tschoeppe
Blaise Cupich
Robert McElroy

Much, much, much more has been cataloged in Randy Engel’s encyclopedic Rite of Sodomy.  The list above is surely quite partial, the total numbers are probably more like 2/3 or more of the consecrated bishops in the United States since the 1950s.

Look folks this is the final battle – these men intend to turn the Catholic Church into the church of sodomy/Episcopal Church USA, but I repeat myself.  I’ve just been reading an excellent history of the early Church and the many, many times virtually the entire hierarchy, including the pope on several occasions, went over to manifest if not formal heresy (it was more than once, and more than just Liberius), and how the faithful Catholics of the time were willing to literally spill their blood in defense of the Faith.  Many times in the early Church, when the fundamental theology of the Faith was still being worked out by the Holy Ghost, it was basically the lay faithful alone who kept the orthodox Faith, and not just for a year or two here or there, but for decades on end.  Many suffered loss of income, forced exile, torture, and even death, for their adherence to the Faith Christ brought to mankind.

So what shall we do, now that Francis is trying to deliberately teach error and what amounts to formal heresy?  While a Catechism may not be dogmatic, it is surely the most widely referenced formal teaching instrument in the Church since Vatican II.  In fact, the Catechism was deliberately developed to try to counter much of the post-conciliar heresy, while also formalizing other aspects of the Vatican II novelties.

Do we just whine and bend our knees a bit more – maybe – and pray God will take all this away?  Of course prayer is always the first and greatest recourse, but taking the early Christians as our example do we have the faith to be instruments of God in more concrete action?  What form should that action take?  It’s time for the faithful to start seriously considering just what this Faith means to them, and the degree to which they may be supporting the ongoing overthrow of Holy Mother Church, whether they admit of it or not.

I know this is very painful stuff but millions of souls are at stake, including, quite possibly, our own.  We can’t sit around forever waiting for someone else to be God’s instrument of salvation for the human element of the Church.  The saviors we are waiting for are us. There is no one else.  Do we belong to the Church of Jesus Christ or some man-made entity full of lies and doomed to destruction?

The choice is ours. May God give us the faith and strength to always correspond to His Will, and may He have mercy on us and on our Holy Mother Church.

How Long Before Father James Martin SJ Comes Out As An Open/Active Sodomite? July 19, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, cultural marxism, different religion, disaster, error, General Catholic, horror, pr stunts, priests, Revolution, scandals, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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Discuss.  He may as well come out, he’s done everything but put up a billboard attesting to his proclivities and, probably, unchastity.

But the Vatican’s got his back, at least the heresiarch/demoniac Fr. Tom Rosica does.  I doubt Rosica says or does much of anything without clear direction from Francis.  You do the math.

One day, and that day may not be as far off as we fear, traitors/double agents like Martin and Rosica will be pitied and reviled by all good souls and even the Church as an institution. God will bring this revolution of self-interested sexular paganism in the Church to an end.  It’s only a matter of time.

How many souls are led to eternal suffering by the lies and errors of these men, however, is too terrible to contemplate.  May God have mercy on us all.

To know why former Dallas Bishop Kevin Farrell got his red hat, consider this: he endorsed Martin’s immoral book:

Who else do we find endorsing Fr. Martin’s 2017 repackaging of the New Ways message of the 1990’s? None other than three of Pope Francis’ most recent episcopal appointments: Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey; Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life; and Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego, California.

Farrell is a hardcore modernist and worker of amoral revolution in the Church and against all the souls alive in the world today. Whatever he pretended to be while Benedict was still Pope to get an appointment in Dallas is long gone.  But what would we expect from a protege of McCarrick?

And I’ve been reliably informed that Farrell more or less hand-picked his successor, our current Bishop Edward Burns.  Yippee.

UPDATE: Just read this in I Corinthians ii:

9 But as it is written: *That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him:

10 But to us God hath revealed by his Spirit. For the Spirit searcheth all things, even the profound things of God.

11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, but the spirit of a man that is in him? So the things also that are of God no man knoweth, but the Spirit of God.

12 Now we have received not the spirit of this world, but the Spirit that is of God, that we may know the things that are given us from God:

13 *Which things also we speak, not in the learned words of human wisdom, but in the doctrine of the Spirit, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14 But the sensual man perceiveth not the things that are of the Spirit of God: for it is foolishness to him, and he cannot understand: because it is spiritually examined.

Martin, Rosica, the rest of their ilk, and, yes, Francis, are sensual men.  To them, the things of the Spirit, the constant belief and practice of the Church, are foolishness, because they have neither eyes to see, nor ears to hear.  They are blinded and deafened by their attachment to the “pleasures” of this world, and to its master.

“The Fall of the Catholic Church is Happening Right in Front of Our Eyes” March 2, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, cultural marxism, different religion, disaster, error, foolishness, Francis, General Catholic, horror, persecution, scandals, secularism, the struggle for the Church.
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You won’t get much argument from me.  Of course, we know that, in the end, Christ and His Church – including all the Truth He has revealed – will prevail.  But we also know that the end of the world will be preceded by a great apostasy, the horrific persecution of true religion, the standing up of a satanic cult in the place of that religion, and a man of sin preceding the antichrist.  That is to say, the Church, in her human element, will all but be destroyed.  The preponderance of thinking among Fathers and Doctors has been that this would be a rapid process, taking place over a few years.  Maybe it will be more drawn out, however.

Michael Matt categorizes just a small number of the recent atrocities emanating from Rome and the episcopate at large.  It seems Soros money may well be pouring into Amchurch and significantly influencing attitudes – or at least making possible closer coordination between already progressive bishops and the broader anti-Trump push that is presently ongoing (to a degree that is astounding – virtually every single protest, town hall, riot, etc., has been astroturf, planned, organized, funded, and directed by Soros money.  None of this is genuine).

What we are seeing certainly seems like a coalescing – in the open, as opposed to the dark corners in which they normally operate – of a transnational one world one religion global elite.  Note Matt’s comments that what is being pointed at in all this is a call to conversion, but a conversion to what?  There are strong rumors of an intercommunion declaration for Lutherans, whether they want one or not (that is, a wholly one-sided, Catholic affair, a surrender).  I’m quite certain that won’t be the end of it.  I also like the note that they seem to be rushing to get things done, this year. Given the portentuous anniversaries this year represents, that’s something worth pondering.

What do you make of the conclusion that Francis must be opposed?  Is Francis not deviating from the Faith, and obviously, openly so?  Goodness now even open fornicators/cohabitators are to be “welcomed,” not admonished or exhorted to convert!

And we all know just what this means – as the initial arguments by Church (maybe I should say “Church”) leftists like Curran and others in favor of contraception were supposed to be limited to mature, faithful, devout married couples, discerning in conscience whether to use contraception or not, we have seen how the Church, as people experience it in almost all local parishes, in practice tacitly now endorses, or at least never condemns (which is the same thing), contraception use by anyone at any time.  So it will be with communion for divorcees and now, apparently, fornicators – there will be much brave talk of “paths of discernment” and “mature accompaniment,” but in the end – and it will take zero time – we all know that what will emerge is a deliberate, if unspoken, destruction of the Church’s condemnation of fornication and adultery (with many more coming).

That’s the end goal.  That’s your “new church” coming into being.  Liberal protestantism.  The far left of the Lutheran spectrum and/or US mainstream Episcopalianism, which is beyond moribund and will soon die.  That’s what the West’s elites want to propose as a one world religion, but islam will mow it down.

IOW, viz yesterday’s fisking, it is about subordinating the Faith to the progressive zeitgeist.  You can see exactly how that will play out in that post.

Uncovering scandals in the Archdiocese of New York, or chastising Bishop McElroy’s latest idiocy, is essentially meaningless if you refuse to discuss the elephant in the Church.  I assume you know to whom I am referring.

Two Powerful Sermons October 12, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, catachesis, error, foolishness, General Catholic, Immigration, priests, sanctity, Society, the struggle for the Church, true leadership, Virtue.
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The first has already been widely seen, but I did want to comment on it a bit.  Fr. John Lankeit, rector of the Cathedral of Saints Simon and Jude in Phoenix gives an excellent sermon outlining the difference between the two primary political parties in this country, and how well each aligns with Catholic moral principles.  It’s an excellent sermon overall, as many have previously noted, but I did want to bring out one point:

One thing I disagree with is that one “party” favors serious limits on illegal immigration, while the other is in favor of maintaining and even extending the lawless free-for-all we currently endure on our southern border.  This is not correct . One candidate, Trump, favors – at least in his rhetoric – limiting illegal immigration to the greatest practicable extent, but in doing this, he has infuriated many of the establishment players in the Republican party, which is probably a driving factor for some in their openly acknowledged hatred of him. While there are some good Republican Congressmen, Senators, and governors around who do favor sensible and just limits on immigration, the party as a whole is very nearly as in favor of maintaining or expanding the current status quo as are the demonrats.  Whatever the Chamber of Commerce wants, the Chamber of Commerce gets, apparently.  This divide between the will of the base, which overwhelmingly favors at least some kind of limits to immigration, and the elites, who have tried to shove amnesty down our throats multiple times, was the single biggest factor, in my mind, behind Trump’s rise.  He was believed to be serious about limiting immigration, even building a wall, while more “inside” players were seen as less serious, or more apt to compromise or even sell out.

Later in the sermon Fr. Lankeit makes a bit of distinction between the candidate and the party, but overall he sort of holds them to be the same.

I guess one other point I feel compelled to make is that while Hillary is probably the most evil, amoral candidate for president in this nation’s history, and quite likely the most pro-abort, too, Trump is not exactly an all-star in this regard, either.  I very much hope he is honest in his purported pro-life beliefs (which, to be frank, have varied wildly) and, most importantly, that he will nominate the very solid kind of Supreme Court justices he has made public, but there is reason to have qualms.  In comparison to the vile, deplorable Hillary, however, there is really no choice, tragically.

I’m also glad Father brought out both the subject of intrinsic evils, which the Bishop of San Diego McElroy atrociously, I might even say diabolically, attempted, in very Jesuit fashion, to reduce to meaninglessness, as well as noting that neither major party in this country is close to being fully Catholic in its platform and views.  I would go further, and note that this country’s entire orientation at its founding as a liberal republic and epitome of the revolutionary, anti-Catholic beliefs of the late 18th century, is not only disordered, but on a fundamental level, practically anti-Catholic in refusing to recognize Jesus Christ as the King to which all rightly ordered nations must look to as their Head.

Again, overall, it’s a really excellent sermon and the kind of catechesis all too rarely heard outside traditional parishes.

Now, another interesting sermon on the changes made to the Rosary by John Paul II and what boundless effrontery were represented therein.  To think that a prayer given us directly by the Blessed Mother needed “improvement” by sinful, fallen men is the height of hubris, but, of course, nothing characterizes the post-conciliar Church more than its constant exaltation of itself and denigration of its own past.  Heck, nowadays you can’t find a regular Rosary (using one set of mysteries consistently) at virtually ANY wake in a Novus Ordo parish, getting instead a bastardized mish-mash of mysteries from different sets, all oriented towards assuring all present the departed soul is an instant saint, I guess to spare the family and loved ones the duty of having to pray for the departed.  After all, we all know the greatest sin in the known universe is to ever make someone feel bad, even for an instant.  Francis the Great told us so.

Even then, half the time the priest leading the Rosary, if there is one, behaves as if he has rarely, if ever, prayed it before.

As for me, I’ve never prayed the “Luminous Mysteries.”

San Diego Bishop Makes a Mockery of Faith, Reason to Justify Voting Hillary September 30, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Abortion, different religion, disaster, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, unbelievable BS.
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What tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive – apparently, the motto of the Bishop of San Diego, widely known liberal Robert McElroy.

McElroy recently published some electoral guidance for his flock.  The core of it, the conclusion, it’s raison d’ etre, is that intrinsic evil – as he defines it – is a poor standard by which to make electoral decisions, because ALL candidates support one intrinsic evil or another, and thus Catholics have to make “complex moral calculations.”  If it sounds like shades of grey, the return of the discredited seamless garment, and not much more than an elaborate attempt to justify that H! sticker on his car, you’re not wrong at all.  I will lay it all out, providing my own analysis of where the wolf in sheep’s clothing errs:

Many widely circulated independent Catholic voter guides propose that the concept of intrinsic evil provides an automatic process for prioritizing the elements of the political common good in the United States.

The church teaches that certain acts are incapable of being ordered to God since in their very structure they contradict the good of the person made in God’s likeness. Such actions are termed “intrinsically evil” and are morally illicit no matter what the intention or circumstances surrounding them. Those who focus primarily on intrinsic evil make two distinct but related claims: 1) that the action of voting for candidates who seek to advance an intrinsic evil in society automatically involves the voter morally in that intrinsic evil in an illicit way; and 2) Catholic teaching demands that political opposition to intrinsically evil acts, like abortion, euthanasia and embryonic experimentation, must be given automatic priority over all other issues for the purposes of voting. [Well what other moral issues, bishop, rise to the level of the murder of over a million innocents a year?  You bring us “starting a major war,” below, apparently still reeling from an offhand remark Trump made 6 or 9 months ago, but there hasn’t been a war anywhere in the world in the past 20 years that has killed as many people in its totality as are killed by abortion in this country in a single year.  THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENT TO ABORTION ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD AT THIS TIME!!!!! So if you want to use elaborate moral calculus to make your electoral choice, abortion gets a value of infinity, and everything else, some finite value which doesn’t matter, because infinity trumps all.  That is what Bishops Farrell and Vann said in 2008, that there is simply no issue that compares with abortion in this country at this time, and it is an issue of such overwhelming moral import that it is impossible for Catholics to support an openly pro-abort candidate for any reason at any time whatsoever.  And now we have democrat candidate and party platform calling for repeal of all limits on abortion and federal funding for it, which funding would surely cause a MASSIVE EXPANSION in the number of abortions in this country.  There is no other comparable evil being endorsed, or even fleetingly addressed, by any major candidate.  You cannot draw a false equivalence between limiting numbers of immigrants, or reducing welfare expenditure, or ]

The recent statement of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” shows why this argument is simplistic and thus misleading. The bishops’ statement clearly asserts the absoluteness of the prohibitions against concrete intrinsically evil acts, emphasizing that no circumstances or intentions can justify performing or illicitly cooperating with such acts. At the same time, “Faithful Citizenship” recognizes that voting for a candidate whose policies may advance a particular intrinsic evil is not in itself an intrinsically evil act. Voting for candidates is a complex moral action in which the voter must confront an entire array of competing candidates’ positions in a single act of voting. It is crucial that in voting for a candidate who supports the advancement of an intrinsic evil, Catholic voters not have the intention of supporting that specific evil, since such an intention would involve them directly in the evil itself. But voters will often find themselves in situations where one candidate supports an intrinsically evil position, yet the alternative realistic candidates all support even graver evils in the totality of their positions. [“Forming Consciences” is an extremely dubious and problematic document that Bishops Farrell and Vann more or less repudiated in 2008.  This kind of false moral equivalence is oriented towards doing little but giving false “moral cover” to those who endorse candidates supporting the most evil acts imaginable. And I think many moral theologians would disagree that there is no culpability in supporting such a candidate, that saying “voting for” but not supporting this or that evil is a very weak moral defense]

This is particularly true in the United States today. The list of intrinsic evils specified by Catholic teaching includes not only abortion, physician-assisted suicide and embryonic experimentation but also actions that exploit workers, create or perpetuate inhuman living conditions or advance racism. It is extremely difficult, and often completely impossible, to find candidates whose policies will not advance several of these evils in American life. [THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN “ADVANCING RACISM” AND THE MURDER TO 1-2 MILLION BABIES (IF NOT MORE, IF WE FACTOR IN CHEMICAL CONTRACEPTIVE ABORTION!!!!!!  This is really clever and insidious.  He’s trying to say “Oh, all these things are evil, and thus equal,” when that is not at all the case.  When we look at the Left today, which defines racism not by some real prejudice or hostile acts directed at members of a certain race, but some invisible “privilege,” can the bishop not see that what he is advocating is basically an endlessly false moral equality that can be made to justify everything and nothing?!?  This is naught but a most sorry exercise at self-justification and provision of the flimsiest of moral covers.  And since this is all really about giving cover to Hillary supporters, does the bishop really think that allowing millions of illegal immigrants to come here is a way to prevent exploitation of workers?!?  The entire reason for allowing them here is to drive down wages and to give seedy employers the ability to pay people pennies on the dollar.  I would say that controlling and limiting immigration is the best way to prevent exploitation of workers in this country]

Even more important, a fatal shortcoming of the category of intrinsic evil as a foundation for prioritizing the major elements of the political common good lies in the fact that while the criterion of intrinsic evil identifies specific human acts that can never be justified, it is not a measure of the relative gravity of evil in human or political acts. Some intrinsically evil acts are less gravely evil than other intrinsically evil actions. Intrinsically evil action can also be less gravely evil than other actions that do not fall under the category of intrinsic evil. For example, telling any lie is intrinsically evil, while launching a major war is not. But it would be morally obtuse to propose that telling a minor lie to constituents should count more in the calculus of voting than a candidate’s policy to go to war. [Excuse me, but did he just say that?  Am I the only one who takes this as a most pathetic attempt to explain away Hillary’s manifest perjuries and constant recourse to public lies?  Man he has really gotten twisted off by some PuffHost articles on Trump and supposed warmongering.  Clutch that woobie tight, Bishop McElroy. It’ll protect you from the mean, awful monster Trump] It is the gravity of evil or good present in electoral choices that is primarily determinative of their objective moral character and their contribution to or detraction from the common good. Moreover, because voting is a complex moral action involving mitigating circumstances, a vote for a candidate who supports intrinsic evils often does not involve illicit cooperation in those acts. For these reasons the category of intrinsic evil cannot provide a comprehensive moral roadmap for prioritizing the elements of the common good for voting

With “shepherds” such as these, there is no wonder at all that the Church is in the state she’s in. It is almost a diabolical mixture of truth and falsehood.  Notice how he switches subjects there at the end, when he does mix in some truth (that there are different grades of intrinsic evil), from a ludicrous example of a small lie vs. starting a major war, as opposed to addressing the single most pressing issue facing the country (and most of the world) today, which is the mass slaughter of innocents in the womb.  Why suddenly make this switch (of which evils he is highlighting, having brung up abortion previously), unless to press a dubious comparison between the two primary candidates?  “Hillary may be a pathological liar, but Trump’s going to start wars all around the world!”  Please.

Who was Secretary of State that was on watch, and may even have caused, the Mideast to erupt in flames?  Which administration helped precipitate (if it was not the direct cause of, as many think) the most grievous ongoing war in the world right now, one that has caused even more deaths than our disastrous adventure in Iraq?  Which administration has caused the worse relations with Russia in nearly 30 years?

Evil Genius Soros Has Been a Busy Man: Buying Episcopal Support, Aiding Planned Barrenhood August 25, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, contraception, different religion, disconcerting, episcopate, error, foolishness, Francis, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil.
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My my, has the diabolical Nazi collaborator George Soros been busy lately.  Two different reports below, both from the two most reputable pro-life news agencies in the English-speaking world.

First, Soros used a $650,000 donation to influence the US bishops through the mediation of Francis’ right-hand-man Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga.  Soros believes that donation has more than paid off, and is helping to shape the 2016 US election, leaked documents show:

Leaked emails through WikiLeaks reveal that billionaire globalist George Soros – one of Hilary Clinton’s top donors – paid $650,000 to influence Pope Francis’ September 2015 visit to the USA with a view to “shift[ing] national paradigms and priorities in the run-up to the 2016 presidential campaign.” The funds were allocated in April 2015 and the report on their effectiveness suggests that successful achievements included, “Buy-in of individual bishops to more publicly voice support of economic and racial justice messages in order to begin to create a critical mass of bishops who are aligned with the Pope.” [We on the right are armed with pea shooters, while the left has tanks, B-52s, chemical weapons, and nuclear bombs – rhetorically speaking]

The monies were granted to two US entities that have been engaged in a long-term project, according to the report, of shifting “the priorities of the US Catholic church.” Grantees were PICO, a faith-based community organizing group, and Faith in Public Life (FPL), a progressive group working in media to promote left-leaning ‘social justice’ causes. Soros has funded left-wing causes the world over and was just found to have been funding an effort to eliminate pro-life laws around the globe. [He is perhaps the most evil man in the world today]

Board Minutes from the May 2015 meeting of Soros’ Open Society Foundation in New York reveal that in the planning stages of the papal visit initiative, the group planned to work through one of the Pope’s key advisors, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, naming him specifically in the report. In order to seize on the opportunity provided by the Pope’s visit to the US, says the report, “we will support PICO’s organizing activities to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using the influence of Cardinal Rodriguez, the Pope’s senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly from low-income Catholics in America.”

In 2013 Cardinal Rodriguez endorsed PICO’s work in a video during a visit from PICO representatives to the cardinal’s diocese. “I want to endorse all the efforts they are doing to promote communities of faith,” he said, “… Please, keep helping PICO.”  [“All the efforts…..”…..including those aligned at demanding government funding of abortion and contraception, eh?]

……..The grant specifically targeted the ‘pro-family’ agenda, redirecting it from defending marriage to being concerned with income equality. “FPL’s media, framing, and public opinion activities, including conducting a poll to demonstrate that Catholic voters are responsive to the Pope’s focus on income inequality, and earning media coverage that drives the message that being ‘pro-family’ requires addressing growing inequality,” says the May report. [The primary source of “growing inequality” stems directly from left-wing policies and the kleptocratic rule of the global left-leaning elite – but never let facts stand in the way of a good narrative]

In terms of the Soros goal of shifting the priorities of the Catholic Church away from moral absolutes, two US bishops stand out as champions of the move. San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy has repeatedly stressed changing the Church’s priorities and has had the backing of Pope Francis’ ‘favored son,’ Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich. McElroy created a furor at the U.S. Bishops Conference meeting last November over his attempt to change a document instructing Catholics on how to vote.

McElroy made a pointed argument that the document was out of step with Pope Francis’ priorities — specifically, by putting too much emphasis on abortion and euthanasia, and not enough on poverty and the environment.  Cupich later praised McElroy’s intervention as a “real high moment” for the conference and supported the move to put degradation of the environment and global poverty on par with abortion and euthanasia.

Concluding their report reflecting on the success of the grant to influence the papal visit, the Soros group was very pleased with the results. Looking to the future, they are excited that the long-term goal of shifting the priorities of the Catholic Bishops in the United States “is now underway.” [How much other funding not yet found in Soros e-mails may indicate further payments, some perhaps made in a much more direct manner, to influence the opinions of bishops and others in the US Church, though, something tells me many of these bishops don’t need a whole lot of conversion on the matter]

Next up, Soros gave Planned Murderhood $1.5 million to help recover from their sale of murdered baby parts for profit:

A leaked document recently revealed that George Soros’ Open Society Policy Center (OSPC), wanted to give $1.5 million to Planned Parenthood for damage control after videos exposed that the abortion giant was trafficking aborted baby parts in the name of research. More leaked documents confirm that the center not only requested, but also received the money.

With the $1.5 million, OSPC, one of the U.S. branches of Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF), funded Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s “Fight Back Campaign” as an “urgent response in defense of women’s health” – in other words, as a response to the Center for Medical Progress’ videos released last summer.

The documents came from thousands of hacked Soros files published online Aug. 13 by a group called “DCLeaks.” And while The Free Beaconand other conservative outlets covered OSPC’s  $1.5 million request, they couldn’t confirm “whether the funds were ever actually disbursed.”

But there is proof that Soros’ network did provide cover-up money for Planned Parenthood.

You can read the link for that proof.


I know Soros only cares about money and power, unlimited, Nazi-like power, but do those in the Church who want to see her reduced to some pathetic worldly NGO ever stop and think what that will really mean?  A very small church, more like a social club than anything else, a poor church, a church with almost no political influence……….do they care?  Is that what they want?  Are they so blinded by their true religion – left wing ideology – that whatever happens outside of that is completely immaterial?

And don’t they know they must fail?  Not only in the supernatural sense of Christ’s promise to His Church, but even in the natural sense?  There will always people who will crave and seek out the Truth, and the Church will remain the place where it can be found, no matter how well hidden or buried some may try to make it.  Ultimately, the church of man must fail, as all human things fail.  Eventually, if the Church be the Body of Christ, and it indisputably is, she will come back to her true nature (provided we aren’t headed to the Parousia), and all this worldly orientation will be repudiated and even hated in some future, reconstituted Church.  These men, to the extent they are remembered at all, will be reviled and pitied for the wounds they have tried to inflict on Christ and His Church.  Do they ever stop to consider that, or are they simply too good of foot soldiers for the modernist left to bother with that?  Are they too enthralled with their new religion to care?  Are they just plain evil?

What do you think?


Not everyone who says to Me “Lord, Lord” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven March 3, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Bible, catachesis, Ecumenism, episcopate, General Catholic, Latin Mass, priests, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, the struggle for the Church.
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As a way of rebuttal to the claims of Bishop McElroy reported in the previous post, about “primacy of conscience” even trumping the Doctrine of the Faith, I present the very providential sermon below, which extrapolates from the closely defined Dogma of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus to examine not only who may be saved, but also the common excuses of souls to reject Church belief.  I draw particular attention to ~9:00 – 11:00, wherein the priest quotes both Scripture and one of the greatest Scriptural exegetes ever (Cornelius a Lapide’), to show the error of asserting the primacy of a badly formed conscience over the Doctrine of the Faith:

That is why it is so dangerous for an authority figure in the Church to tell souls that they must obey their conscience no matter what.  To his credit, in the piece quoted in the previous post, he did say that souls should give the Doctrine of the Faith pre-eminence, but he still left a huge “out,” if you will, by saying that if you just somehow (I know not how) cannot reconcile your conscience to the Doctrine of the Faith, you must obey your conscience.  He even noted that people would be tempted to abuse such knowledge, that their personal preferences could easily masquerade as the pangs of conscience and lead them astray.  But he badly failed to note the culpability they would bear should that be the case.

Given that we swim in an amoral sewer, it is so very easy for us to absorb dangerous, damning beliefs.  Even more, to the extent that there is still some sense of Christianity about in the culture, it is generally a gravely distorted sense, full of protestant errors and self-serving “theology” in the form of “prosperity gospel” and all the rest.  Thus to advise souls that they can, in conscience, deviate from those beliefs binding on conscience for all Catholics (such as abortion being in all places and at all times intrinsically, mortally sinful) without at the least clearly stating the grave peril of doing so is at the very least a serious dereliction of duty, and could even rise to the level of sinful malfeasance.

Another quite timely portion of the sermon assails the error that says the Doctrine of the Faith can be disregarded as a pretext towards reforming the Faith and morals always held by the Church. Is this not exactly what we see happening with these Synods on the family, which seek to obviate the Doctrine of the Faith through ostensible “pastoral” solutions?  I found this quote highly relevant: “And they approach, wolves in sheep’s clothing, by the simulation of meekness, simplicity, or piety.  They propose themselves as the model of humility.  And the whole time, they are seeking to destroy souls.”

By hook or crook. The far more dangerous man to souls is not that man given over to satan’s control who, like masons, perhaps, acknowledge they are trying to pry souls away from One True Faith, but that man who is convinced he is a loyal son of the Church, who is only trying to bring the Church forward into modern times and to help propagate the Gospel.  The former may have pangs of conscience that limit their activities, but the latter, so assured that they are on the side of goodness, truth, and right, will have no check for their actions.  This is a close analogue to the political arena, where, as C.S. Lewis noted, the progressive convinced he is doing good by his invasion of personal rights and assault on morals and decency, will never let up, whereas the one who knows he does such things for very bad reasons might have some limit to the ends to which he will stoop.  Of course, the political-religious analogy overlaps quite closely, where those who seek to remodel the Church in man’s own image are generally quite progressive politically, as well.

“If you love me, keep my commandments.”  “Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will be saved, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in Heaven, shall be saved.”

“My Church” is only mentioned by our Lord once in Sacred Scripture, in St. Matt XVI:18 “Upon this rock I will build My Church.”

This is really just a top-notch and very valuable sermon.  The priest explodes so many of the modern myths regarding “universal salvation,” salvation outside the Church, etc.  He notes, quite rightly, that while salvation outside the Church may be theoretically possible, it is not terribly likely.  We hear phrases like “invincible ignorance” and they sound so reasonable to so many, who probably have loved ones outside the Church and actively want to believe that they will be saved, while not having to do anything to proselytize them that might cause strain or make them uncomfortable. But as the priest notes, if there are souls actively searching for God and His Church who have never heard the Gospel, God will make Himself and His Church known to them.  But how many people in the world today are truly ignorant of the person of Jesus Christ, His message, and His Church?  This is not 1600.

Anyway, just a very good and timely sermon.  I pray it somehow finds its way to Bishop McElroy and he hear it with an open and humble heart.  We may look on a man such as that as someone who has abrogated his duty and does very bad things, but he is another soul made in the likeness of our Creator and he will face his particular judgment, a very severe one given the exalted office Our Blessed Lord has seen fit to give him.  Each soul falling into error and outside the Church, really, is an incalculable loss not just for them personally but for the entire Body of Christ.  As Saint Paul says, when one glories, we all glory, and when one suffers, we all suffer.  We must pray for the conversion of men such as this who have come to accept these very dangerous, even blatantly false ideas as good and true.